apdu - ScardTransmit always returning error 16 -
I have been trying to create an application in the window using the Winscard Library to communicate with a contactless Smart Card Reader I am I am able to connect to the device, but when I try to send some data using scardtransmit, I receive an error 16. I have attached the piece of code I am using below SCARD_IO_REQUEST pioSendPci = * SCARD_PCI_T1; // SCARD_IO_REQUEST pioSendPci = * SCARD_PCI_RAW; DWORD dwRecvLength; Bytes PBRK Bubfer [258]; Byte CMD 1 [260]; CMD 1 [0] = 0xA0; CMD 1 [1] = 0x0d; CMD 1 [2] = 0x01; CMD 1 [3] = 0x00; CMD 1 [4] = 0x01; Eulong Sendbuffen = 0x05; DwRecvLength = sizeof (pbRecvBuffer); RV2 = Skarttranimit (HCard, and POSendPC, CMD1, SSBflan, Faucet, PBRKB Buffer, and Dwreckil Langh); The command you are trying to send does not look like a valid APIU is. This form is in a valid ADU (see ISO / IEC 7816-4) (except extended length epidu): + -------- + - ------ + -------- + -------- + -------- + ---------- + --- - --- + | CLA | INS | P1 | P2. [LC]...