ruby on rails - Rake aborted even after completely running migration -
When I generate a new migration, and both check it up and down, then I will close the 'rake' is!' In the end, when I go down, though it runs all the migration and there is no problem going to the migration, everything is smooth, can anyone tell me why this is happening?
$ rake db: migrated version = 20140217090240 == create syntax: reverting =========================== ====================== - Drop_table ((section: -) - & gt; 0.0050s == Create Hint: Inverted (0.0060s) =============================================== = == create page replay ============================================= ======= - Drop_Table ((page) - & gt; 0.0030s == Page Build: Refunded (0.0040C) ==================================== === ==== == CreateSubjects: Retraction ===================================== ==== ======== - Drop_ table (- topics) - & gt; 0.0030s == CreateSignIt: returned (0.0230s) ====================================== ==== AlterUsers: Revert ========================================== == ========= - remove_index ("admin_users", "username") - & gt; 0.0180s - Name-name column ("admin_users", "hashed_password", "password") - & gt; 0.0160s - change_column ("admin_users", "email",: string, {: default => "",: null => false}) - & gt; 0.0110s - remove_column ("admin_users", "username") - & gt; 0.0110s --Name_Table ("admin_users", "users") - & gt; 0.0030s == AlterUussors: Refunded (0.0680s) ===================================== == ======= CreateUsers: Revert ===================================== === ============ - Drop_Table (user) - & gt; 0.0040C == Build Uppers: Refunded (0.0040C) ===================================== == ==== Rack abortion! Do not know about creating '20140217090240' (see full traces by working with --trace) Category CreateUsers & lt; ActiveRecord :: Migration Def up_table: users do | T | T.string "first_name",: border = & gt; 25 t.string "last_name",: range => 50 t.string "email" ,: default = & gt; "",: Null => Wrong tee String "password" ,: border => 40 t.timestamps end end DEF drop_table: User End End
To run the migration
rake db: migrate: up version = version number of migration and migration run down
rake db: migrate: down version = version number of migration
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