javascript - jquery highlight words only -
I only want to highlight words and words, for example I do not want to highlight the words "ant Hit elephants "Here I just want to highlight ant ... but as I have highlighted the code I
jQuery.fn.highlight = function (pat, className, CaseSen) {function innerHighlight (node, pat) {var skip = 0; If (node.nodeType == 3) {if (caseSen == false) {var pos = () IndexOf (pat);} else {var pos = (Pat); } If (condition> = 0) {var spannode = document.createElement ('span'); Spannode.className = className || 'Exposed'; Var middlebit = node.plitText (pos); Var Endbit = MiditusPlatchText (Pat Length); Var middleclone = middlebit.cloneNode (true); Spannode.appendChild (middleclone); Middlebit Parentnode. Revolving (Spandode, Middlebida); Leave = 1; }} And if (node.Nodtip == 1 & amp; amp; node.childnodes & amp; / / Script (style | style) /i.test (node.tagName)) {for (var i = 0; i & lt ; Node.childNodes.length; ++ i) {i + = Internal Highlight (node.cildnode [i], pat); }} Skip withdrawal; } Come back. (Function () (If Case Case == Wrong) {InherHighlight (it, Pat., Opp.);} And (Internal Highlight (it, Pat);}}); };
When I highlight the "ant elephant can kill" I just want to make the ant ridiculous.
I am using the content editable device
function innerlightlight (node, pat) {var html = node.innerHTML; var rexp = new RegExp ('\\ B ('+ pat +') \\ b ',' igm '); html = html.replace (rexp,' & lt; span class = "hl"> gt; $ 1 & lt; / span & gt; ); Node.innerHTML = Html;} and a sample
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