iphone - How Do We Receive a Notification from Server When there is a Update in the Database in ios -
I'm new to notifications in iOS, my work is to receive notifications from the server, whenever there was an update in the database is.
I searched it for one and implemented Location Notification in IOS.
Did anything give me some steps to get notifications from the server?
1) You have to make the code from your server
For Push Notification:
- Token for the device in which you want to receive notifications
- Your Push Notification Certificate from the developer. Apple.com site p12 The file that you generated for your special app (you can export the P12 file with a keychain by selecting your special app push notification certificate.
2) Enable your app to receive confirmation confirmation by using:
- (BOOL) Application: (UIApplication *) Application FinishLaunchingWithOptions: (NSDictionary *) launchOptions {[UIApplication Shared Application] RegisterForreremote Notification Type: (UIRemoteNotificationTypeSound | UIRemoteNotificationTypeAlert)]; Yes come back }
3) Now the following method will receive push notification from your encoder when push notification arrives;
- (zero) Application: (UIApplication *) application is a general scenario for pushnotification for the following reading details:
/ P>
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