c# - Error Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute. How can I DataBind after selected value on CheckListbox? -
I have the following code to select the first list item in the next list item or checklistback:
var calculation = cancel Cancel cancel; Forex Currency (chkListRate.Items in ITM item) {chkListRate.DataBind (); & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; Error archive was modified; Calculation work can not be executed. Var Cancel = converter heller. In & lt; Int & gt; (Item.Value); item. Selected = count. Any (i => i.CancellationId.Equals (Cancel)); } How can I bind data after the selected value on CheckListbox?
In the form of an error message, you can calculate ( foreach ) during a Can not modify archive. So delete and insert is not allowed. checkbox list. Datetime is therefore amending the error But it is not clear what you are actually trying to do. You are listed on everything that looks useless, is not it? So my hygiene chkListRate.DataBind (); To remove from loop: (chkListRate.Items in the list item item) {var cancel = ConverterHelper.To & lt; Integer & gt; (Item.Value); item. Selected = count. Any (i => i.CancellationId.Equals (Cancel)); }
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