android - How to show 3 dots at the end of text in textview -

I know that this question is asked many times, I have gone through all the solutions, but still the problem There is a similar.

I should have a length of 50 characters in my text. Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" Android: layout_below = "@ + id / notification_head" Android: layout_centerHorizontal = "true" Android: layout_margin = "10dp" Android: gravity = "center" Android: Alpsas = "and" Android: maxLength = "50" Android: text = "Hello Developer, please check this message for a longer length of up to 50 characters." Android: Text Size = "20 SP" />

The text here is just a sample lesson that I have added. It is not displaying 3 dots at the end, but showing up to 50 characters. I have also tried Maximum Rows , Single Row False but there are no positive results. I do not want to handle this thing by logically adding three things to the program.


  Android: ellipsize = "end" android: singleLine = "true"   

Maximum links will ensure that your text will not be displayed in two rows and the algebra will add three points at the end


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