java - Finding Inorder Successor in Binary Search Tree -
I am creating a binary search tree class, I got all my actions accepting the successor.
My tree input 30 10 45 38 20 50 25 33 8 12
When I print inland traversal it comes up
8 10 12 20 25 30 33 38 45 50
When I put value 8, it says that its successor is 12. This is also for input 10 and 12.
When I enter value 33 then it says that the successor is 50. Its not
I can not fix it Any help of suggestions would be appreciated.
I'm calling it primarily:
BinarySearchTree BST = new BinarySearchTree (array); BST.getSeccessor (a); // Where is a user input to find this successor The following is my code ...
Public TreeNode successor (tree node node) { If (node == faucet) returns node; If (node. Right! = Null) {return leftmonod (node right); } Treeoid y = node. Parent; While (empty! = Y & amp; y.right) .equals (node)) {node = y; Y = y.parent; } Return y; } Public stable TreeNode left modode (tree node node) {if (null == node) {return tap; } While (zero! = Node. Left) {node = node. Left; } Return node; } / ** Search value in the tree ** for success / public triode search (int key) {tree_node node = root; While (node! = Null) {if (key & lt; node.value) {node = node.left; } And if (key> node.value) {node = node.right; } Return node; } Return tap; } / ** The successor of the given value ** / Public Ink Recipient (Int. Values) {TreeNodeNode = Heir (Search (Val)); Return node.value; } << Code>
I work solution based on pseudo code in Nicklus Is added Answer: Public TreeNode successor (tree node) {if (node == faucet) return node; If (node. Right! = Null) {return leftmonod (node right); } While (zero! = Node.parent / * as long as we are not root / /and amp; node.parent.right == node) / * and as long as we have the "right" node * / {node = node; // go up one level) return node Parent; } To work for this, you must fix the implementation of some of your methods (given below):
/ ** of the tree Required search value for successor ** / public triode search {int key} {TreeNode node = root; While (node! = Null & amp; amp; key; = node.value) {if (key node.value) {node = node.right; }} Return node; } / ** The successor of the given value ** / Public Ink Recipient (Ent Vale) {Tree node node; If (null == (node = search (wal)) || (null == (node = successor (node))) {// neither wall is in BST, or this is the last value-> no successor ERROR_CODE; // -1 for example;} return node.value;}
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