regex - Rename all '.' to '_' in a filename except for the extension -
I am trying to create a script which is all "." Events in a file name with "_" for example, when I try to change all the symbols, I use it:
rename 'y / / _ / '' {} 'File # test 1.2.jpg - & gt; Test_1.2.jpg That works fine, but when I do it "." The extension of the symbol also changes:
Rename 'y /./_/' '{}' file # test 1.2.jpg - & gt; <1 Itemprop = "text"> You can use a letterhead to replace all the points before the very last dot:
rename / \. (? = [^.] *.) / _ / G '' {} ' or using the negative eye head:
Rename / s (?)? [^^] $) / _ / G '' {} ''
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