
Showing posts from March, 2015

qt quick - I have this version of Qt. still unable to use Qt.controls and QtQuick 2.0. -

मैंने अपने क्यूटी संस्करण को क्यूटी निर्माता 2.7.1 क्यूटी 5.0.2 (32 बिट) के आधार पर 6 सितंबर 2013 को 08:23:22 पर निर्मित फिर भी मैं क्यूटी प्रयोग नहीं कर पा रहा हूं त्वरित नियंत्रण और क्यूटी क्विक 2.0 मुझे यह त्रुटि मिलती है मॉड्यूल "क्यूटक्वाइक" संस्करण 2.0 आयात स्थापित नहीं है QtQuick 2.0 मैंने क्यूटीकिक्क 2.0 आयात किया है, अभी भी यह काम नहीं कर रहा है। समाधान जोड़ रहा हो सकता है: QT + = quick अपने .pro फ़ाइल में यदि यह मदद नहीं करता है तो कृपया इंस्टॉल करें।

hibernate java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/lucene/analysis/standard/StandardAnalyzer -

When I try to build your first Hibernate application following error occurs NoClassDefFoundError exception former "core" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org / Apache / Lucene / analysis / standard / StandardAnalyzer ( organization On. Hibernate on ( on Search.impl.ConfigContext. & Lt; Init & gt; ( at (SearchFactoryBuilder.java143) at ( at org (SearchFactoryBuilder. Java month 18). Hibernate.internal.SessionFactoryObserverChain.sessionFactoryCreated (SessionFactoryObserverChain.Java: 52) org.hibernate...

html - Button not getting re-sized while using twitter bootstrap with rails -

I'm using Ruby on Rail version 4 with Twitter Bootstrap 2 to create web applications. I used the button to create a button which takes the user to the second page, though the styling css does not apply to it correctly. Round borders are displayed correctly, text is bold, etc. But when I resize the browser window the button can not automatically resize itself. The width of the button is constant. However, when I & lt;% = button_to 'Start Learning', tut ,: method = & gt; : Get,: class = & gt; 'BTN BTN-Default'% & gt; & lt; Button class = 'btn-default' & gt; Learning Start & lt; / Button & gt; This is displayed completely, the button width is automatically resized. Am I using button_to incorrectly? The complete contents of index.html Erb: & lt; Script & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Body style = "background-color: # DDD4BC" & gt; & Lt; H1 align = "center...

elements is undefined in Javascript -

class = "text"> itemprop = "text"> Hello I'm getting the error "elements in Javascript" are undefined function ImportExcelMapping ( ) {Debugger; Var str = ""; (Var i = 0; i & lt; document.forms [0] .elements.length; i ++) {if (document.forms [0] .elements [i] .type == "hidden") {str + = '& Lt; Input type = \ "hidden \" name = "'+ element [i] .name +'" value = \ "'+ element [i] .value +'" & gt; '; }} // balance function} please help Elements [i] .name Where are the elements defined? Should it be document.forms [0] .elements [i] ? Edit: Since you still get confused, I'll add a little more detail. Hope that clears it You need to either declare the element at the top of your function, such as: function ImportExcelMapping () {Debugger; Var str = ""; Var element = document.forms [0] .elements; // balance function} or ...

ruby on rails - How are instance variables used? -

Say in a controller for comments, I have def to make @comment = Comment For example, in my questions: How can i get @comment Controller under the show, I have a form_for link for comment, can I use comment there? Or can I make it for comment on only one page? It does not make any sense, ask "in what thoughts" there is only one view, which The given view is this app / view / & lt; Admin name & gt; is the default for matching the action name. You can not access it in another view provided by another verb, to set this action provided by the to set @comment for must perform this action.

ios - Icon downloader downloads images only when UITableViewcell is outside screen.iPhone -

I tried to search but no solution was found useful. I am using the following code for the mouse to bring laziness while loading. The point is, icons are downloaded through lazy loading, but this is only seen once that the special cell is out of the screen and scrolls back in the screen. I think that this is some problem with dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier, but I'm not sure how to solve it, the images have been downloaded properly, but after the cell is out of the screen only visible in the cell Will give. // ----------------- --------------------- ----------------------------- ------------ // tableView: CellularUroutedExp //: ---------------------------- ---------------------- --------------------------- - (UITableViewCell *) TableView: (UITableView *) tableVw cellForRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) indexPath {// Table Customize the appearance of visual cells / / static NSString * CellIdentifier = @ "LazyTableCell"; Fixed NSString * Placeholder for Identifier...

c# - get focus on first form -

I have two forms form1 and form2 I navigate to form2 using a button in form1 I have in Form 2 There is a button control; Click on the button, I show the message box when the message box arrives, it also loses the focus of Form 1, but I want it to not lose the focus of Form 1. I have no worries with Form 2. There is no message that looks like a dialog box. Like Aliren Peer said, you should make a form like a message box with a label and button and should use it like this. MessageForm = New MessageForm.Show (); If you use ShowEdio_log then this message is going to be the same thing as the box. In your Form 1, you do not have any reason to keep TopMost property = true in front of it all the time, but this is your form at the top of all other open programs. Is going to be After the messagebox is closed by the user, another solution will be solved (this is not a bad option) you can call Form 1 at BringtoFront (). To do this, you can pass the example of Form 1 in the met... - Default apply parent styles to inner child DOM element -

How do I create my inner span under the heirs of the styles defined in paragraphs? & lt; P class = 'NavnAdr2 normal' style = 'line-height: 12pt; Margin-top: 0pt; Margin-down: 0pt; Font-family: Times New Roman; '& Gt; & Lt; Span & gt; Sampling test & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / P & gt; Just set the heir for each CSS-attribute & lt; Span style = "row-height: heir; margin-top: heir; margin-down: heir; font-family: heir;" & Gt; Sampling test & lt; / Span & gt;

json - Using a Variable as List Type in C# -

I am currently using a list to handle a JSON string which works fine for an example of this As I can see, what do I want to do to handle these methods that the conversion is completely normal so I can use them for multiple JSON strings. It stands as a piece of my current code. public class GetPerson {public string fooName {get; Set; } Public string fooAddress {get; Set; } Public string fooPosition {get; Set; }} Public class GetPosition {public string fooTitle {get; Set; } Public string fooDepartment {get; Set; } Public string fooSalary {get; Set; }} Private static list & gt; GetPerson & gt; Convertlists (string jsonstring) {list & lt; ListJson = New list & lt; JsonObject & gt; (); ListJson = (List & gt; GetPerson & gt;) JsonConvert.DeserializeObject & lt; List & gt; GetPerson & gt; & Gt; (JsonString); Return list Jason; } This is just a quick sample but list & lt; GetPerson & gt; If I need to be normal, then it can be ...

javascript - How to upload files using nodejs and HAPI? -

Can anyone tell me how to upload files using NodeJS and HAPI? I'm getting inside the binary data headler. This is my html code: function sendFormFromHTML (form) {// form = $ ("UploadForm"). Form; Var formatta = new form data (form); FormData.append ('id', '123456'); // Option for hidden areas var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest (); ('post', form.action, true); Xhr.onload = function (e) {warning (this.responsetext)}; Xhr.send (formData); return false; } & Lt; Form method = "post" id = "uploadform" action = "http: // localhost: 3000 / api / uploadfiles" enquepe = "multipart / form-data" & gt; & Lt; Label = "upload" & gt; File (binary): & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Input type = "file" name = "upload" class = "file upload" /> gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Input type = "button" class = "submit" value = ...

rest - AngularJS different template based on User Agent -

is a Spring MVC app I have departed to JSON. I am planning to use AngularJS as my front end and it wants to use different templates based on user agent (desktop / mobile). Do I know that it is worth using AngularJS? if so, how? Is this a better way? It has not tested it myself, but I think it could work: $ scope.userAgent = navigator.userAgent; & Lt; Some-template ng-if = "useragent === 'firefox'" & gt; & Lt; Some other templates ng-if = "userAgent! == 'Firefox'" & gt; Have you tried using Navigator.User Agent? Another option, I think, is to use the solution by going to the U-Router. Then run some Nevigetrkyusr agent is lookup service, and decide on the appropriate template before providing visual - to reduce the amount of NG-Oops This is just conjecture at this stage, let it go and see What works / does not, good luck :)

how to remove case sensitivitiy in jquery search filter -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 4 जवाब मुझे यह बेला मिला .. , यह ठीक काम करता है लेकिन किसी को भी यह पता हो सकता है कि मामले में संवेदनशीलता कैसे निकाली जाए। आपको नौकरी का धन्यवाद, किसी भी मदद की सराहना की है ^^ $ ("# searchInput")। कुंजीप (समारोह () {// searchInput के वर्तमान मूल्य को विभाजित करें Var डेटा = this.value.split (""); // पंक्तियों का एक jquery ऑब्जेक्ट बनाओ var jo = $ ("# fbody")। Find ("tr"); यदि (this.value == "") { (); return;} // सभी पंक्तियाँ jo.hide (); // छिपाने के लिए परिणाम प्राप्त करने के लिए jquery ऑब्जेक्ट को भलीभांति फ़िल्टर करें। Jo.filter (फ़ंक्शन (i, v) {var $ t = $ ( यह); (var d = 0; d & lt; डेटा। लांघ; ++ डी) {यदि ($ (": में शामिल है ('" + डेटा [डी] + "')")) {वापस सच ;}} वापसी झूठी;}) // पंक्तियों को दिखाएं जो मैच। (दिखाएं);}) फ़ोकस (फ़ंक्शन () {this.value = ""; $ (this) .css ({"color": " Black "}); $ (यह)। अनब...

How to perform an union of two files containing keywords in python? -

मेरे पास 2 अलग-अलग पाठ फ़ाइलें हैं। File1.txt में शामिल हैं: प्रोग्राम रैम पायथन पार्सर File2.txt में शामिल हैं: फ़ाइल 1234 प्रोग्राम मैं चाहता हूं प्रोग्राम रैम पायथन पार्सर फ़ाइल 1234 क्या यह संभव है कि इन दोनों फ़ाइलों का एक संघ निष्पादित करें प्रोग्राम अजगर में है? मैं अजगर 2.7 के साथ ओपन ("file1.txt") के रूप में fin1 का उपयोग कर रहा हूँ: lines = ओपन ("file3.txt", 'w') के साथ fout: fout के रूप में ("file2.txt") के साथ खुले ("फ़ाइल 2.txt") सेट करें (फाईल 2): fin.lines.update (सेट (fin2.readlines ())) .write ('\ n'.join (सूची (पंक्तियाँ)))

xcode - Using run script to compare values from info.plist -

Text after " Let me assume two values ​​in my Info.plist file that string1, string 2 I want to do Is a run script which compares two values ​​and calls a build error if the values ​​are not the same. I'm facing some syntax problems for the new script, here's what I've done so far set $ string to $ 1 Set $ ​​string to $ (/ usr / libexec / PlistBuddy -c "print string1" "$ {PROJECT_DIR} / $ {INFOPLIST_FILE}") $ (/ usr / libexec / PlistBuddy -c "print string2" "$ {PROJECT_DIR} } / $ {INFOPLIST_FILE} ") echo string1 Echo string2 if string 1 = string 2 then resonates" no errors "and" create error in xcode build error "echo Fie appreciate. Thanks Error if you are facing incorrect syntax because else loop and variable value setting command execution string1 = $ to variable to # basic value settings (/ usr / libexec / plistbuddy -c "print string1" "$ {PROJECT_DIR} / $ {INFOPLIST_FILE...

javascript - jQuery autoload script works on localhost but fails when put on a server -

I have a page that should autoload the Instagram tag every 10 seconds. It works fine on my localhost, but fails completely on the server here it is on one. Script is killed after 10 seconds of loading the page, div contains the picture 'script.js' refreshId = setInterval (function () {with console content again Is written .log ("success"); $ ('# instafeed'). Load ('script.js');}, 10000); Edit: I know I said that it works with local host but I was wrong, index.html works fine if the browser is on a local server. Was not in the form of regular file. This is the usual behavior of that script $ ("container"). Load () will replace the contents of the 'container' by what is included in the script. Why not writting straight js code? RefreshId = setInterval (function () {on console.log ("success"); Feed = new Instafeed ({: 'tagged', tagname: 'creative_tunnel', clientid: 'B68db303d6ac4e74ac4e2f99a3f16...

html - Dynamic generated accordion from php array -

Heilo I have a problem, I am noob in PHP and I want to generate ampersons from dynamic array (0 = & gt; array ('name' = & gt; 'name1') this php array. / P> $ main = array ('mainregion1' => Array ('main_person' =>, 'phone' => '000000000', 'email' = & gt; Name = ',' important '=> true,),),' subregion1 '=> array (0 = & gt; array (' name '= & gt;' name2 ',' phone '= & Gt;' 000111000 ',' email '= & gt;' ',' important '=>, wrong), 1 => array (' name '= & gt;' Name '3', 'phone' => '000222000', 'email' = & gt; '', 'important' =>, incorrect)), 'sub-rule 2' = & G Array (0 = & gt; array ('name' = & gt; 'name 4', 'phone' => '111000111', 'e...

c# - How to display data in Jquery Week Calendar from Database -

My application is mvc3 in net # in c #. I am using Jquery Week Calendar to show time slots. I am able to use and implement it successfully. But now I want to show the value of the database from time to time, which I am not able to achieve. Whatever I have tried to do: 1: Create a function on the document. Using the first and the view box, try to fill the data in the calendar of the week. How do I get to Firstly Database , change it to EG: EG: Here I get static data JSON code> $ ('# calendar'). FullCalendar ({event: {{"id": "46_l", "title": "custom event-chargement", "start": "2013-12-02", "end": "2013-12-03"} , {"Id": "46_d", "title": "custom event-liveron", "start": "2013-12-11", "end": "2013-12 -12"}]});

python - Can't display DateField on form and initial on template with auto_now = True -

मॉडल मॉडल का नाम: pubDate = models.DateField ('pubDate', auto_now_add = true ) फार्म फ़ील्ड: क्लास फॉर्मनाम (forms.ModelForm): वर्ग मेटा: मॉडल = मॉडलनाम फ़ील्ड = ['pubDate'] त्रुटि: अज्ञात फ़ील्ड मैं टेम्पलेट में pubDate प्रदर्शित करना चाहता हूं। मैं फ़ॉर्म के लिए प्रयास करता हूं बहिष्कृत करें = [] । फिर सभी फ़ील्ड प्रदर्शित होते हैं लेकिन pubDate । मुझे पता नहीं क्यों? आपको pubDate attr: pubDate = models.DateField ('pubDate', auto_now_add) में विशेषता जोड़ने की आवश्यकता है = सच, संपादन योग्य = गलत)

Data Visualization libraries -

I am currently at the start of my new project. This is a data visualization project, where I want to develop an application Which can visualize the data (no matter where it comes from) Right now, I am trying to find a visualization library which I can use. Which one do you recommend? It seems to me that the main library is in Javascript (D3.js). I wanted to develop a desktop application, but maybe I should face it and be based on the web? I have experience in Java, Python and C #. What kind of data do you need to visualize? Before starting with the list of solutions, I recommend myself asking the following questions: What kind of visibility would I like? What is my time / money budget for visualization? Can the user interact with visualization? Based on the answers to the questions I gave above, the types of decisions in the main sections of the group. This is an overall interpretation based on JS libraries, but I will apply the general discourse to any lang...

date - JAVA: convert 02 to FEB -

Is it possible to convert the number to three first letters in a month? I swat simple date format 01-02-2014. I separate it in the field and I have to convert it to the smallest possible code. For example: 01 - Jen 02 - efb thanks' s; -) int month = 1; Println (DateFormatSymbols.getInstance () getMonths () [month 1] .substring (0.3) .toUpperCase ().);

Using javascript to animate graph with scroll? -

I want to create a graph with JS, and then when this view is in the viewport and I can scroll it down I want to live. Do not know where it is starting, is it perhaps a pre-built library for it? I have used some different graphing javascript libraries themselves I can give the following two suggestions they can solve your problem :) 1) 2)

database - Check if user exist with mysqli doesn't work -

$ stmt = $ db- & gt; तैयार ("चुनें * उपयोगकर्ता से कहां नाम = 'स्टीव जॉब' ); $ Stmt- & gt; निष्पादित (); यदि ($ stmt- & gt; num_rows) {गूंज "1"; } यह मेरे एजेक्स कॉलबैक में रिक्त वापस आ गया है। मैं घंटों के लिए डिबगिंग कर रहा हूं। $ stmt = $ db- & gt; तैयार (" चयन करें * उपयोगकर्ता से कहां नाम = 'स्टीव अय्यूब' '); $ Stmt- & gt; निष्पादित (); $ Stmt- & gt; store_result (); $ NumRows = $ stmt- & gt; num_rows; यदि ($ numRows & gt; 0) {गूंज "1"; } आपको num_rows के साथ काम करने से पहले store_result का उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता है।

c# - How to cheat the windows Browse dialog? -

I have an application where I use windows browse dialog to select the file from the file system. The application is written in C #, Silverlight is my requirement that when I select a particular file from this dialogue, then the user should be restricted to only selecting one set of files with a specific extension. I have achieved it and only lists those files in the list whose extensions I allow. I am trying to choose the file with a different extension to the user to allow it in any way. Is there a way to choose a file from this dialogue other than this permission? Any user hacks? PS: I do not want to change any code. I need this for testing purposes with the intention of breaking the functionality. There is a very easy way: the user can simply enter * in the file name box. * can type and it will look at all the files.

node.js - PHP sending message to Node / Socket.IO server -

I'm not sure I'm going right about this. I want to paste my socket .IO server and do not want to create a separate HTTP server inside the node. With it, can I create a PHP client that can send data (eg: player buys items from online shop) node socket. Directly on ISO server? I started with it: & lt ;? Php class communicator {connect public function ($ address, $ port) {$ socket = socket_create (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); If {$ socket} {try {socket_connect ($ socket, $ address, $ port); } Hold (exception $ e) {throwing new exception ($ e-> getMessage ()); }} And {throw the new exception ('could not make socket'.); }}? & Gt; The socket just connects properly to the node server, but how do I start getting data directly from the PHP client? Example: Say how do I get to send a message to the server socket_write socket. How do I get through iO? Hope that my question comes into being! using implements for im php and, I have com...

java - Validation to check a double for 2 decimal places -

I am checking an example in Java to see that a double amount has been entered by the user, in which Includes two decimal places eg 99.99 entered will be valid and 99.9 or 99.999 will be returned invalid. double D = 234.12413; String [] splitter = d.toString (). the division ("\\."); Separator [0] .length (); // Decimal decimal length before split = splitter [1]. Length (); // For the question of Henry, after decimal decimal == 2 // // other invalid // invalid double D1 = 0.50; Double D2 = D1% 1; Decimalable df = new decimal time ("# 00."); Int decimalLength = (df.format (d2) .length () - 1); If (Dynamic Language == 2) // Valid and // Invalid Note: df.format (d2) Return .50 , Therefore length is 3

jquery - extra parameter from dropdown passed to controller for new object creation -

I have an object @ phiman that comes from (I reduce it all, to reduce it ): @idFiles = params [: file_ids] @phills = file. Find (@ id files) I / O for each @ files Create, but above that, I want to add the user selected option: @ files.each do | Fc | FileTemp.create (: filename = & gt; ,: selectedOption => fc.myOption) This is my idea that I have 1 (selected) 'myOption' Each element of the value is @flays: & Lt;% = & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; Td> & Lt;% = f.path% & gt; & Lt; / Td> [...] But how can I pass my chosen value to my controller, so that to create my new 'FileTemp' object Many thanks in advance (I have been blocked for weeks. .) PS. Initially, I update Ajax using that value (without rebuilding another object), but I thought this method would be easy I tried just a simple example to pass an extra parameter through a select_tag. In my form I just add the select_tag call to...

javascript - How can we reload the sails console? -

How can we reload the console that is running without it, such as in the red console Is there no way to do this like load command? API, there is no way to do this so maybe a good feature request for the tray. . Check out the Contributor Guide here:

mysql - unique value based on another column value? -

The issue is that I should have a unique value in the column based on price from the second column. For pre: I have item_ID and product columns Only item columns for each item_id should have unique value. item_ID Product 1 1 2 1 4 2 1 But if I include 1 in item_ID and now 1 in the product, then it will be an error Should not throw it I do not know how to implement it. Any help appreciated. You have a unique index for both columns Change your unique index (item_id, product);

c++ - Pass reference by reference in python -

Is it possible to pass reference from context in Python? To pass data in C ++, a pointer can be modeled to pass data by passing a pointer: The pointer passes from the value, and the function, which indicates, can change, but the value of the function indicator Can not change. However, in C ++ you can also pass the context of the pointer, in which case you can modify the pointer value and also this thing also. Whatever is in my mind is an analog of the following: C + + Snippet, #include The value of the Pointer P changes in the function that was passed; Output is' 3 'and' 5 ' If I' & amp; In the above function declaration, I get something that snippets the following: def funny (p): p = 5p = 3 print p fun (p) print p Which prints twice because the 'reference' in the fun body can not change the value of P. Any way to achieve behavior as above the C ++ bit? (For completeness: I know that the model passing the dragon's data is not eq...

java - Update TextView outside Activity through Application -

मेरे पास निम्न तीन वर्ग हैं: सार्वजनिक वर्ग ApplicationView आवेदन को बढ़ाता है { निजी स्थिर संदर्भ mContext; निजी स्थिर अंतिम स्ट्रिंग TAG = "एप्लिकेशनदृश्य"; सार्वजनिक स्थिर संदर्भ getContext () {Log.i (TAG, "getContext:" + mContext); वापसी mContext; } सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य सेटकोन्टेक्स्ट (संदर्भ मिमीकॉन्टेक्स्ट) {लॉग.i (टैग, "सेटकॉन्टेक्स्ट:" + मिमीकॉन्टेक्स्ट); MContext = mmContext; }} सार्वजनिक श्रेणी के वीडियोकैप्चर गतिविधि को लागू करता है SurfaceHolder.Callback {सार्वजनिक शून्य पर क्रेट (बंडल सहेजे गए इन्स्टैंसस्टेट) {super.onCreate (savedInstanceState); setContentView (R.layout.activity_main); ApplicationView.setContext (this); }} -------------------------- सार्वजनिक वर्ग ओवरलेविव सरफेसव्यू लागू करता है SurfaceHolder.Callback {सार्वजनिक शून्य अद्यतनटेक्स्ट () {संदर्भ mcontext = ApplicationView.getContext (); ((VideoCapture) mcontext)। RunOnUiThread (नया रननाबल) (सार्वजनिक शून्य रन () {स्ट्रिंग न्यूटेक्स्ट = "ब्लैए ब्लैए ब्लैक"...

r - Subsetting a data frame when values in two columns match those in a second data frame -

I have two big data frames DF1 has two column interest (among the other), these species of A1 There is a list of names and list of 3 letter areas in A2. Each line is an independent record, so can be repeated several times in both columns, and there are several rows (~ 9 million): A1A 2 species is an AZ Species B species My second data frame (DF2) essentially lists every field that should be within a species, so for each value B1, there will be a number of B2B2 species A A Castes Aflo species B vaccine species B PLA species C THA What do I want to do, the values ​​given in A2 (DF1) using R2 For each species, standards are standardized in B2 (DF2). Therefore, for each line in DF1, if the value in A1 is equal to B1, similar to and A2b2 (if A1 == B1 and A2 == B2), the row So in my example above, line 2 will be removed from DF1. I have tried the following, but no success (no row has been removed): x Any suggestions? Will the match function be more suitable? This is a...

Include php files inside tab -

I have a php file tab.php which is preparing tabs. The code for tab.php is: I have four php files ie setup.php, options.php, question.php and test.php. What should i want when i click on the setup tab setup.php When I click on option.php, then my option.php should open and so on. The initial setup.php should appear. So where should I add all four php files so that special php file opens when clicking on tab Ho? If you are placing all your tab pages in the same folder as this code, then this should do the trick & lt; Ul id = "tab" & gt; & Lt ;? Php $ tab = ''; If (! Isset ($ _ GET ['tab'])) $ tab = 'setup'; And $ tab = $ _GET ['tab']; // $ tab = $ _ request ['tab']; If ($ tab == 'setup') {? & Gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; P & gt; & Lt; Period & gt; Setup's & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / B & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt ;? Php} and {? & Gt; & Lt; L...

java - How do I allow a maze program to continuously move a character if an "if" statement is satisified? -

I am trying to change a maze and I have the character in the maze without input to me Maze.moveRight ( ); every time public square P4 {public static zero main (string [] args) {// maze string filename = Args [0]; Maze = new maze (filename); System.out.println ("maze name:" + filename); // Get the dimensions of the dimensions Width = maze.getWidth (); Int mazeHeight = Maze Heights (); System.out.println ("Table Width:" + Magwidth); System.out.println ("maze height:" + maze hit); Int line = 0; Int col = 0; If (line & lt; mazeHeight-1) {line ++; }}} If the statement will be executed only once. Instead of using the loop for a while public square P4 {public static zero main (string [] args) {// maze string filename = args [0]; Maze = new maze (filename); System.out.println ("maze name:" + filename); // Get the dimensions of the dimensions Width = maze.getWidth (); Int mazeHeight = Maze Heights (); System.out.println ("Table ...

core data - CoreData: cannot lightweight migrate deletion of entity 'no such table' -

I am trying to transfer two core data models through light migration. The only difference is that I removed a bunch of institutions in the new model because they are no longer necessary. > CoreData: Error: (1) I / var / mobile / Applications / E117D13D, when I run my application, I get the following error message: / O error for database on -C4DE-4F70-BBDB-F3F4E36A6A86 / Documents / .database.sqlite.migrationdestination_41b5a6b5c6e848c462a8480cd24caef3 SQLite error code: 1, 'There is no such table: ZFLIGHTSTATUSSEARCH' FlightStatus Search is one of the organizations I have left. I am pretty sure that I have removed institutions many times and Lightweight migrations have acted like a magic. I have no clue what I can do wrong here because it is the same core data implementation, which I have used in this app for some years, without any problem. I'm running on iOS7 The error message has started twice during the launch. As far as I can tell, it happens every tim...

How to provide VBA access for a modify password protected read only PowerPoint file? -

I am trying to create an independent non-editable version of a Power Point slide that shows how to use VBA Can be done Slide is an interactive stopwatch for making a slide very dynamic and there is a video about it here. The VBA is used to modify different sizes on slides based on the Windows API Timer In the free version, run the functionality of VBA Should, but set the presentation so that slide objects can not be edited. This is what I've tried so far: 1 - Setting the modified password on a ppsm version of the file. Problem : VBA can not modify the properties of objects on the slide when the presentation is opened in read only mode. 2 - Using VBA to save the temporary write version of the file. Problem : Once the presentation is opened as a read only, it is not possible to use VBA to provide this password and then save it as a convertible file. 3 - To create a separate PPSM file with an action to run a macro to open the password protected stopwatch deck, whic...

Python generator on dictionary view does not seem to be lazily evaluated -

It is my understanding that dragon generator expressions have returned the expression expressions of light, and their underlying dictionary changed But see the objects on the dictionaries of dictionaries. / P> Looking at the following code (Windows Python 2.7.6): d = {} gt_three = (x for x in d.viewkeys ()) If x & Gt; 3) Print list (gt_three) D [1] = 'A' D [4] = 'Four' print list (gt_three) I think the output is expected as follows: Instead, I'm getting: > If I prepare the generator after adding it to the dictionary, or print the view itself, So I see the expected output. What I can not understand about the generator? I am new to Python. A generator expression gives an Iterator, which you can only repeat once. After the first attempt to iterate over an iterator, it will always appear empty.

android - Notify data set changed not working in 4.1.2 after orientation changes -

In my app I have a list view with a custom adapter. There is a check box in that one. If I click on it, there will come a 2 option if I click on any one option, then I am checking the check box and the unchecked and the notifications have been changed. . Everything works well in 4.1.2 and 4.1.1. If I click on listview and change the orientation and click on any of the options which is in Check Status 4.1.2. But the check box position in 4.1.1 is unchecked. I'm thinking of problem with NotifyDatasetchanged try it Yourlist.invalidateviews ();

machine learning - How to set number of clusters in Kohonen SOM in R? -

I have a data set and I want to cluster in R in Kohonan SOM. I want to change the number in 2 to 40 groups, but I did not get the package, where I can set the parameters before clustering. Can you help me find suitable packages or libraries or equipment, where I am Kohstar as a cluster of SOM, as a parameter? SOM is a model for data visualization / feature mapping. Input space with regular size nerve-network By reducing the dimensions of your data for 1/2/3 dimensions by learning the topology of You can clustering at the learned location using SOM by using the classical algorithm, or direct inspection of the U-matrix. Can For other information, take a look Take it, or >

javascript - Angular refresh kills user session -

There is a problem with my angular app - after a user's prompt, if he kills the fresh button, signin The information is lost and the app redirects to the login page. I got an answer for something similar but I do not think it can work for me because I am not using cookies. Can anybody recommend the solution? Here is my authorization service - var app = angular Module (''); App.factory ('signin', ['$ resource', '$ q', function ($ resource, $ Q) {var signInUrl = '' var API = $ resource (sign in URL, { }, {User}: {signin: {with credentials: true, url: signInUrl + '/ session', method: 'POST'}, signature: {url: authApiUrl + '/ session', method: 'DELETE'} Url: signInUrl + '/ user / @m', method: 'GET'}} var _currentUser = undefined; return {isAuthenticated: function () {return! _ Current user;}, getUser: function () {var d = $ Q Defer (); // If _currentUser is un...

java - How can I split the data over multiple lines in a JTextArea? -

How can I place each line of the host in the message body? I work with a JTextArea . string host = InetAddress.getLocalHost (). GetHostName (). ToString (); Texto_recepcion.setText (host + textro_recpsyngate.text) (+) DPRECPCON.Attress (+ + "+ + + mnsjccbdo +" \ n "); How is it now: I resolve my work with the attached work. string host = InetAddress.getLocalHost (). GetHostName () .ToString (); texto_recepcion.append (host); // *** Use function append to solve the problem *** texto_recepcion.setText (texto_recepcion .getText () + dpRecepcion.getAddress () + "" + mensaje_recibido + "\ n"); Thanks a lot

javascript - Simplifying js for a dropdown -

I have a pretty basic code for a dropdown HTML code, as it works but to make it easier Is this a JS code? $ (document) .ready (function () {var n = ".dropdown-menu", no = 'drop'; $ ('.downloaddown') Click (function () {If ($ (n) .hasClass (no)) {$ (n) .removeClass (no);} else {$ (n) .addClass (no);}}). Mouseover (function () {$ (n ) .addClass (no);}). Mouseout (function () {if ($ (n) .mouseover ()) {$ (n) .removeClass (no);}})}); Please note that I know that I can add only one row to CSS itself . So there is no question. #navigation-top #navigation holder Lee: hover & gt; Ul {display: block; } We can use toggleclass instead of add / remove class. In the code below, we can check that if you check and call directly callclass if ($ (n) .mouseover ()) {$ (n) .removeClass (no) ; } So the last customized code like this: $ ('. Dropdown'). Click (function () {$ (n) .toggleClass (no);}) mouseover (function () {$ (n) .addClass (n...

android - How to get select option in AmStock chart -

डेस्कटॉप का चयन करें विकल्प ठीक काम कर रहा है छवि: > आपको चार्ट सेट करना चाहिए। PpanEventsEnabled = true; या panEventsEnabled: यदि आप JSON कॉन्फ़िग का उपयोग कर रहे हैं तो सत्य है।

sharepoint - Deleting all nodes from QuickLaunch -

This is my code to remove QuickLaunch navigation nodes I'm using SharePoint 2013 Public Zero 2013NodeOrders (String SITEURL, String Quicklaunch) {SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges ((=). {Using (localWeb = new SPSite (SITEURL). OpenWeb {var QL = localWeb.N Navigation.QuickLaunch () } {Try; integer count = 0; while (count ++'s & lt; 10) {{CleanUpAutoCreatedNodes (QL, nodeNames.ToArray (try); break;} hold (Exception pre) {}}} localWeb.Update () ;} Hold (Exception Pre) {Console.WriteLine ("Error occurred", prior); Throw Pu W;}}}); } Private Static Zero CleanUpAutoCreatedNodes (SPNavigationNodeCollection QL, string [] nodenames) {foreach (in SPNavigationNode globalNode QL) {if (Array.IndexOf (nodenames, globalNode.Title) == -1) {if (globalNode.Children.Count & gt ; 0) {foreach (SPNavigationNode childNode in globalNode.Children) childNode.Delete (); } (GlobalNode.Title.Equals ("Site Content")); GlobalNode.Delete (); I got the following COM except...

arrays - Setting up the range in the criteria section of sumif formula -

I wish to see that the amount of B is in the range from February 17 to 23 February. AB 17-Feb 5.00 Feb-Feb 12.00 22-Feb 7.00 26-Feb 10.00 I have estimates: I have also tried = sum (sumif (a: a, {17-Feb;?;; 23-feb}, b: b) P> You need SUMIFS to complete it ... Try this: = SUMIFS (B: B, A : A, "& gt; / 2014/02/23") Hope this is a trick

javascript - Backbone.js View not rendering my json file -

After I am new to backbone.js and want to keep a json file called, products.json . Products have been loaded into the archive, but it has not been render only. Send me the render () function & amp; Underscore.js. If someone can help me, thanks! In your ShopView list, an audience for the 'Reset' event , So when the scene is stored the view will be re-provided. initialize: function () {_.bindAll (this, 'render'); This.collection = New Shoplist (); This.listenTo (this.collection, 'reset', this.render, this); This.collection.fetch ({reset: true}); // check url path this.render (); } Render: function () {var self = this; This.collection.each (function (item) {var view = new ProductItemView ({model: items}); $ (self.el) .append (view.render ());}); This return; } To present the model, you will need to change the template to look like this: and ProductItemView : render: function ($ {$ (this.el) .html ( This.template (this.model.toJ...

c# - Order list of Rectangles -

I would like to put a list of those words, how they appear on the page they found. (If so, with many lines) Quick brown fox jumped I have a list of custom Word Objects that contain the text of the word, and it leaves the left, right, top, and bottom values ​​of the top left corner of the page (0, 0). words.Add (new word () {text = "the", box = new rectangle () {left = 10, right = 30, top = 10, bottom = 21}); word. Add (new word () {text = "brown", box = new rectangle () {left = 65, right = 95, top = 11, bottom = 20}); word. Add (new word () {text = "jumped", box = new rectangle () {left = 36, true = 64, top = 26, bottom = 38}); word. Add (new word () {text = "quick", box = new rectangle () {left = 35, right = 60, top = 11, bottom = 24}); word. Add (new word () {text = "fox", box = new rectangle () {left = 10, right = 30, top = 25, bottom = 35}); Internal square word (inner rectangle box {internal}} {get; set;} internal st...

ruby - How to get 'feed' method in User model not private so I can show feeds in my static_page/home page (Michael Hartl Rails Tutorial) -

I am following the rail tutorial of Michael Hartl and I am in Chapter 10.36 where The user will be shown on the home page I should be able to see all the posts on the home page, but should I keep getting when I get to section 10.41 in a StaticPagesController # home private method called `feed '# & lt NoMethodError; User: 0x007f881cf77410 & gt; If signed_in? @micropost = current_user.microposts.bild if signed_in? @feed_items = current_user.feed.paginate (page: parameter [: pg]) & lt; - Error line end end How do I get User.feed method can not use private in this happening home page? Code for user.rb class user & lt; Verify: name, presence: true, length: {max: 50} VALID_EMAIL_REGEX = / \ a [\ w + \ -.] + @ [Az \ d \ -] + (?: \. [Az \ d \ -] +) * \. [Az] + \ z / i Valid: Email, Attendance: Correct, Format: {with: VALID_EMAIL_REGEX}, Specification: {case_ Sensitive: False} has_secure_password is valid: Password, Length: {Minimum: 6} End Diff Feed # For ...

javascript - Why is non-greedy character not acting 'non-greedy'? -

I am working with a regex in javascript. I have this regex: / and this string: / path / to / file I hope to get the / file as a result, but instead getting the whole string back. What do I not understand here? ? should be made of + non-greedy, which means it will match some of the most possible characters. Regular expression will always try to match from left to right even if . +? is non-greedy, however, if possible it will try to match the beginning of the string and will only advance the situation in the event of failure of the match. You have a few options to fix this: Include a greedy match at the beginning of the ragge so that your mail always starts in the string as possible and a capturing What group do you want to hold here can be regex like /.* (\ /. +?) $ / , and then you get the first code as the group's content as / File will be Change regex to . +? could not match any of the additional / , so it should be / \ / [^ \ /] + $ / . ...

java - NetBeans: How to add library from Maven repo for non-maven project -

एक सादा "जावा अनुप्रयोग" प्रोजेक्ट के लिए, मैं मवेन से निर्भरता या लाइब्रेरी कैसे जोड़ सकता हूँ? अगर मैं परियोजनाओं के फलक में "पुस्तकालयों" पर सही क्लिक करता हूं, तो यह मुझे स्थानीय पुस्तकालयों को जोड़ने की अनुमति देता है। लेकिन अगर मेरा प्रोजेक्ट मैवेन जावा एप्लिकेशन है, तो परियोजनाएं फलक में "निर्भरता" नोड है, और वहां से मैं सही क्लिक कर "निर्भरता जोड़ें ..." चुन सकता हूं। मैं उपयोग कर रहा हूं नेटबींस 8.0। आप मैन्युअल रूप से पुस्तकालय मैन्युअल रूप से डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं से (साथ ही संवेदी निर्भरताएं मत भूलना!) या यदि आप एंटी (नेटबैंस में डिफ़ॉल्ट प्रोजेक्ट प्रकार) का उपयोग कर रहे हैं तो अपनी निर्भरता को प्रबंधित करने के लिए उपयोग करें।

php mail function failed to send html email to hotmail and aol address -

I have created an HTML newsletter and I want to use the php mail () function to send the newsletter to the user email address. I have database. Prior to doing so, I test the mailmail address, which includes Gmail, Hotmail, AOL and Yahoo. I Gmail and Yahoo immediately receive HTML format email and everything works well (shown as style and design) Pictures), however Hotmail and AOL do not receive anything. After waiting for a long time (one night), I test to send a simple text email using Hotmail and AOL using mail (), they are capable of receiving text format emails. So I do not know what's wrong with Hotmail and AOL. Does anyone have the same problem and how to fix it? Here is my header setting $ theme = 'newsletter'; $ Header = "sender: \ r \ n"; $ Headers = "Answer: \ r \ n"; $ Headers = "Return-path: \ r \ n"; $ Headers = "Mime-version: 1.0 \ r \ n"; $ Headers = "C...

html - Meteor – How to use template helpers inside element? -

Specify the dynamically content to use the meter template helpers I want to be able to> & lt; Meta & gt; tag It seems that there is no way to do this. If I have a free-floating & lt; Head & gt; in & lt; Meta & gt; I put tags, element (i.e. not in any template), both will be correctly included in HTML, but I can not use template assistants. If I use & lt; Meta & gt; a template, and a free-floating & lt; Head & gt; Try to present the template within the element , it complains. And if I use the entire & lt; Head & gt; element is in a template, now I have & lt; Head & gt; Block & lt; Body & gt; Is located in , which is ugly, and I doubt the invalid HTML though Chrome seems to handle it satisfactorily). Is there a solution? This is currently not possible because they do not cause post-load insertion due to meteorite purse templates

drupal views display needs multiple sort order for exposed filter -

I have 4 quick tabbed idea blocks and rightnow on one page. All blocks show those lists, which can be sorted with a highlighted filter by the "title" and the sort order dropdown button can be shown for the option "A-Z" and "Z-A". So the user can see the list in any way. I need to add another highlight filter option for the post date. I see how to do this and it is now an option in the pulldown button that shows the "title" but I do not know that in the order of "most recent" and "oldest" in order of order, on the dropdown button or How to add anywhere. Can this be done in the UI or is it going to include some PHP coding? If php, where do I start, am a php novice? I do not know if you have understood it so far, then I had to do something like this recently . I got this help [just to set up a built-in date filter. For the latest / oldest type, you can add content: date of posting to your direct criteria, you may wan...

c++ - Strip class name from rtti -

Let's say I'm writing some C ++ programs, I do not want to know how the binary leak information is working. I know that we can probably strip the symbols from binary, but class names are still archived and retrieved by RTTI information. So how can I avoid him? If I need to disable RTTI, will not be able to use C ++ features? RTT depends on your compiler (and compiler version) what you lose if disabled. For GCC 4.5, you can read: Unable to generate information about each category with virtual functions -fno-rtti, the C ++ runtime If you do not use those parts of the language for use by typed identification features (dynamic_cast 'endipepid'), then you can save some space using this flag. Note that exception handling uses the same information, but it will generate it as necessary. The 'dynamic_cast' operator can still be used to enter, which does not require runtime type information, i.e. zero * or explicit base class is inserted. For Visual Studio 20...

backbone.js - Collection fetch returns one model but response has all models -

I'm new to backbone and after fetching a collection, I can see that the server will fetch all 15 collections Success responds all 15 models in response object, but the collection is the last part of only 15 models in the object. var bracket_model = backbone.model. Extension ({Default: {ID: ', Name:' ', Title:' '}, urlRoot:' ', .....}), var Brackets Collection = Backbone.collection.andend ({url: '', model: bracket model,}), bracket calling.fet ({success: function (collection, Response) {// Collections are only one model, 15 var brackets in reaction view = new brackets view ({archive: collection}};}, Try var bracketsView = new bracketsView ({collec Tion: response}); or var BracketsView = see new brackets ({collection: collection.toJSON ()}); I have not tested it yet, but if I remember well, both are equal. The first parameter gives the collection obje...

javascript - How to count value occurences in several objects in js array? -

मेरे पास ऐसे ऑरेरेज़ हैं जिनमें एक ही गुण और विभिन्न गुण मूल्य हैं। var एआरएम = [[1: ["विकल्प 1", "विकल्प 2"], 2: ["विकल्प 2"], 3: ["विकल्प 1"]}, {1: ["विकल्प 2", "विकल्प 1"], 2: [" Option1 "], 3: [" option1 "]}]; मैं प्रत्येक संपत्ति (जो सभी वस्तुओं में समान है) के लिए मूल्य घटकों को गिनना चाहता हूं, इसलिए मुझे उन वस्तुओं को किसी तरह मर्ज करने की ज़रूरत है या तुलना करना पड़ सकता है अन्य तरीकों से। दोस्तों ने नेस्टेड लूप का उपयोग करके इसे फिर से करने में मेरी मदद की हालांकि, मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि यह समस्या को हल करता है। नीचे दिए गए कोड के साथ मैं अभी भी पता नहीं लगा सकता कि प्रत्येक ऑब्जेक्ट के गुण मूल्यों को एक ऑब्जेक्ट में कैसे मर्ज करना है ताकि गुण मिल जाए। कृपया मदद करें। के साथ कुछ करें परिणामस्वरूप संरचना है {1: {option1: 2, option2: 2}, 2: {option2: 1, option1: 1}, 3: {option1: 2}} संस्करण 1 var count = {}; (Var i = 0; i & lt; arr.length; i ++) के लिए {var obj = arr...

cakephp - Cake PHP drop down list -

I would like to know how to add a drop down list to "access control" with the value "staff" and "admin". This is my addiction function in the Employee Controller add public function () (if ($ this-> Request-> ('Post')) {$ this-> Save ($ -> this-> employee-> Save ($ -> -> -> Data->); {$ this- & gt; session- & Gt; Set Flash (__ ('Employee has been saved.')); $$ -> (- 'Action' => Index;); Redirect;); } And {$ this- & gt; Session-> Set Flash (__ ('Employee could not be saved, please try again.')); }}} This add-on is the visual code: Form- & gt; Input ('date_hired', array ('dateFormat' = & gt; 'DMY', 'minyear' => Date ('Y') - 100, 'Max-Year' => ('Y') + 100)); Sampling $ this- & gt; Form- & gt; Input ('employee_phone_number'); Copy $ this- & gt; Form- & gt; Input ('emplo...

ios - Adding SpriteKit to Empty Application -

About that I can add SpriteKit to a blank application or not now when I know that this is possible, I had another question, I've added the framework to the right area in Xcode. After this, do I Add a setting to your .pch file? If this is not necessary, will it increase performance? This is my current .pch file. #import & lt; Availability.h & gt; #ifndef __IPHONE_3_0 # Alert "This project only uses iOS SDK 3.0 and later available features." #endif #ifdef __OBJC__ #import & lt; UIKit / UIKit.h & gt; #import & lt; Foundation / Foundation. H & gt; #important & lt; Spritekit / Spritekit H & gt; // What should I do / should do? #endif Is #import required This is completely optional but it is recommended. The main advantage is that you do not need to import headers in each file using Sprite Kit Classes. A good side effect is faster compiled, but since the Sprite Kit is a framework, most of the SK apps a...

angularjs - Refresh html mode angular app with deep linking -

Like many people like me, I'm struggling to refresh the page to work with my Connel app . I am using angular / need / webpati I extended it I kept this project with it Here is the place where I am present I sit in I have route setup, they are in HTML mode, they work on site navigation. Refresh was causing problems In order to relocate the failures in the index, I setup code Gobal.asax.cs. Define the base page (/ phone) This is my passcode code define ('' ('$ RouteProvider', 'Provide' '', '$ LocationProvider', function ($), 'app', 'angular', 'app', 'angular root' route provider, $ $, $ location provider) {// $ provide.decorator ('$ ssniffer'), Function ($ representative) {// $ delegate.history = false; // return $ representative; //}); $ Route provider when ('/', {redirectTo: '/ phones'}). When ('/ phone', {templateUrl: '../Web/Templates/partials/_phones.html...