core data - CoreData: cannot lightweight migrate deletion of entity 'no such table' -

I am trying to transfer two core data models through light migration. The only difference is that I removed a bunch of institutions in the new model because they are no longer necessary. > CoreData: Error: (1) I / var / mobile / Applications / E117D13D, when I run my application, I get the following error message:

/ O error for database on -C4DE-4F70-BBDB-F3F4E36A6A86 / Documents / .database.sqlite.migrationdestination_41b5a6b5c6e848c462a8480cd24caef3 SQLite error code: 1, 'There is no such table: ZFLIGHTSTATUSSEARCH'

FlightStatus Search is one of the organizations I have left. I am pretty sure that I have removed institutions many times and Lightweight migrations have acted like a magic. I have no clue what I can do wrong here because it is the same core data implementation, which I have used in this app for some years, without any problem. I'm running on iOS7

The error message has started twice during the launch. As far as I can tell, it happens every time I try to negotiate with the NSPersistentStoreCoordinator .

Has anyone experienced a similar problem or knows that this error is trying to tell me


is the first time the error log when - [NSPersistentStoreCoordinator addPersistentStoreWithType: URL: options: error:]

store type SQLite < / Code> is the configuration main , which is the name of my main configuration that is used around the app URL year, yet migrated O refers to the database and place it:

  NSDictionary * optionsDictionary = @ {NSMigratePersistentStoresAutomaticallyOption: @YES, NSInferMappingModelAutomaticallyOption: @YES};   

The coordinator is used immediately when the no contains the FlightStatus Search model, mentioning the error message. p>

Update 2

This stack trace is:

  # 0x389c16a0 in objc_exception_throw () # 1 0x2e4178aa [NSSQLite connection connection: Prepare the connection:] # 2 0x2e4d0c08 - [NSUul Connection Connection and Execute SQL Estimate:] # 3 0x2e50c66e - [_ NSSQLiteStoreMigratorDisplay Authentication:] () # 4 0x2e505fa4 - [NSQitivesPlaceSatelliteMajeratorStoreform url: Type : Option: MappingModel: toDestinationURL: Destination type: DestinationOptions: Error:] () # 5 0x2e4bcb96 - [ NSMigrationManager migrateStoreFromURL: type: options: Mapingmodel toDestinationURL: Destination Type: Gantwyopts: error:] () # 6 0x2e4fe3f0 - [NSStoreMigrationPolicy (InternalMethods) migrateStoreAtURL: toURL: storeType: options: manager: error:] () # 7 0x2e4fd6f8 - [nsster migration policy migrateStoreAt URL: withManager: metadata: option: error:] () # 8xx2e4fec5e - [NSStoreMigrationPolicy (_gatherDataAndPerformMigration:) () # 9xx2e40b0ba - [NSPersistentStoreCoordinator addPersistentStoreWithType: Configuration: URL: option: error:] () # 10 in 0x001dca70 - [Cordetta Ready on store Coodorinetr] / usr / Michael / projects / 12_IP_My project / Compennts / Koredeta / Kordeta Mandk.amaar 60 # 11 0x000afed0 - [App of deleted Inaiti] at / users / Michael / projects / L2_aipiaimapriks / Maypraijekt / classes / App Dilielet meters: 86 # 12 0x30eb2190 UIApplicationMain () / users / Michael / projects / L2_IP_MyProject / MyProject / auxiliary files / main # 13 0x000af9d4: 16 # 14 0x38ebaab6 (beginning in main.m)   

the most accurate Good relations, Michael

come to know it.

I forgot to leave one unit from the following environment:

Class B is obtained from B class B, class A represents the unit which I forgot to leave, class B has been a core data unit, but converting it into a non-coredata model was no longer a unit inherited from the non-Seradata model. This results in the error message mentioned above. The table has been mentioned that there is a table of class B, which is a unit, but no longer.

Thank you for your help. As soon as I removed Class A from the model,


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