javascript - Backbone.js View not rendering my json file -


I am new to backbone.js and want to keep a json file called, products.json .

Products have been loaded into the archive, but it has not been render only. Send me the render () function & amp; Underscore.js.

If someone can help me, thanks!

In your ShopView list, an audience for the 'Reset' event , So when the scene is stored the view will be re-provided.

  initialize: function () {_.bindAll (this, 'render'); This.collection = New Shoplist (); This.listenTo (this.collection, 'reset', this.render, this); This.collection.fetch ({reset: true}); // check url path this.render (); } Render: function () {var self = this; This.collection.each (function (item) {var view = new ProductItemView ({model: items}); $ (self.el) .append (view.render ());}); This return; }   

To present the model, you will need to change the template to look like this:


and ProductItemView :

  render: function ($ {$ (this.el) .html ( This.template (this.model.toJSON ())); This return; }    


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