php mail function failed to send html email to hotmail and aol address -

I have created an HTML newsletter and I want to use the php mail () function to send the newsletter to the user email address. I have database. Prior to doing so, I test the mailmail address, which includes Gmail, Hotmail, AOL and Yahoo. I Gmail and Yahoo immediately receive HTML format email and everything works well (shown as style and design) Pictures), however Hotmail and AOL do not receive anything. After waiting for a long time (one night), I test to send a simple text email using Hotmail and AOL using mail (), they are capable of receiving text format emails. So I do not know what's wrong with Hotmail and AOL. Does anyone have the same problem and how to fix it?

Here is my header setting

  $ theme = 'newsletter'; $ Header = "sender: \ r \ n"; $ Headers = "Answer: \ r \ n"; $ Headers = "Return-path: \ r \ n"; $ Headers = "Mime-version: 1.0 \ r \ n"; $ Headers = "Content-type: text / html; charset = ISO-885 9-1 \ r \ n"; Mail ($ email, $ theme, $ message, $ header);  

Ensure that your $ message has the proper HTML and tag as well. You can try sending a real email message, some big companies will block spam messages. If your message is just "test" or "test", you can never receive it if you are sending it from a shared hosting server or IP then you may also have problems with blocking.

Setting up a fixed fix real email account, and sending mail using SMTP.

Here is an answer with SMTP by PHPMailer ().


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