c# - Order list of Rectangles -
I would like to put a list of those words, how they appear on the page they found. (If so, with many lines)
Quick brown fox jumped I have a list of custom Word Objects that contain the text of the word, and it leaves the left, right, top, and bottom values of the top left corner of the page (0, 0). words.Add (new word () {text = "the", box = new rectangle () {left = 10, right = 30, top = 10, bottom = 21}); word. Add (new word () {text = "brown", box = new rectangle () {left = 65, right = 95, top = 11, bottom = 20}); word. Add (new word () {text = "jumped", box = new rectangle () {left = 36, true = 64, top = 26, bottom = 38}); word. Add (new word () {text = "quick", box = new rectangle () {left = 35, right = 60, top = 11, bottom = 24}); word. Add (new word () {text = "fox", box = new rectangle () {left = 10, right = 30, top = 25, bottom = 35}); Internal square word (inner rectangle box {internal}} {get; set;} internal string text {get} set;}} I can easily order a line sorted by left bound, but 2 lines are hurting my mind (it's Friday). Any thoughts ???
Use OrderBy and then from in , which will order it from the X position, and then sort it by the Y position. < Code> list & Lt; Word & gt; Sorted words = words .orderbie (w = & gt; w.box.Left). Then (w = & gt; w.box.Top) .Olist ();
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