node.js - PHP sending message to Node / Socket.IO server -
I'm not sure I'm going right about this. I want to paste my socket .IO server and do not want to create a separate HTTP server inside the node. With it, can I create a PHP client that can send data (eg: player buys items from online shop) node socket. Directly on ISO server?
I started with it:
& lt ;? Php class communicator {connect public function ($ address, $ port) {$ socket = socket_create (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); If {$ socket} {try {socket_connect ($ socket, $ address, $ port); } Hold (exception $ e) {throwing new exception ($ e-> getMessage ()); }} And {throw the new exception ('could not make socket'.); }}? & Gt; The socket just connects properly to the node server, but how do I start getting data directly from the PHP client?
Example: Say how do I get to send a message to the server socket_write socket. How do I get through iO? Hope that my question comes into being!
using implements for im php and, I have completed sending data There are problems with connections to occur, 3 or 4 seconds.
& lt ;? Php requirement (__DIR__. '/ Elephantio / Client.fp'); Use ElephantIO \ Client as ElephantIOClient; $ Elephant = new Elephant ioculient ('http: // localhost: 8080', 'socket.o', 1, false, true, true); $ Elephant- & gt; Init (); $ Elephant- & gt; Eject ('message', 'foo'); $ Elephant- & gt; near ();
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