java - How do I allow a maze program to continuously move a character if an "if" statement is satisified? -
I am trying to change a maze and I have the character in the maze without input to me If the statement will be executed only once. Instead of using the loop for a while In addition, you should provide better context for the question. Maze.moveRight ( ); every time
public square P4 {public static zero main (string [] args) {// maze string filename = Args [0]; Maze = new maze (filename); System.out.println ("maze name:" + filename); // Get the dimensions of the dimensions Width = maze.getWidth (); Int mazeHeight = Maze Heights (); System.out.println ("Table Width:" + Magwidth); System.out.println ("maze height:" + maze hit); Int line = 0; Int col = 0; If (line & lt; mazeHeight-1) {line ++; }}}
public square P4 {public static zero main (string [] args) {// maze string filename = args [0]; Maze = new maze (filename); System.out.println ("maze name:" + filename); // Get the dimensions of the dimensions Width = maze.getWidth (); Int mazeHeight = Maze Heights (); System.out.println ("Table Width:" + Magwidth); System.out.println ("maze height:" + maze hit); Int line = 0; Int col = 0; While (line & lt; mazeHeight-1) {line ++; }
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