drupal views display needs multiple sort order for exposed filter -
I have 4 quick tabbed idea blocks and rightnow on one page. All blocks show those lists, which can be sorted with a highlighted filter by the "title" and the sort order dropdown button can be shown for the option "A-Z" and "Z-A". So the user can see the list in any way. I need to add another highlight filter option for the post date. I see how to do this and it is now an option in the pulldown button that shows the "title" but I do not know that in the order of "most recent" and "oldest" in order of order, on the dropdown button or How to add anywhere. Can this be done in the UI or is it going to include some PHP coding? If php, where do I start, am a php novice?
I do not know if you have understood it so far, then I had to do something like this recently . I got this help [just to set up a built-in date filter.
For the latest / oldest type, you can add I know this was helpful in any way, or if you need a more detailed answer content: date of posting to your direct criteria, you may want to
advanced sort for your view Check the
BEF settings in Options . There you can combine with 'sort order' with the following order. Replacement_different pair:
publication date asc. Oldest publication date | Latest
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