
Showing posts from May, 2014

android - Adding Swipe function to customized lock screen -

I'm working on creating a custom lock screen. I think I have succeeded in creating the scene, when the screen is turned on. However, I'm wondering how can I feel the user's swipe activity to go to my home screen just like normal Android lock screen. / P> Any suggestions would be very helpful! Here are some examples that recognize right, left, up and down swipe You can detect any of the speeches and eliminate all the activities to get out of your app. You may ask that you have any more questions. Happy coding :)

c - Patial copy of string array -

Can I do something to copy string content from one copy to another? four ** word = (four **) molk (size of (four *) * line_form); Four ** child terms = (four **) maulok (size (four *) * len1); Int i; (I = startIndex; i & lt; endIndex; i ++) for [hair word [i] = word [i]; } Repeat the pointers on the lines of text, so that you You will eventually end up with two arrays, which point to the actual words in real physical memory. With this problem, if you change the memory through the 'word' then 'hair word' because they will point to the same memory. The safest way to do this is to get the string length of each 'word' and allocate new memory, copy the string so that 'childWords' points are scattered for different storage.

linux - how to delete line after specific pattern and extract something -

UPDATE यह मेरी फाइल है: & lt; विभाग नाम = "/ सेनानियों" आईडी = "123879" समूह = "चैनल" केस = "कोई नहीं" उपयोग = "नहीं" & gt; & Lt; विकल्प index_name = "index.html" लिस्टिंग = "0" योग = "नहीं" अनुमति = "नहीं" / & gt; & Lt; लक्ष्य उपसर्ग = "टीटीपी" प्रत्यय = "। नेट" / & gt; & LT; type = "प्रयास" & gt; & Lt; region = "20491" readonly = "fs1a" readwrite = "fs1a" अपलोड = "हां" डाउनलोड = "हां" repl = "हां" मुश्किल = "0" नरम "0" prio = "0" लिखो = "नहीं "चरण =" हाँ "माइग्रेट करें =" नहीं "आकार =" 0 "& gt; & Lt; read = "content" readwrite = "content" hard = "215822106624" नरम = "237296943104" prio = "5" लिखो = "हां" चरण = "हां" म...

javascript - How to Sort Collection Fields by Name & Letter in Meteor JS? -

कलेक्शन फ़ील्ड को नाम और amp; उल्का जेएस में पत्र? इसका अर्थ है एक संग्रह में 3 फ़ील्ड हैं, ये एफएनए, आईडी और amp; ईमेल। ex: fname = xyz के लिए fname या fname पत्रों के आधार पर छंटनी, x का उपयोग कर क्रमबद्ध करें x का अर्थ है fname का अक्षर। कृपया नीचे दिए गए कोड को देखें और मुझे बताएं कि ऊपर के लिए क्या करना है? कोड: Template.client.clientname = function ) {// यहाँ क्लाइंट का संग्रह नाम है & amp; Fname फ़ील्ड है वापसी क्लाइंट.फंड (); // रिटर्न क्लाइंट.फंड ({नाम: {$ fname: / k $ /}}); }; आप अपनी वरीयता के क्रम में सॉर्ट सॉर्ट और ऑर्डर करें डॉक्स में इसके बारे में और अधिक जानकारी है: ऐसा: क्लाइंट .find ({}, {sort: {fname: 1, id: 1, ईमेल: 1}}); 1 आरोही क्रम (ए-जेड) और -1 अवरोही क्रम में (जेड-ए) में है।

sublimetext2 - Sublime Text 2 - Show Folders sidebar in different windows of same project -

How do I configure Sublime Text 2 to show folders sidebar in different windows of the same project? To clarify further, I have a single window open for a project: We see the folders on the left side sidebar showing the project's hierarchy (due to privacy reasons I removed a lot of content ) I proceed with pulling a table in my red color with my window. Now, I get this window from the drag-out tab: When I see - & gt; Sidebar - & gt; Show Side Bar , I get the open files sidebar, which shows the files opened in that window. But what do I need, like the original window is the folders side bar. How do I do this? simply drag and drop your folder to the sidebar of the subtitle text

java - Char incompatible with string -

I have to create a program that decrypts message : mmZ \ dxZmx] Zpgy encryption Method ASCII code is all I need to do, but an inconsistent type error came here: four encrypted [] = "(: mmZ \\ dxZmx] Zpgy)"; I know that technically it has a string but I could not have thought of any other way to do this .. this is my complete code Package decrypt; Public class decrypt {public static zero decryption (four encrypted [], int key) {System.out.println (key + ":"); For (Int i = 0; I & lt; Encrypted; Langti; I ++) {char originalChar = encrypted [i]; Four encrypted buyers; If ((basic-key-key) & lt; 32) encrypted customer = (four) (original customer - 32 + 127-K); Other encrypted customers = (four) (Printer-key); Println (encryptedChar); }} Public static zero main (string [] args) {four encrypted [] = "(: mmZ \\ dxZmx] Zpgy)"; For (int i = 1; i A four array string. The four arrays contain different character elements not the entire st...

linux - RootFS types, creation and booting -

If you are developing something on embedded Linux, then you need a root to boot Linux. Rootfs has always been an issue for me, I need some help. My target system is ARM, U-Boot Linux is simple I a) I have seen a rootfs.tar.gz file which is copied from SD card 0x60000000 and then a bootm 0x40000000 0x50000000 0x60000000 -What do u-boot have to unsupported the rootfuse image? -How does Linux know what type of rootfile it is? B) If the booter has been passed as root = / dev / mmcblk1p1 , then how does Linux know what type of root file is? c) sudo kimu-debootstrap --arch = armalic exact ./precise / creates directories with bin and other entries, how do i tar Gz ? You are specifying the system in bootstrap where it can take the image of the kernel about the filesystem , Your file system resides in root = / dev / mmcblk1p1. So copy the rootfs.tar.gz file to MMC and remove .gz in MCM.

apache - Redirection of Complex Index.php? -

Hello I have a website and I used some HTCCC redirect code to create seo and user friendly urls This is HTXX rewrite?% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -FREVRATKOWN% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -d restarted% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -L Rev./index.php [L] Rewrite% {THE_REQUEST} ^ [AZ] {3,9} / / index.php \ HTTP / RewriteRule ^ index.php $ [R = 301, L] Routing the second code /index.php at the same time url is User-friendly Use to Redirect Is done but Is not redirected to the home page / I have tried some other HTX code to remove index.php App = core & amp; Module = global & amp; Section = Login instead of If the URL changes This is the problem if any body above can create login or a new topic like this How can I restore the route without a...

mysql - Merge single column of one table into another based on ID -

I do not want to be temporarily involved, I really want to make a column equivalent to my counterpart with the equivalent of ID Based on sharing this will be something like this: Update parts. Partembar SET parts2.PartNumber = parts.PartNumber where =; Thank you in advance, sorry that this is a repetitive question, but I can not get much answers to my surprise. The above code is a syntax error of the code unknown column in, WHERE section , even if that column is definitely present. I believe the following will give you the desired results. But it is based on one join: Update parts, part SET parts 2 Partnumber = Parts. Partnumber where =; This will do what you want and this is the most effective way. I do not have any kind of information in trying to avoid JOIN from

c# - Remove parent node from treeview -

मार्कअप: & asp: treeview id = "treeView2" runat = " सर्वर "छविसेट =" इनबॉक्स "चौड़ाई =" 200px "& gt; & Lt; ParentNodeStyle फ़ॉन्ट-बोल्ड = "ट्रू" / & gt; & Lt; होवरनोड्सटाइल फ़ॉन्ट-अंडरलाइन = "ट्रू" फ़ोरक्लोर = "# 5555 डीडी" / & gt; & Lt; SelectedNodeStyle फ़ॉन्ट-अंडरलाइन = "ट्रू" हॉरिज़ोंटल पेडिंग = "0 पिक्सेल" वर्टिकल पेडिंग = "0 पिक्सेल" फोरक्लोर = "# 5555 डीडी" / & gt; & LT; नोड्स & gt; & Lt; एएसपी: ट्रीएनोड टेक्स्ट = "नया अनुरोध" मान = "होम" नेविगेट करें = "~ / NewRequest.aspx" टूलटिप = "नया अनुरोध" & gt; & Lt; / एएसपी: TreeNode & gt; & Lt; एएसपी: ट्रीएनोड नेविगेट यूआरएल = "~ / मायक्रॉक्ट्स.एस्पक्स" टेक्स्ट = "मेरे प्रमाण पत्र" मान = "सहायता" टूलटिप = "मेरे प्रमाणपत्र" & gt; & lt; / asp: TreeNode & gt; & Lt; एएसपी...

java - Why isn`t this method repeating forever? -

When I was joking, I found out something strange about the methods Public class T {static zero (M) (System.out.println ("M"); M1 ();} Fixed zero M1 () {System.out.println ("MM"); m ();} Public static zero main (string [] args) {m ();}} This code has no exception but it does not repeat forever This code will not be compiled because you have a constant method is calling without a class example using a static method. Once you fix it, you will end up with infinite recursion. / P> On a typical JVM this code will eventually get out of the stack space. On a JVM that optimizes parsing recursion, the code will be equivalent to the infinite loop.

javascript - how to use data of one js file in another js file -

मेरे पास a.js है और qunits b.js , इनपुट डेटा a.js में मौजूद होगा, ताकि a.js में b.js के उस इनपुट डेटा का उपयोग करने के लिए आवर्ती हो, कैसे क्या मैं कर सकता हूँ.आप जानते हैं कि दोनों जेएस फाइलें HTML पेज में शामिल की जा सकती हैं। लेकिन b.js में जावास्क्रिप्ट विधियों के लिए क़ुनिट्स शामिल हैं (बस जूनिट्स की तरह) इन्हें build.xml इसलिए मेरे पास html नहीं हो सकता है इसलिए मैं html का उपयोग नहीं कर सकता। मैंने a.js के तरीकों को लागू करने की कोशिश की, क्योंकि दोनों फाइलें एक ही निर्देशिका में हैं लेकिन काम नहीं किया। / P> क्या a.js के डेटा का उपयोग करने के लिए b.js ? जब आप बी.जेएस लिखते हैं $ (document) .ready ({$ .ajax ({url: " ", संदर्भ: document.body}) किया (फ़ंक्शन () {});}); और इस में a.js की सामग्री लाने के लिए एजेक्स कॉल करें और इस पेज पर उस सामग्री का उपयोग कहीं भी करें।

css - Stylesheet depends on hostname -

Sorry my english I'm working on multi-face site I'll change the CSS stylesheet based on the URL given to me, which runs on the Sintra. Like: get '/ *' do when '' @ style = 'style1' when '' @ style = 'style2' end erb : Index end then in index.erb view: .css" & gt; But if the action file contains a space code, then the content of all pages is "Style 1" or "Style 2". To prevent this, I have to keep the case code in every get the action. I think this is not a Ruby way. Is there any possible way to move "stylish rewriting" into any work, or in this case there are other ways of implementing CSS restructuring? Thank you in advance. This is a very good reason to use a helpful method. First Add Auxiliary: Include helpers in def CSS Host (host) case when host 'Site 1 dot' 'style 1' when 'site2 dot' 'style 2' and end...

Printing a panel in c# -

Im printing a panel which is a registration form, and it has 3 small panels, but it is only a The blank page prints .. I tried many times but no solution was found. PrintDialog myPrintDialog = new PrintDialog (); System Drawing Bitmap memorymaze = new system Drawing Bitmap (panel_stdadmcard.Width, panel_stdadmcard.Hyight); Panel_stdadmcard.DrawToBitmap (memory image, panel_streamcard.cnterrectengel); Print document print document 1 = new print document (); If (myPrintDialog.ShowDialog () == DialogResult.OK) {System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings value; Value = myPrintDialog.PrinterSettings; MyPrintDialog.Document = printDocument1; PrintDocument1.PrintController = New Standards Contributor (); PrintDocument1.Print (); } PrintDocument1.Dispose (); You draw a panel on a bitmap, but you never use it, If this code is complete. You should apply the print page-event of the print document. And there you should use the drawer to draw a picture.

javascript - RegExp String replace Error -

I want to change all occurrences of "+" in a string with a location Query = Query.replace (New RegExp ("+", "g"), ""); But above this, "Syntax error: Invalid quantifier" raises the error Why am I wrong here? How about query.replace (/ \ + / G, ""); You have to backslash +

swing - how to calculate the time required by a java application to draw ui? -

I want to measure response time of user interface developed in Java swing. The application is a simple window that includes some buttons, frames and images. I'm not a Java geek, so to get started in this direction an idea is needed. How can we calculate the time taken by the Java application to attract the developed user interface using swing? Check with this stuff and log the analysis for you StartTime = System.currentTimeMillis (); Endime = system syentime milliseconds (); LogString.append ("++ (end time - starttime));

"(" char doesn't work in PowerShell -

I can not get it to work, it does not like it "(" four; How can I fix it? Dir | Rename - Item - New Name {$ _. Name "" ("", ""} How can I manage this type of special character in PowerShell? Has found a great explanation for the exact cause of your problem, but it is a very simple solution. The operator uses regular expressions that need to be avoided, but . Replace () string method only uses strings. So if you do not need a rezux, just Use the method and there is no need to avoid anything: Dir | rename-item -newname {$ _. Name.Replace ("(", ""}}

Views in multi-node Couchbase cluster explained -

I'm new to Couchbase. I have 2 nodes of Couchbase environment, and I have 20 documents (articles in my application) stored in a bucket. I believe there are 5 articles physically alive in node 1 and others are staying in node 2 because when I close node 1, there are only 15 articles in my application list. I have been given a 'Order Postdate' list in my application which gives me results from a view like this: ... emit (doc.postdate) ... Now, for some reason, the list given in my application is always incorrect that some articles are not in the correct position (not according to the date of the post). My only guess is this: There is an index for 5 articles in node 1 and index for node 2 is 15, both of them do their orders correctly in the order index, but after my application (not client) Using the library) get 1 to 15 nodes and get node 2 to 15, this is just a complete list of two lists 20, which is why I saw the wrong order in the article list of my application...

javascript - How to rotate X-axis labels onto the bar in bar chart? -

I need to align the X-axis labels as shown in the snapshot below: I tried: .attr (" but it rotates the entire axis / scale. How can I fix this? edit: I updated my code: svg.append ("g") .attr ("class", "x axis") .attr ("conversion "," Translation (0, "+ oh Style ("text-anchor" "end") .attr ("dx", "0em") .attr ("dy", "0em"). ") .attr (" transform ", function (d) {return" rotate (-90) "}); Now the labels rotate to -90 degrees How do I get it on bars I am not Translation Good to use but it works just fine. The reason revolves around the entire axis / scale, because when the text is being created with the x and y position its origin point is (0,0) . To rotate your text labels, you need to move those code, which is X and Y instead of translation . I have added the code below, where the text labels are being...

Personal regex in spring security grails -

My goal is to have a personal regex in my conf file, when I want to update / rewrite the plugin I have found this in the password verifier: Static Boolean checkupword gauges (string password, command) {def conf = SpringSecurityUtils.securityConfig string passValidationRegex = Conf.ui.password.validationRegex? '^. * (? =? * \\ d) (? =. * [A-zA-Z]) (? =. * [! @ # $% ^ & Amp;]) * $ 'Password & amp; ; & Amp; Password.matches (passValidationRegex)} ​​ But let me regex this' ^. Want to (? =. \ d) (? =. [a-za-z]) (? =. [# @ $$ ^ ^ & amp; + -]). * $ ' How can I handle it? As I have seen from your example, you should regex your grails.plugin. Springsecurity.ui.password.validationRegex = '^. (? =. \ D) (? =. [A-zA-Z]) (? =. [! @ # $% ^ & Amp; + -]) * $ In your Config.groovy

indexing - When the non-clustered index is created on SQL Server -

Do I run an index creation command? When the data in the table is removed, is the index created after rejoining the index? When you issue a CREATE INDEX command, the index is created And the index is maintained , e.g. By entering and removing data, the "fly" index will auto-update - no special reproduction is required. This is the reason that a table of too many indices can negatively affect your performance - for each insert, update or delete all the entries which are present on the table They have to be maintained - and this takes a little bit of time for each index.

Why does this.set not work used in this Javascript function in Kendo -

I have a condo mobile app and a view is trying to use modell to use the reveling module pattern. In my HTML, I list games listdatasource. OnInit, I get the data and then let me tell the HTML that the data source has changed. This code works well (although I think I am doing some time here as I can display the data source directly). 1) If I comment on this line: GamesListViewModel.refreshGamesList (dataSource); And delete this line: this.set ("gamesListDataSource", data source); So that it is directly called in the LoadJameslist function, then it ends with "Uncount Type Error: Object [Object Object]. There is no method set in it" I think this fact Is that to fetch () Asynch, but I do not understand why calling other functions works fine? gamesList.js (function (global) {Var GamesListViewModel, app = = || {}; GamesListViewModel = kendo.observable ({gamesListDataSource: {}, refresh GamesList: functions (datasource) {// This functi...

iis 7 - How to set vary http header in page level in coldfusion -

I designed a mobile-friendly application by locating mobile users on the fly and serving a different layout in cold fusion Have done Google should dynamically serve different HTML at the same URL 'I should change the server http header as "separate HTTP header" Now, let me type the Layout To set up different http headers on the basis of, if it is mobile, then I have to set the difference: User-agent How can it set through the cold at the page level? Can I get it through the cold, if you can not help me in setting up the IIS? Thanks You can set setHeader () You can use: & lt; Cfscript & gt; Pc = getPageContext (). GetResponse (); Pc.setHeader ("Variation", "User-Agent"); & Lt; / Cfscript & gt; This functionality is not very well documented in the official cold document, but lets you tell all the people you want to know.

unix - have to find the port number for a particulat ip address -

I need to find the port number of a server, I have the host name and the IP address. Is it possible? I need this when I try to connect to this server through Putin, by throwing it a network error: Connection rejected the error, which may be due to incorrect port number Thanks in advance So you're searching for port number, listen on the SSI server on that system. Usually it is Port 22 (the famous SSP port), but you are right, it can be changed in the SSH server configuration. If so, then you have two possibilities: Ask the administrator of the SSH server for the port number Creating a network Scan the server that shows all open ports However note that it can be considered as abusive behavior and may be blocked in the middle path. But most likely you are facing another problem: And note one side: a server is a service, often listening to a port, you can usually interact with a specific protocol "speaking" a reference to software running a system ...

android - JAVA 2D Scroll Game Layout and Obstacles with collision detection -

I got a great idea for the Android app. My biggest problem: I am a "beginning" in Java I was Java at IT University, but these were the basics! Generally I am developing in the net. I make a vertical scrolling 2D game: SplashScreen (no problem) Main Menu (no problem) Level Overview (no problem) Game only (big problem :)) Vertical scrolling: I can do this, enough tutorial game maps and obstacles (no way) How do I create a map (the walls are right and left) Mid part free To play with the obstacles is There is a ball that falls down and you have to leave the ball before it closes on the right path when the ball is missing when the ball is missing. How can I find out the confrontation with black walls and red obstacles? And do not forget, it runs down I thought with the camera with Andygen ... Image: How do I create a map on the screen or In the memory? Joggle, LWGL, .. There are so many things that you can start OpenGlag drawing on the screen. (I d...

router - Localhost wamp allow access to PC from LAN but Not from WAN -

I want to make my PC a remote server. I am using a Vip server and keep it online. When my PC is used through LAN in another PC, it will work, but when I am using my PC through another PC which is not in my LAN, then it is a login certification form Does pop-up. It asks for username or password "A user name and password is being requested, the xxxxx site says:" 110TC1 " What am I doing wrong? ??? You have such a network internet | router | / \ / PC 1 PC 2 In the local network there are 3 interfaces, PC1, PC2 and internal router ports. In this interface, private IP addresses such as 19.668.1.1 . External network (Internet) Public IP Address When you try to connect to the Internet, you get a reply from your router with a public IP address, not from your PC. Try your PC IP address through your router configuration page. .

c# - Linq join two objects to match customer selected records -

I have two lists T objects. I is a list of available forums and other forum selected by the user. It is executed during a jquery AJAX call and a list will pop up the box. The purpose of this is that I want to flag such forums which the user has subscribed with "selected" which will definitely present it as the highlighted row in an HTML queue box. Write this question and close the short. var result = (ExtForum join the custfrm in the client from exf. Select custfrm.Id over externalForums at Exf.Id new {id = exf.Id, name = exf.ForumName , "SelectSelected = (true?" Selected ":" "")}) .Oollist (); This forum will only return a match that matches. What I need is a left The external question is, but in thinking that I do not think it is correct either.Okay, it's right in the right way because it will return all the available forums, but now I I have come back to the square how I will be able to flag my matches. My attitude which is...

gcc - boost test on windows with mingw compiler error: putenv not declared -

I'm trying to compile a library with Mingav in the window, which promotes I compiled with: After that, I create a library with sankai and mingav. The construction of DLL works fine, but when I try to build tests, I get: c: / boost / boost_1_55_0 / boost / test / utils / runtime /config.hpp: 95: 51: Error: putenv was not declared in this scope: putenv (const_cast & lt; char *> (fs.str (.) C_str ())); Then the error comes from the boost header and I do not know how to fix it. What I am trying to create: It uses c99 and c ++ 11. This seems to be a bug in promoting. It has happened to others as well: The solution (or better: solution) is to add the following lines before adding the boost :: test: : #ifdef __MINGW32__ // does not define the necessary putenv () by Mingav Butt. Test extreiter petenav (four *); #endif

python - How to make uwsgi shut down if application failed to load? -

I run my usbby in the simplest way, as the process managed by upstant, no emperor mode or nothing This is what I am getting if the application fails to startup for some reason: [Traceback skipped] Unable to load app 0 (mountpoint = '') Not found or import error) *** No app loaded in full dynamic mode *** *** HoSGI is running in many interpreter mode *** UWSGI Master Process (PAID: 17 9 23) created by UWSGI worker 1 (Pip: 174848, Core: 1) ... I have no use for this mode, and want to completely close it, so my upper job has been closed. How can I do this? option - need-ap play a trick

ios - IBOutlets Strong or Weak - Does it Actually Make a Difference to Memory Management? (ARC) -

I've been reading here and other sites lately whether IBOutlets should be strong or weak. That's fine. But I still do not have any clear understanding, so to make them strong or weak actually will make a difference in the context of memory management of the app, especially since it appears on iOS 6, Now no memory is asked to get the warning, so in this sense the option of being weak or strong for IBotlets will not make any difference. Am I right to think that now on the navigation stack to see the controllers (i.e. they are loaded later), will any IBolet be declared weak? IBOutlets can declare weak because they will be created for the parsing of XIB During and during the UIView stack is added ... so that you do not need a strong reference to the object. When you declare an IBOutlet weak then you ensure that the main UIView of the UIViewcontroller will disappear without any memory leak, when each subsection disappears.

testing - How to start Instrumentation project programmatically using Android API ? (specify the test class!) -

मैं "adb shell am instrument -e class testCase1 ..." की तरह सराहना का उपयोग नहीं कर सकता, उपयोगकर्ता अनुप्रयोग इसका उपयोग नहीं कर सकता कुछ सुरक्षा कारणों की वजह से अनुमति। एडीबी खोल से इंस्ट्रूमेंटेशन शुरू करने के लिए कमांड: adb शेल बजे साधन डब्ल्यू / android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner एंड्रॉयड गतिविधि से एंड्रॉयड कोड शुरू करने के लिए: - startInstrumentation (नई ComponentName ( "", "android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner"), अशक्त, नल); नोट: अन्य विधि, प्रारंभिक उपकरण के लिए एंड्रॉइड कोड (Android 2.3 से एंड्रॉइड 4.1.2) स्ट्रिंग str_cmd = "एडीबी शेल एम्स साधन- w / android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner"; Runtime.getRuntime () कार्यकारी (str_cmd)। एंड्रॉइड 4.2 के लिए इसकी आवश्यकता है "एंड्रॉइड.permission.INJECT_EVENTS" & amp; जो केवल सिस्टम एप्लिकेशन द्वारा अनुमत है उपयोगकर्ता सुरक्षा कुछ कारणों से इस अनुमति...

mysql - Using doctrine instead of sql -

I have to follow the function in my symphony-web-controller: Search Responsive Department ($ Suche) {$ principle = $ this- & gt; GetDoctrine (); $ Em = $ principle- & gt; GetManager (); $ ArrTerm = Explosion ("", $ suche); ($ I = 0; $ i & lt; counts ($ arrTerm); $ i ++) {$ arrWhere [] = "GSPL $ $ erert [$ i]" '' ; // $ arrParameter [] = "\" value " $ I. "\" = & gt; \ "%". $ ArrTerm [$ i]. "% \" ";} $ Where = wrapper ($ arrWhere," OR "); // $ param = implode ($ arrParameter,", "); $ query = $ em- & gt; ; CreateQuery ('Select from MbsNiederlassungBundle: GebietStadt gs INNER JOIN MbsNiederlassungBundle: Niederlassung nl nl = gs.idNiederlassung WHERE'. $ Where); $ result = $ query- & gt; getResult (); if ( Calculation ($ result) & gt; 0) {$ email = $ result [0] ["email"]; $ email return;} other {return false;}} I I want to...

actionscript 3 - Adobe Scout is not starting a new session for loaded SWFs -

I have a problem with Adobe Scout for SWF loaded by another (main) SWF (Does not start any new session). SWFs have enabled advanced telemetry and the setup is correct as described in .html. Please help I am using the latest version of Windows 7 64-bit, Adobe Scout and Flash Player, Chrome 32 / IE11. I'm also making sure that the scout server is listening, as the article written above: Verify that the scout server is listening Open Scout, and then type Local Host: 7934 in your web browser. It should respond quickly with "no connection to the server", "no data received", or something like (scout is not an HTTP server). Scout should show an error message "Session can not be started because telemetry data is not valid" If the browser stays in the long run, and then comes back with "server not found" or something similar, then socket work not doing. Thanks indicates that: When you run flash content in a web browser, the flash p...

objective c - iOS: Custom Cell Properties with Code and IB do not appear together -

कस्टम सीएल एच @interface कस्टमसेल: कोड में बनाए गए UITableViewCell // गुण, नहीं आईबी के माध्यम से @ प्रॉपर्टी (नॉनैटोमिक, मजबूत) यूआईएलबल * लेबल यूज़रनेम; @ प्रॉपर्टी (नॉनैटोमिक, मजबूत) यूआईवीयूव्यू * सर्कल; // गुण नियंत्रण द्वारा आईबी के माध्यम से बनाया गया + ड्रैग @ प्रॉपर्टी (नॉनैटोमिक, मजबूत) यूआईएलबल * लेबिल प्रथम नाम; @ प्रॉपर्टी (नॉनैटोमिक, मजबूत) यूआईएलबल * लेबललालनाम; कस्टम सीएल - (आईडी) initWithStyle: (UITableViewCellStyle) शैली reuseIdentifier: (NSString *) reuseIdentifier {आत्म = [ सुपर initWithStyle: शैली reuseIdentifier: reuseIdentifier]; यदि (स्वयं) {// कोड में गुण बनाना = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (10, 10, 40.0f, 40.0f)]; [ setBackgroundColor: [UIColor brownColor]; Self.labelUsername = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (15, 20, 200.0f, 50.0f)]; Self.labelUsername.textColor = [UIColor blackColor]; [Self.contentView addSubview: self.labelUsername]; [Self.contentView addSubview:]; } स्वस्थ वापसी; } table...

c++ - How to use `is_member_function_pointer` to include/exclude member function calls in algorithms? -

I am attempting to use within an algorithm, either to make a specific call to a specific member function Do not do anything (if it exists) or do anything: template & lt; Class T & gt; Struct is_member_function_pointer; Checks whether T is a non-static member function pointer. Member provides stable value which is equal to true, if T is a non-static member function pointer type. Otherwise, the value is equal to wrong. For example: #include & lt; Iostream & gt; # Include & lt; Type_traits & gt; #include & lt; Vector & gt; Struct a {zero bow () console {std :: cout & lt; & Lt; "Boo." & Lt; & Lt; Std :: endl; }}; Structure B {}; The template's & lt; Bool & gt; Loose structure; The template's & lt; & Gt; Strip bioyabel & lt; True> {Template & lt; Typename type & gt; Static zero booIt (type const & amp; t) {t .boo (); }}; The template's & lt; & Gt; Strip bioyabel ...

c# - HttpWebRequest to pretend like a browser request? -

I have some code (in a Winform app) that is HttpWebRequest.GetResponse () Reads using. For some reasons, it recently starts returning to the internal error of 500 when requested from my app. (In response there are some HTML for navigation, but not in Firefox / Chrome / IE, it is still returning 200 . The problem is I have no control over their code, I do not know what it does on the backend which is caused by breaking it while requesting my app. Is there any way, Chrome? (Only To avoid error) Set the value of the browser's user agent. HTTP Webbet WebRequest = (HTTP WebBarm) WebRequest. Create (""); WebRequest.UserAgent = @ " Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit / 537.36 (KFTM, like Gecko) Chrome / 32.0.1667.0 Safari / 537.36 "; - Error on calling procedure from oracle to C# -

Hi I am creating an application using the stored procedure. I can not include data in the table. My table is: SQL & gt; Create a table test (name varchar2 (20), qualification varchar2 (10), address v archar2 (100)); Table created My stored procedure SQL & gt; To create or replace methodology (name, qualification, address) 8 value (2 p_name TYPE, 3 p_qualification test.qualification% TYPE, 4 p_address test.address% TYPE) P_name, p_qualification, p_address); 9 Committee; 10 end; 11 / Process was created My C # code is: Protected Zero Button 1_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {Con = new OleDbConnection ("provider = MSDAORA; data source = xe; constant security information = true; password = sesu; user id = system"); Cmd.Parameters.Add ("p_name", OleDbType.VarChar) .Value = TextBox1.Text; Cmd.Parameters.Add ("p_qualification", OleDbType.VarChar) .Value = TextBox2.Text; Cmd.Parameters.Add ("p_address", Ol...

extjs - Horizontal scrollbar for Ext-js 4.2 grid -

My Extension-js 4.2 Grid is now showing horizontal scroll bar. I tried Google for that and many people have different episodes for it. Can anyone please tell me how can I get a horizontal scrollbar for the grid? Thanks Sameer Function Set With Grid (Grid) {var ContainerID = 'CenterPanel'; Var widthOfPanel = Ext4.getCmp (container id) .getWidth (); Var column coat = grid. View.Panal. Columns Length, last column W = grid View.Panal. Column [Column-1]. Wide, W = 0; (Var i = 0; i width of panels) {w = width of panel; Grid.view.setWidth (1200); Grid.view.panel.setWidth (1900); Grid.doLayout (true, true); } Else {lastColumnW + = widthOfPanel - w; Grid.view.panel.columns [columnCount - 1] .setWidth (lastColumnW); }} However it seems that it is not serving the purpose. Even after changing the width I tried to call doLayout but it was not working for me Some people say that it is a bug with EXT-JS 4.2. Is that really the case ? Any white paper, the link will be very appicula...

php - Codeigniter Where Or from previous Query -

मेरे पास निम्न प्रश्न हैं: $ this- & gt; db- & gt; जहां ('User_id', $ this- & gt; सत्र- & gt; उपयोगकर्ता डेटा ('user_id')); $ This- & gt; db- & gt; जहां ('बारकोड! = ""'); $ कोड्स = $ यह- & gt; डीबी- & gt; प्राप्त करें ('अधिज्ञता') - & gt; परिणाम (); $ कोड लौटें; यह एक परिणाम उत्पन्न करता है (भिन्न फ़ील्ड) जो एक या अधिक रिकॉर्ड दिखा सकते हैं, मुझे एक दूसरे तालिका से परिणाम दिखाने के लिए कॉलिग्नर को बताने की ज़रूरत है जहां "बारकोड" उपरोक्त रिकॉर्ड में से एक है । मैंने इसे करने की कोशिश की: $ this- & gt; db- & gt; जहां ('user_id', $ this- & gt; सत्र- & gt; उपयोगकर्ता डेटा ('user_id ')); $ This- & gt; db- & gt; जहां ('बारकोड! = ""'); $ कोड्स = $ यह- & gt; डीबी- & gt; प्राप्त करें ('अधिज्ञता') - & gt; परिणाम (); विदेशी मुद्रा ($ कोड्स $ कुंजी = & gt; $ मान) {$ this- & gt; db- & gt; जहां ('IRSC...

java - How to update listview in tab? -

I have two tabs in my app and there are list views in this tab. I set list data in each list. I want to know from the list To delete, and click on the [x] image, from the list view. The item has been removed from the list, but I do not know how to update the listview, I notifyDataSetChanged () in my custom adapter but not updated. Activity for the first tab: Public Stable List & lt; Products & gt; MCartList; MCartList = AllProducts.getCartList (); ListViewCatalog = (ListView) findViewById (; MProductAdapter = New CustomList Adapter (MyOrders.this, mCartList, "", true); ListViewCatalog.setAdapter (mProductAdapter); My custom list adapter: Public category adapter adapter adapter {Private layoutInfLiter Layout Inflighter; Private reference mContext; Private listing & lt; Products & gt; MProductList; Private string mtip; Private boolean mShowQuantity; Public Castelist Adapters (context reference, list & gt; product ...

How to upload an Android app to the app store via command line -

मुझे iOS के लिए मिला है और मूलतः एंड्रॉइड । मेरे एंड्रॉइड आवेदन की गिनती एकीकरण प्रक्रिया के हिस्से के रूप में, मैं एक ऐसी प्रक्रिया बनाना चाहता हूं जो स्वचालित रूप से ऐप ( .apk ) Google PlayStore पर फ़ाइल करें। मुझे एक .apk स्वचालित बनाने का तरीका समझा गया। इसलिए मुझे आश्चर्य है कि अगर । एपीके अपलोड करने का एक तरीका है फाइल को प्लेस्टोर कमांड लाइन के माध्यम से? धन्यवाद! इस एपीआई को यह करना चाहिए, जब तक आप नए ऐप को प्रकाशित नहीं कर रहे हैं, लेकिन एक मौजूदा ऐप का नया संस्करण मैंने अभी तक इसका इस्तेमाल नहीं किया है। आप जेनकिंस का उपयोग भी कर सकते हैं, इस उद्देश्य के लिए जेनकींस प्लग-इन है:

objective c - Calling a method in other class on same View Controller -

I'm actually messing around here I have read some tutorials and examples but I do not understand how to do it is. I have a visual controller with a gameplay class. I am doing a phantom kit class on the same visual controller. Now I want to call a method from the game class, a method from the gameplay class, to the view controller. Dismisses. But I know I can not do it with making new examples of 1. I've already made and loaded a method from class1 want CL. Any help? I have imported the GamePlay.h file in the Phantom Kit category and now I'm calling a method: - (zero) endoff game {gameplay * GP = [[Gameplay Alok] init]; [GP &]; } In the gameplay class, I have an end to the law which rejects this controller - (zero) end {[self-shot visual viewer: Yes complete: zero]; } But this will not work because I am not calling the method method already created, but I am making a new example of the gameplay class. "post-text" itemprop = "text...

nosql - Trying to put same values in a item's list and getting ValidationException -

I have recently decided to try Amazon-DionDodb and are still trying to capture it. In my case-case, I have to store two variables that hold values ​​similar to the string list ("SS") in an item for a dynamody. When I tried to do this, then this is what I am getting [Validation exception: One or more parameter values ​​were invalid: Input collection is duplicated in [X, X]. ] Message: 'One or more parameter values ​​were invalid: Input collections are duplicated in [X, X]. ', Code:' Validation Exception ', Time: Venus 25 Apr 2014 20:38:21 GMT + 0000 (UTC), Status Code: 400 My question: In the list of items Is there a way to store duplicate values? Any information about this will be appreciated. No, the string "list" is actually "set". If you are trying to add a list of values ​​with duplicates, it will give you an exception; If you are trying to add prices that are already in the set, then it will be successful in silence....

html - How to make an input resize slowly when focus using css3 -

I have fixed width input. What do I want when I focus on that, I want to slowly change using CSS or junkie. This is my code: & lt; Section class = "web designtops-workshop" & gt; & Lt; Form action = "" method = "" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "search" placeholder = "What are you looking for?" & Gt; & Lt; Button & gt; Search & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; & Lt; / Section & gt; This is the CSS I am using. Web designs-workshop input {background: #ddd; Width: 200px; } .webdesigntuts-workshop Input: Focus {background: #ddd; Width: 250px; Art color; } But the problem is that the width varies so fast, I want to change it gradually. You need to add an infection: Web Designs- Workshop input {background: #ddd; Width: 200px; Infection: width .3s ease-in-out; -Widk-Infection: Width.3s ease-in-out; -MOZ-transition: width .3s ease-in-out; -M-Infection: width .3s ease...

python 3.x - Appending tuple to an empty list -

अगर __name__ == '__main__': website_path = GetValid डायरेक्टरी ("वेबसाइट का पथ दर्ज करें:") websitelink_list = [] # लिंक्स के स्रोत लिंक की जानकारी प्रिंट (websitelink_list) htmlfiles = #] #LL फ़ाइलों की सूची हम dirname, subdir_list, oswalk (website_path) में file_list के लिए साइट पर लिखे हैं: file_list में फ़ाइल के लिए: # फ़ाइल एक्सटेंशन की जांच करें। केवल .html फ़ाइल नाम, फाइल का विश्लेषण करें, fileext = os.path.splitext (फ़ाइल) यदि fileext == ".html": relative_file = MakeFullPath (dirname, फ़ाइल) full_file = os.path.realpath (relative_file) htmlfiles.append ( (Full_file, relative_file)) filelinks = fileLinkTuples (dirname, file) प्रिंट (फाइललिंक्स) websitelink_list.extend (filelinks) # फाइलें जो उनके पास कोई लिंक नहीं है। फ़ंक्शंस: डीईएफ़ GetValid डायरेक्टरी (संकेत: str) - & gt; Str: "" "उपयोगकर्ता से दर्ज की गई एक वैध निर्देशिका देता है। तर्क: संकेत: str - उपयोगकर्ता को एक डायरेक्टरी दर्ज करने के लिए कहा जाने वाला पाठ। रिटर्...

c# - Project Euler #3 STUCK -

I really did not want to go to it, it is through PE that I should try to solve myself Problems to The first two I had managed in less than an hour, unfortunately I was completely trapped in the problem 3. Now I have tried the traditional method of division by testing Of course this is very slow, I've tried split by sqrt (n) Sector to optimize split testing, but just to get the highest primary factor 600,851,475,143 also very slow. I have also tried to use the sneaky erotostinase for which I have to admit that I understand hardly, but it is still not cutting First, all the "numbered" numbers are omitted because an exception is thrown because the amount of entries becomes huge when you try to generate all prime up to 600,851,475,143. I am trapped and very clearly I am in one place. I am starting to get annoyed with this time .. Here is my code: class program {// Main reason 13195 5, 7, 13 and 29 are // 600851475143 What is the biggest major factor of numb...

php - How would this SQL join work? -

I have two tables, "users" and "jobs". User table: User ID Username Password Account Type Forum Name Alias ​​Contact Number Email Address Jobs table: job job job shop job job job place job date job time job rate post date approved job position by post I display all jobs Want, and user's name from the user table, The contact number and email address, where the Jobs table is "Approved" from the "UserID" user table. View this query SELECT * FROM Jobs at INNER jobs Include users. Approved Users = User ID

jQuery Mobile button to open directions in Apple Maps -

I have a jQuery mobile web application, I would like to open directions from X to Y in the web version of Apple Maps in every device Can be available, is it possible? If so, how can I create a button to link to guidelines? Thank you. Explained how to open accessories in the Maps app. This is what you are looking for: The following example shows the string used in Safari and in a map app in a native app to show the map of Captaino, California City. Are there. & lt; A href = "" & gt; Curttoño & lt; / A & gt; For Android devices: Apple Maps is definitely not working here, clicking on the above link will take the website as usual. Edit I have made a small following link always opening an Apple map on both my iPhone (IOS 7) and iPad (iOS 7) And it will also open Apple Maps on OSX Mavericks. & lt; A href = "map: //">

java - Adding to an object array list using a file reader -

Actually, in this situation, a company and a driver have the classes to interact with each other, this code The driver is written in. That's why I'm using a file reader to scan a text file that looks like this with one place between each line. John: Smith: Manufacturing: 6.75: 120: 444 Daughter: White: Manager: 1200.00: 111 Stan: Slim: Sales: 10000.00: 332 Betty: Boop: Design: 12.50: 50: 244 And the code is as follows. The company class addEmployee method has a string (string, string, string, double, IT, et). There is a colon in each part of the text file to be read in it, so how can I add it to an array of objects in the list. And keep on walking till everyone is not read, sorry, if it is difficult to understand my questions, if you want me to expand, tell me in the comments. I just did not want to raise the question too long. else if (e.getSource () == readButton) {Jfile Chooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser ("src"); If (fileChooser.showOpenDialog (...

php - Doctrine query select where date at time zone -

I have a postgradge table of events, where the time of time with the UTC with the time zone fields in the event time zone field The area is stored in The real time zone is stored in a different area. i.e. id, event_time, time_zone 1, 2013-10-15 10: 32: 21-05, 'America / Chicago' 2, 2013- 10-15 9: 32: 21-05, 'America / New York' etc. I want to use Symphonie 2 / Theory 2 Query Builder which select events that occur within a certain time range expressed in local time. For example, I would like to select all the events from 10:15 onwards from 4:00 am to 5:00 pm local time. In PostGrace, I can get it using the "AT Time Zone" function. Is the principle available similar to the query builder (except for the original class curriculum). i.e. "SELECT * FROM incidents where event_time is a user defined in time zone (time_jone) and Create a function: & lt ;? Php namespace MyOrganization \ Bundle \ MyBundle \ DQL; Use the principle \ ORM...

tkinter - Update label content on click using Python -

I am trying to update the content of a button, in Python, by clicking on a button For each click, a counter will be raised and the value of the label will be updated with the current value of the counter (J). Here is the code: Import time import import import imported from MySQLdb Tkinter import * j = 0 def PrintNumber (): global JJ + = 1 print j returns mgui = Tk ( ) Mgui.geometry ('200x200') mgui.title ('cue system') st = button (mgui, text = "next customer", command = print number) st.pack () f = PrintNumber () label = label ( Mgui, text = f) label. Pack () mgui.mainloop () Please kindly, I'm new in Python :) You can use a tincynt instance to keep a value. If you assign the textvariable option to the variable label widget for the variable class, it will automatically update as the value of the example changes. Here is an example: Setting the Twinter import * root = Tk () var = IntVar () # from IntVar variable class var.set (0) # as th...

python - Which is the appropriate way to test for a dictionary type? -

Why there are so many different ways to test for a dictionary? And if an object is a dictionary, what would be the most modern way to test it? [10]: isinstance (adict, types.DictType) out [10]: Really [11]: isinstance (adict, types.DictionaryType) adict = {'a': 1} Out [11]: Really [12]: Isinstance (adict, dict) Out [12]: Really [13]: Isinstance (adict, collection mapping) Out [13]: Really [14]: isinstance ( Adict, collections.MutableMapping) [14]: True types DictType and types.DictionaryType have been deprecated (well, removed in Python 3) dict . Archive. Mapping and collections. Matable Mapping are abstract base classes (ABC) so that they work together Mapping that do not subclass from dict generally makes them a better choice , Although very stringent checks are helpful at times. So basically, check the opposite None of them, Archive. Mapping If you do not need a mutation dict / Em> a dict type (it should be rare) type...

sql - how to bind a list of tuples using Spring JDBCTemplate? -

I have some questions like this: list listoffers = array.asList ( New integer [] {1, 2, 3}); List objects = nominated ParameterJdbcTemplate.query ("Select from bla, id in id: (id)", archive.Singlitamap ("id", listoff integers), myRowMapper); This will send the database to this SQL query: select * bla where id (1, 2, 3) Now I want to send this type of query to the database: from select * bla (id, name) in ((1, 'foo'), (2, Bar '), (3,' phobar ')) Do I have a list & lt; List & lt; Object & gt; & Gt; to accomplish this? Will this spring work with JDBC template? I have debug the spring code and have found that it is expected to provide the toplex as an object [], So to work with this list, this list and the Lieutenant Object []>. should be there.

linux - Reading From Standard Input In Bash Programming -

I am programming a programming program for Uni and everything is working, except for the Automark software (which is the blackbox ), I have contacted one of my unitary lecturers and they said that: "There is some confusion about what" reading "with the standard input means that it You read from your keyboard's keyboard, not from the terminal command line .... this error part It is also in histoplate (program I'm talking about here) " Now I do not have any idea what it means. I have seen everything on the internet, and I thought my code is reading with standard input Is not it what "lith line" does? My program receives data and converts it to histoplate, which looks like this: 1 1 2 3 3 2 4 1 And it Converts this to: 1 # 2 ### 3 ## 4 # This is my code (sorry enough): #! / Bin / bash addWordcount = 0 customHash = 0 customHashchoice = "#" scale = 0 in $ i, then add [[$ i = "-c"]] then addDirect = 1 elif [[$...

c++ - 'std::string' has no member named 'get' list[i]=user.get; -

I get this error in my code and I know why it is but now I want to fix it and get it What do I want to achieve? List [i] = user.get; & Lt; & Lt; This line of code is trying to insert a string into four arrays, how can I convert the string, while still being able to keep user.length () and getline, I can see how big my dynamic array Should be # include & lt; Iostream & gt; # Include & lt; Cstring & gt; using namespace std; Int main () {char * list; String user; Int counter [26]; Int data; The court's & lt; & Lt; "Enter a line of text (all lowercase)" & lt; & Lt; Endl; // CIN & gt; & Gt; the user; Gateline (pin, user); //cin.get(user); The court's & lt; & Lt; User.length () & lt; & Lt; Endl; List = new four [user.length ()]; For (int i = 0; i & lt; user.length (); i ++) {list [i] = user.get; } Cout & lt; & Lt; The list [0] is referred to as & lt; & Lt; Endl; / * Character alphabet...

osx - AppleScript executed with NSAppleScript does not work -

I call and execute apple scripts in the main speech NSAppleScript * as = [[NSAppleScript alloc] initWithSource: @ "Application to request \" explorer \ ""];]; [Executed and return as: zero]; [Release]]; but the script tell the application finder to call works well in AppleScript Editor is . Your comment is welcome How to check this result and error From NSDictionary * Errors = Zero; NSAppleEventDescriptor * Result = [Executed Andrator As Error: & amp; Errors]; NSLog (@ "Result:% @", Results); NSLog (@ "Errors:% @", Errors);

Turning table data into "atomic vector" in R -

I'm really new to R. I have the following: Library (stringr) data and lieutenant; --read.table ("C: /dataAnalysis/dataset_317_1.txt") D & lt; -data [5] set & lt; -str_count (c ("maize", "conmeal", "cock on joke", "satosa"), "satosa") and lit.-stroke (d, "irscilor") vir R says: & gt; Error: string There should be an atomic vector My file tab has a delimited data table, with a string in the fifth column. How can I create data from my table which I read in a nuclear vector If I want to analyze the data, then in the fifth column, click on " D ", your code is wrong to define. d or d - Data [, 5] will work correctly. Data holds [5] data frame structure , Whereas the data [[5]] or data [, 5] produces only the vector.

javascript - programmatically add object properties of arrays -

[{"uId": "2", "tabId": 1, "टैब नाम": "मुख्य" , "अंक": "अंक": "10"}, {"uId": "3", "टैबआईडी": 2, "टैब नाम": "फोटोग्राफ़ी", "अंक": "20"}] मैं अपनी संपत्ति मूल्यों का निरीक्षण करके निर्दिष्ट एरे में कैसे सम्मिलित कर सकता हूं? कहता है कि मैं यूआईडी = 3 में एक एस्कॉक ऑब्जेक्ट जोड़ना चाहता हूं, मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूं? या यह तकनीकी रूप से संभव नहीं है? ये JSON डेटा की तरह दिखते हैं, इसलिए json_decode () एक सरणी के लिए, UId मान की खोज करें और उसके बाद संबंधित एएसओसी मान जोड़ें और अंत में अंत में json_encode () का उपयोग कर उन्हें लपेटें foreach ($ k = & gt; & amp; $ arr के रूप में $ सरणी) {if ($ arr- & gt; {'uId'} == 2) {$ arr- & gt; {somecol '} = "हे "; }} Echo json_encode ($ सरणी, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); आउटपुट: [{"uId": "2", "tabId" "," टैब...

MATLAB uitable row generation from user input -

I have found a GUI in MATLAB which uses for input. There are a fixed number of columns, and each column has a very specific form that I have stored in a cell array such as: columnformat = {'text', 'numeric', {@ DoSomething, inputArg1}, {'Option1' 'Option2'}}; The number of rows is theoretically unlimited; Users are able to handle many line inputs back-and-arbitrary as they might like. Right now, I am creating a big project initially, and just thinking that the user will not use it all. Here's the question: I want to set the table and the corresponding code like at any time the user has selected the last line and press enter, this will be a new format with the same table Makes the line. I have tried many different ways, including dynamically setting the 'data', and they all break the custom formatting defined by cell array. I'm sure someone has done this before, thanks for your help! I can not think of the possibility of...

http - Rest client (Ruby) does not set the cookie when i try to upload a file -

'rubygems' की आवश्यकता होती है 'rest_client' प्रतिक्रिया = "URL", "myfile" = & gt; ("/ path / to / file"), "कुकी" = & gt; "नाम = मीकल", "एक्स-सत्र-आईडी" = & gt; "Dsafasdfadsfadsfasfdadf", "उपयोगकर्ता-एजेंट" = & gt; "अनकनो", "कनेक्शन" = & gt; "रखें-एलीव" अगर मैं एक फ़ाइल पोस्ट करने के लिए उपरोक्त कोड का उपयोग करने की कोशिश करता हूं तो हेडर कुकी, उपयोगकर्ता-एजेंट, एक्स-सत्र-आईडी कभी भी उस अनुरोध पर सेट नहीं होता है जो भेजता है ... मैंने इसे wireshark का उपयोग करके इसकी पुष्टि की है ? रिस्ट क्लाइंट स्मार्ट होने की कोशिश करता है जब यह एक फ़ाइल का पता लगाता है और बाकी के तर्कों में अन्य भागों के रूप में व्यवहार करता है मल्टीपार्ट अनुरोध तो आपको सामग्री को हेडर में बदलकर इसे अलग करना होगा। इसे आज़माएं: प्रतिक्रिया = बाकी क्लिक करें "URL", {"myfile "= & Gt; (...