java - How to update listview in tab? -

I have two tabs in my app and there are list views in this tab.

I set list data in each list.

Enter image details here

I want to know from the list To delete, and click on the [x] image, from the list view.

The item has been removed from the list, but I do not know how to update the listview, I notifyDataSetChanged () in my custom adapter but not updated.

Activity for the first tab:

  Public Stable List & lt; Products & gt; MCartList; MCartList = AllProducts.getCartList (); ListViewCatalog = (ListView) findViewById (; MProductAdapter = New CustomList Adapter (MyOrders.this, mCartList, "", true); ListViewCatalog.setAdapter (mProductAdapter);   

My custom list adapter:

  Public category adapter adapter adapter {Private layoutInfLiter Layout Inflighter; Private reference mContext; Private listing & lt; Products & gt; MProductList; Private string mtip; Private boolean mShowQuantity; Public Castelist Adapters (context reference, list & gt; product & gt; list, string type, possibility of boolean show) {layoutInflater = LayoutInflater.from (reference); MContext = Reference; MProductList = List; MShowQuantity = showQuantity; MType = Type; } @ Override Public Inaccount () {return mProductList.size (); } @OverWide public object found iTam (int position) {return M project list.jet (status); } @ Override Public Long ITMID (Status of Intake) {Return Status; } View public viewView (int position, seeviewview, viewgroup parents) {last see item item; Final difference final closing = position; If (convertView == empty) {convertView = layoutInflater.inflate (R.layout.list_row, null); Item = new viewholder (); Item.imageView = (ImageView) Convert View.findViewById (; = (TextView) Convert View.findViewById (; = (TextView) ConvertviewFindViewID (RIDPID); Item.price = (TextView) ConvertviewfindVBIID (RIDPrice); Item.description = (TextView) ConvertviewFindvibid (R.D.Description); Item.removeProduct = (ImageView) Convert View.findViewById (; Item.addToCart = (TextView) ConvertViewfindVBIID (Rd. Edtocard); Item.productQuantity = (TextView) Convert View.findViewById (; ConvertView.setTag (item); } Else {item = (ViewHolder) ConvertViewsagent (); } Final Product curProduct = mProductList.get (status); Item.imageView.setImageDrawable (curProduct.imageView); (; (; Int length = curProduct.description.length (); Int start = 0, end = length; If (length> = 40) {start = 0; End = 40; } String s = curProduct.description.substring (start, end); Item.description.setText (s + "..."); Item.price.setText (curProduct.price + mContext.getString (r.trag. Currency)); If (mShowQuantity) {item.addToCart.setVisibility (see GONE); // item.product.quality.set text ("Quantity:" + All Products.JetProductquentity (Tax Product)); Item.productQuantity.setVisibility (View.GONE); } Other {item.productQuantity.setVisibility (see GONE); Item.removeProduct.setVisibility (View.GONE); } Item.removeProduct.setOnClickListener (See New. OnClickListener) {@Override on public void (see V) {AlertDialog.Builder ab = new AlertDialog.builder (mContext); Ab.setTitle ("Delete"); ab.setMessage ( "It will be removed from the product list.") SetPositiveButton ( "Delete", a new DialogInterface.OnClickListener () {@Override on public zero (DialogInterface dialog, int which) {curProduct.selected = false; AllProducts .removeProduct (curProduct); NotifyDataSetChanged (); NotifyDataSetInvalidated ();}}). SetNegativeButton ( "Cancel", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener () {@Override public void onClick (DialogInterface dialog, int which) {}}); Ab.create () ();}}); ItemkaddToCartksetOnClickListener (See New. OnClickListener () {@Override on public void (see V) {Intent product Vivrnviseshtya = new Intent (mContext, ProductDetail.class); productDetailsIntent.putExtra (AllProducts.PRODUCT_INDEX, final closing) ; Utpadkvivrnintent. input extras ( "type", Mtiaipi); mContext.startActivity (productDetailsIntent);}}); Return Convertview; } Public class viewer {textview pud; TextView addToCart; Textview name; Textview value; Text view description; ImageView imageView; ImageView removal product; TextView ProductsConnect; }}    

You Adisucitdeta change () list View or you can reset the setAdapter () which will be the new list value, but will be expensive later


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