vb.net - Error on calling procedure from oracle to C# -

Hi I am creating an application using the stored procedure. I can not include data in the table.

My table is:

  SQL & gt; Create a table test (name varchar2 (20), qualification varchar2 (10), address v archar2 (100)); Table created   

My stored procedure

  SQL & gt; To create or replace methodology (name, qualification, address) 8 value (2 p_name test.name% TYPE, 3 p_qualification test.qualification% TYPE, 4 p_address test.address% TYPE) P_name, p_qualification, p_address); 9 Committee; 10 end; 11 / Process was created   

My C # code is:

  Protected Zero Button 1_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {Con = new OleDbConnection ("provider = MSDAORA; data source = xe; constant security information = true; password = sesu; user id = system"); Cmd.Parameters.Add ("p_name", OleDbType.VarChar) .Value = TextBox1.Text; Cmd.Parameters.Add ("p_qualification", OleDbType.VarChar) .Value = TextBox2.Text; Cmd.Parameters.Add ("p_address", OleDbType.VarChar) .Value = TextBox3.Text; CMD = new OLDB command ("darttest", cone); Cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; Con.Open (); Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery (); Con.Close (); }   

I am not able to insert data via C #. It shows:

  One or more errors occurred while processing the command. Ora-0650: Line 1, Column 7: PLS-00306: 'INSERTTEST' ORA-0650: Wrong number or type of arguments in the call: Line 1, Column 7: PL / SQL: Ignore Statement   

What is the problem? How to solve it?

You can try defining the constant type for your parameters in your stored procedure: < / P>

To create or change process code, please start in trial (name, qualification, address) in p_name, p_qualification varchar2, varchar2 in p_address) Value (p_name, p_qualification, p_address); COMMIT; End;


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