extjs - Horizontal scrollbar for Ext-js 4.2 grid -
My Extension-js 4.2 Grid is now showing horizontal scroll bar. I tried Google for that and many people have different episodes for it. Can anyone please tell me how can I get a horizontal scrollbar for the grid? Thanks Sameer
Function Set With Grid (Grid) {var ContainerID = 'CenterPanel'; Var widthOfPanel = Ext4.getCmp (container id) .getWidth (); Var column coat = grid. View.Panal. Columns Length, last column W = grid View.Panal. Column [Column-1]. Wide, W = 0; (Var i = 0; i width of panels) {w = width of panel; Grid.view.setWidth (1200); Grid.view.panel.setWidth (1900); Grid.doLayout (true, true); } Else {lastColumnW + = widthOfPanel - w; Grid.view.panel.columns [columnCount - 1] .setWidth (lastColumnW); }} However it seems that it is not serving the purpose. Even after changing the width I tried to call doLayout but it was not working for me Some people say that it is a bug with EXT-JS 4.2. Is that really the case ? Any white paper, the link will be very appiculated thanks Sameer
Sorry guys ... its my fault . I was setting the priority: correct in grid config. By extracting, the grid has got a horizontal scroll bar. Thanks Sameer
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