java - Char incompatible with string -

I have to create a program that decrypts message : mmZ \ dxZmx] Zpgy encryption Method ASCII code is all I need to do, but an inconsistent type error came here:

  four encrypted [] = "(: mmZ \\ dxZmx] Zpgy)";   

I know that technically it has a string but I could not have thought of any other way to do this .. this is my complete code

  Package decrypt; Public class decrypt {public static zero decryption (four encrypted [], int key) {System.out.println (key + ":"); For (Int i = 0; I & lt; Encrypted; Langti; I ++) {char originalChar = encrypted [i]; Four encrypted buyers; If ((basic-key-key) & lt; 32) encrypted customer = (four) (original customer - 32 + 127-K); Other encrypted customers = (four) (Printer-key); Println (encryptedChar); }} Public static zero main (string [] args) {four encrypted [] = "(: mmZ \\ dxZmx] Zpgy)"; For (int i = 1; i    

A four array string.

The four arrays contain different character elements not the entire string.

  four encrypted [] = "(: MMZ \\ dxZmx] Zpgy)";   

must be either

  four encrypted [] = {'(', ':', ..... remaining element ..};   

or easily

  four encrypted [] = "(: mmzed \\ dxZmx) Zpgy)" toCharArray ();    


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