linux - RootFS types, creation and booting -

If you are developing something on embedded Linux, then you need a root to boot Linux. Rootfs has always been an issue for me, I need some help.
My target system is ARM, U-Boot Linux is simple I

a) I have seen a rootfs.tar.gz file which is copied from SD card 0x60000000 and then a

  bootm 0x40000000 0x50000000 0x60000000   

-What do u-boot have to unsupported the rootfuse image?
-How does Linux know what type of rootfile it is?

B) If the booter has been passed as root = / dev / mmcblk1p1 , then how does Linux know what type of root file is?

c) sudo kimu-debootstrap --arch = armalic exact ./precise / creates directories with bin and other entries, how do i tar Gz ?

You are specifying the system in bootstrap where it can take the image of the kernel about the filesystem , Your file system resides in root = / dev / mmcblk1p1. So copy the rootfs.tar.gz file to MMC and remove .gz in MCM.


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