nosql - Trying to put same values in a item's list and getting ValidationException -
I have recently decided to try Amazon-DionDodb and are still trying to capture it.
In my case-case, I have to store two variables that hold values similar to the string list ("SS") in an item for a dynamody. When I tried to do this, then this is what I am getting
[Validation exception: One or more parameter values were invalid: Input collection is duplicated in [X, X]. ] Message: 'One or more parameter values were invalid: Input collections are duplicated in [X, X]. ', Code:' Validation Exception ', Time: Venus 25 Apr 2014 20:38:21 GMT + 0000 (UTC), Status Code: 400 My question: In the list of items Is there a way to store duplicate values?
Any information about this will be appreciated.
No, the string "list" is actually "set". If you are trying to add a list of values with duplicates, it will give you an exception; If you are trying to add prices that are already in the set, then it will be successful in silence.
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