Personal regex in spring security grails -
My goal is to have a personal regex in my conf file, when I want to update / rewrite the plugin I have found this in the password verifier:
Static Boolean checkupword gauges (string password, command) {def conf = SpringSecurityUtils.securityConfig string passValidationRegex = Conf.ui.password.validationRegex? '^. * (? =? * \\ d) (? =. * [A-zA-Z]) (? =. * [! @ # $% ^ & Amp;]) * $ 'Password & amp; ; & Amp; Password.matches (passValidationRegex)} But let me regex this' ^. Want to (? =. <. \ d) (? =. [a-za-z]) (? =. [# @ $$ ^ ^ & amp; + -]). * $ ' How can I handle it?
As I have seen from your example, you should regex your
< Code> grails.plugin. Springsecurity.ui.password.validationRegex = '^. (? =. \ D) (? =. [A-zA-Z]) (? =. [! @ # $% ^ & Amp; + -]) * $ In your Config.groovy
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