
Showing posts from February, 2012

java - How To get seperate 3 string and remove '-'..? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 7 जवाब सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] आर्ग्स) {// टूडो ऑटो-जनरेटेड विधि स्टब स्ट्रिंग ए = "ऐप्पल-केना-अनानस"; स्ट्रिंगटोकनाइज़र st = नया स्ट्रिंगटोकनाइज़र (a, "-"); स्ट्रिंग कुंजी = st.nextToken (); स्ट्रिंग वैल = st.nextToken (); Println ( "कुंजी" + कुंजी); Println ( "मान" + वैल); } आप स्ट्रिंग ए के साथ कोशिश कर सकते हैं = "एप्पल-केले अनानास"; स्ट्रिंग [] arr = a.split ("-"); के लिए (स्ट्रिंग i: arr) {System.out.println (i); } बाहर डाल दिया: ऐप्पल केला अनानस

php - How to group an array containing strings? -

I have an array that has a string and I need a group accordingly. Please advise. array ([0] => string 1 [1] => string 1 [2] => string 2 [3] => string 2 [4] ] = I need output as follows: string1 string2 string3 How can I get it? ," green "," blue "," red "); $ Result = array_unique ($ input); Print_r ($ result); ? & Gt; From to:

How to SUBSTRING A Nvarchar Value From A Word To Another Word In Sql Server -

I need to read a file address from field value in a SQL server I think use SUBSTRING but the SUBSTRING index starts And & lt; Border borderchurch = "0,0,0,0" cornerreadia = "5,5,5,5" name = "_blank blockborder" xmlns = " Xaml / presentation "& lt; canvas name =" _ content content "margin =" 1,1 ", 1,1" & gt; Border width = "202.608503937008" height = "205.148346456693" & gt; Image source = "file: ///w: new folder (2) /8/PAYAM.tif" fill = "fill =" tag = "w: \ new folder (2) \ 8 \ pAYAM.tif" /> gt ; & Lt; / Border> & Lt; / Canvas & gt; & Lt; / Border & gt; And the result I want: W: \ New folder (2) \ 8 \ PAYAM.tif in the image HTML tags from the attribute tag. I need this word sql server thanks work for it You must: SELECT Left (right (@text, LEN (text) - CHARINDEX ('Tag...

ios - How to access downlaoded files of one iphone app -

Hello in my iphone app I am downloading from PDF, MP3, JPG data server and storing in the document directory. I am My problem now is that I want to access these downloaded files from other apps like PDF Reader and Music app. But if I open the PDF reader then I can not get this data, anyone can tell me how I can provide this feature in my app. thank you in advanced. You have to register your app for these features.

php - what is wrong with my mysql database in wamp? -

I have successfully installed WordPress in the local location, every time I enter my WordPress, there is no problem Today when I input \ wordpress , I got the wrong output Your PHP installation is missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress When I input to enter the admin Critical error: to make a call For the line in C: \ BitNami \ wampstack-5.4.24-0 \ apps \ phpmyadmin \ htdocs \ libraries \ php-gettext \ undefined function mb_detect_encoding () 177 $ source_encoding = mb_detect_encoding ($ text); function _encode ($ text) {$ source_encoding = mb_detect_encoding ($ text); $ Target_encoding = _get_codeset (); If ($ source_encoding! = $ Target_encoding) {return mb_convert_encoding ($ text, $ target_encoding, $ source_encoding); } And {return text $; }} How can I fix this? You need to enable mb_string extensions on WAMP to separate it There is an extension and you need to enable it. Sin...

How to use conditional statement while writing and reading a .properties file in java -

Is there a way to use conditional statements in the properties file? I want something as output in the file of properties: 'TP = 1 TP1 Satellite Frequency - Polarization of TP1 = TP1 = Vertical Symbol TRP = 30 TP = 2 TP Satellite Frequency of 2 - Polarization of 11240 TP2 = TP2 = TP = 30 TP = 3TT3 Satellite Frequency - TP3 = Polarization of TRP3 = Vertical Symbol of TP3 = 30 ... and so on 12 TPS your In Rroprti file TP = 1,2,3 Satellite Fricvensikteepi 1 = 11240 polarization. TP.1 = Vertical Symbol RTP .1 = 30 Satellite Frequency .po .2 = 11240 Polarization. TP.2 = Vertical Symbol. Rpt.22 = 30 satellite frequency .pp = 3,140 polarization. TP.3 = Vertical Symblate. T.P..3 = 30 In your Java code, you first need to read the values ​​of the first property 'TP' in the array and add each tp to the number. To read 3 properties, it is to be iterative for example "polarization .tp." + I " where i is your loop index. HTH.

insert google analytics code in javascript file -

Maybe duplicate: I tried to add Google's data code for JS file And I do not think so. I tried 3 ways 1 document.getElementsByTagName ('body') [0] .innerHTML + = "(L, ii) .q = i [r] .q || []). Push (logic) }, I [r] .l = 1 * new date (); a = s.create element (o), i = s.getElementsByTagName (o) [0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; M.parentNode.insertBefore (A, M)}) (window, document, 'script', '// Ga (' send ',' pageview '); & lt; / script & gt; Enter the code to the 2 function and call the function "window.onload" on "phone call" function googleAna ({{function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {i ['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = R; ii [r] = i [R] | function () {(i [r]. C = i [r]. K || []). Push (s) C)}, i [r] .l = 1 * new date (); a = s.createElement (o), m = s.getElementsByTagName (o) [0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g ; M.parentNode InsertBefore (a, m)}) (window, document, 'script', '//...

Jenkins conditional steps for maven project -

I use Jenkins for continuous integration. How can I run conditional steps with Maven projects? I am able to establish conditional steps for free style projects but this is not available with Maven projects. In addition to this, I want to publish conditionalback / PMD reports in Maven projects conditionally. Then it is possible to use the flexible publishing plugin only for free style projects. Any help will be highly appreciated - thanks You can add a profile to your POM and it can only be activated when a variable exists (for example, determined by Jenkins). Slightly like this: & lt; Profile & gt; & Lt ;! - By default, Jenkins defines a property BUILD_NUMBER, which is used to enable profiles - & gt; & Lt; Profile & gt; & Lt; ID & gt; Coverage & lt; / Id & gt; & Lt; Activation & gt; & Lt; Property & gt; & Lt; Name & gt; Env.BUILD_NUMBER & lt; / Name & gt; & Lt; / Property & gt; & Lt;...

About iterations in Load Runner -

How can we use iterations in the controller i.e. When running the scenario in the controller? How will it be regulated? Please explain to me The main point here is to set the appropriate interval for each script, so it's noisy without compromising with concurrency The required number of can be achieved.

web services - Server push of data from Clojure to ClojureScript -

I am writing an application server in the closure which will use CloserSearch on Clauer. http-kit An efficient, idiomatic way for clients to push data from server to real-time events as core Want to find: .async Ring (but I'm open to other possibilities) Is there a good way to do this? Can provide examples / approaches? I like to use, here it is, you just have to wrap-ring-handler For the 'Push' function, the most useful part is Alf's ASCIN handler. It builds on the top of Nati, there is not a thread model of connection, so the server side does not have to worry about counting the TCP connection. Description of some party: Use a server-side aysnc handler, hold all client connections (channels) 60 (for example) seconds If there is no 'new data', send an empty response If there is any feedback on the server side, then send it. Customer side can send general HTTP requests to server When the customer receives a response, handle...

c# - longlist selector allows multiple selection of radiobuttons -

I have a LongListSelector that has a radio button in its datatappletlet (for which groupname property is set). Now when I select 1 redbootton, then the parallel 32 th radio button is selected, when I select the second parallel 33. How to solve it? This is happening in the listlist selector which was due to virtualization. The first attempt has been made, I just make a list for the items of LLS Therefore, you need to maintain a property in View MODEL and it is connected to the radio's Ischaked Build in the property.

Store a image and text from spinner in database in mysql through json in android -

I want to save image list of images from the image and show in the spinner with image and text and save this image and Retrieve the image and text in the list in both the database and the list via the JSON web service in the MySQL database. Using a spinner adapter, simply create your own adapter, BaseAdapter Or ArrayAdapter and specify getView () method to create your own view with text and images.

video - Create an array of UiImageVIews to feed iCarousel from 2 arrays -

I am trying to create an NSMutableArray of UIImageViews to feed an iCarousel to each UIImageView video for the name and length. And the label has a thumbnail. I've found that as a video thumbnail, iCarousel loads as loads to an unacceptable delay, more than 10 video thumbnails are loaded once. I have not found an asynchronous way to create video thumbnails because iCarousel is required The current solution I am trying to work on, while saving the video both the video and a mailing thumbnail to the App Document folder To save in These are then filled 2 times in the ordered arrays (with exactly the same calculation). The puzzle I am trying to solve is that which is the best way to create a new array of UIImageViews using a thumbnail image from an array and the matching index in the length of the name and video from the video With second array. I used to create thumbs and labels just by using this code before an array of videos. UIImageView * view = [[UIImageView alloc] i...

.htaccess - Simple redirect apache infinite loop -

I'm using xampp under Windows 7. I've kept .htaccess in% XAMPP_ROOT% / htdocs. .htaccess has a falling line in: redirect after typing http: I have an infinte loop error in a // local host browser address field. A http: //localhost/test.php/test.php/test.php/test.php/test.php/test Is on. Php / test.php test.php test.php test.php test.php test.php test.php test.php test.php test.php test.php test.php / Test.php / test.php / . But I hope that I am redirecting to http: //localhost/test.php/ . Use RedirectMatch to avoid this scenario by using regex Should: RedirectMatch ^ /? $ Http: //localhost/test.php/ mvc 3 - Call jquery function from another view -

I have a jquery function 'ShowerrorDialog' designated index.cshtml name and I have to call other Visual Test the same function. Cshtml Functional shearral diallog (msg) {$ ("# ErrorDialog"). Html (msg); $ ("# ErrorDialog"). Dialog ({modal: true, dialogClass: 'errorDialogClass', button: {"OK": function () {$ ("#errorDialog") .dialog ("close");}}}); } test.cshtml: @modelimimableable & lt; Ad_hoc reporting.models.grid model & gt; @ {Layout = null; } @ {If (@ Model.First () message == "session out".) {// ShowerrorDialog need to call here} else {var grid = new WebGrid (model, ajaxUpdateContainerId: "popup_content", rowsPerPage: 7) ; Grid.Pager (WebGridPagerModes.NextPrevious); & Lt; Div id = "popup_content" & gt; @ Grid.GetHtml (tableStyle: "webGrid", rowStyle: "webGridRow", headerStyle: "webGridHeader", footerStyle: "webgridFooter...

python - Regex match if not before and after -

How can I 'suck' if not part of 'Honeyxi'? Look-alings and see if I can match sucking if I do not 'Honey' or 'Suck', but it also fails to catch something like 'Honnisk'; Here the expression should , as it does not end in le : (r '(? & Lt;! Honey) ) Suck (?! Li) ',' Hoanseckar ') You're behind the nest Assertion of: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Import re & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Regex = re.compile (r "(? & Lt;! Honey (? = Suck)) suck")> gt; & Gt; & Gt; ("Honuscle") & gt; & Gt; & Gt; ("honeysucker") & lt; _sre.SRE_Match object 0x00000000029B6370 & gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; ("suckle") & lt; _sre.SRE_Match object 0x00000000029B63D8 & gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; ("suck") & lt; _sre.SRE_Match object 0x00000000029B6370 & gt; An...

jsp - Cannot get the real path of a file in the project folder -

Within a jsp file I am trying to navigate to loading the XML file. The location of the JSP file / project folders / playout / app names / indexes Jsp The location of the XML file / project folders / data / file / mefile. Xml The location of the project folder is different in each environment, Example: The location in my local PC is: c: \ myApps \ BPServer \ tomcat \ Webapps \ projectFolder When I use the following code: & lt; C: set var = "xmlfile" value = "$ {pageContext.request.contextPath} /data/files/myfile.xml" /> The value of the xmlfile is set to: c: \ projectFolder \ data \ files \ myfile.xml However, the odd thing is that if I use xmlfile as href then the correct path and file is located: Any ideas how to work, I can get the correct file path from the following: boolean canLocateFile = fileExists (xmlfile); Public stable Boolean fileexists (string file path) {filef = new file (file path); Return f.exists (...

multithreading - How to create threads in a python GUI application? -

What is the most appropriate way to use threads in Python GUI application, if the application is reading a large file on some point ? Probably two threads, 1 for GUI, 1 to read the file. Can I make threads at the beginning of the application, or should I create a "read file" thread, when it needs to read the file? The question is quite unclear as you probably should definitely specify which GUI library you are referring to are doing. / P> In most GUIs I know that the main design is that only one thread (the main thread) should be handled by the GUI and hence it is important that the other threads do not interact directly with the user interface. The only thing that you are allowed to do with a different thread is the post - the message for the main GUI loop. For example, if you need a progress, then open it in the main thread in the progress window, start the reader thread, which posts the messages as reading income and then the final message is complete when...

python - Unable to kill Flask server launched by Popen on Ubuntu -

What I'm trying to achieve is the lesser requirement. # run PYE import requests import time from subprocess import Popen, PIPE server = popon ("./", stdout = PIPE, stderr = PIPE, shell = True) Time.sleep (1) res = requests.get ("http: // localhost: 1234 /") res.status_code == 200 server.kill () server.terminate () res = requests.get ("http: // Localhost: 1234 / ") Print and the actual server script. python Run From Shell: (t) Khushon @ Fubini: / tmp $ ps aux | Grep app Khushan 21452 0.6 0.4 16416 9992 points / 2s 03:50 0:00 dragon ./ Yeukhon 21471 0.0 0.0 4384 804 points / 2s + 03:51 0:00 grep --color = auto app is still hanging there. I have to hit it with the command line In fact, the last line of Tells that the server was still alive (200 was returned) I tried to kill with os.kill (server) .pid, signal.SIGTERM) and os.kill (, signal.SIGKILL) but none works Normally kill...

.net - Array.sort() is not working correctly -

Suppose that the values ​​in the array are: dim arrnum () as integer = nothing arrnum values ​​(3, 8, 6, 15, 2, 10) Sort (Arrnum) Values ​​are sorted out (10,15,2,3,6,5) Actually, I'm going to value a sorted way is required. Can you help me? I think you have some mistake to define the array, see the code below, this work Done dim arrnum () as integer = nothing [3, 8, 6, 15, 2, 10] array. Sir (arrnum)

sockets - Reading 802.1Q frames with specific VLAN tag under Linux -

Is there a way to get data for a specific VLAN tag frame? The frame being tagged by inputting htons (0x22f0) as input to all the VLAN sockets () I currently receive: m_iSocketDesc = socket (AF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, htons (0x22f0)); Numbytes = recvfrom (m_iSocketDesc, message_data, 1522, 0, null, 0) I A similar requirement was to get a packet with a specific VLAN, I created a VLAN interface and forced it to my raw socket. Now I can send 802.3 frames, the kernel insert / removes the VLAN tag. Create the VLAN interface, you must have root access add ip link link & lt; PhyInterface & gt; Name & lt; PhyInterface.VLANID & gt; Type VLAN ID VLANID Example: IP Link Link Link eth0 Name eth0.100 Type vlan 100 Use the normal bind function in your application to connect to the VLAN interface Please. Eth0.100 in the above example. You can specify the following two links for the sample code (I am the owner of the not code) Getting: Receiving: The only ch...

mysql - Use results returned from select subquery in update query -

I need to have a query that updates me a table I this query My selection: so.fk_customer, if (((amount (lgg.fk_catalog_attribute_option_global_gender = 1) / calculated (lgg.fk_catalog_attribute_option_global_gender)) * 100 & gt; 60) and (c .gender = 'I'), ' men, if (((amount (lgg.fk_catalog_attribute_option_global_gender = 2) / calculated (lgg.fk_catalog_attribute_option_global_gender)) * 100 & gt; 60) and (c.gender = 'woman'), 'I', '')) Calculation in the form of the list_attribute_link_global_gender as the Gender suggestion included in the LGG Inner Vi_smple AS cs ON cs.fk_catalog_config = lgg.fk_catalog_config Join Inner sales_order_item on SII. Software = CSK .id_sales_order on the inside c.id_customer = so.fk_customer where in the form of being in the lgg.fk_catalog_attribute_option_global_gender (1,2) and so.created_at DATE_SUB (NOW), interval 30 days) and now between () group so.fk_customer Join customer count (lgg.fk_catalog_at...

How do i render django json view with angularjs $resource? -

I just completed Angularjs tutorial and try to integrate it with Django. For my problem, I looked around and found a problem with me, but the problem was never resolved. My demo view; View class MyView (): get def (self, request, * Arges, ** kwargs): data = serializers.serialize ( 'json', Srenikobajeskol ()) Acteepiarpispakshn (Data, Content_type = "App / JS") App.JS app ('Categories', ['$ resource', function ($ resource) {return $ resource ('/ categories');}]); App.controller ( 'mainCtrl', [ '$ scope', 'Categories', function ($ scope, categories) {$ scope.test = "test"; $ scope.categories = category.query ();}); }]; Calling on \ categories gives me the correct Jason response The test value fixes but the data in the categories is not rendered Solution: Check my answer. About getting it this way: $ http ({method: 'GET', url: /categories'}).success(function(data) {$ s...

java - Regarding stitching of files -

I have a large file that has been returned in response to a query. I want the collected list to be given to the user To be shown. Before that when the file was small I would read them individually and add the result to one-third file, but reading still means a few seconds delay which users can not afford. Is there a way in which the file can be stitched and the overall result can be presented to the user? Earlier I tried an order like "cat file 1 file2"> gt0> file 3 which is randomly in the file's file1 and file2 file3 but this command does not work when i process p = runtime.gettimetime (). Exec ("cat file1 fiile2"> file3 "); BufferedReader BR = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (p.getInputStream ()); The script you are using from the shell, your "aggregation" is actually adding the file. If this is the case, then just do something like this Would be: prefix OutputStream os = ... byte [] buffer = new byte [8192]...

github pages - Jquery error not showing up on firebug -

I am editing this repo on gitub and I have participated in a problem. This is the live page The problem is that once I click on add partner the partner is added, but when I click on click delete partner click I do not do anything.I should say what I have done a few clicks. This is jquery code Because the warning is not visible, I have concluded that there may be an error but this error is not shown on firebug Is going and I wonder what the problem might be. Use $ (document) .on ('click', '.delete_partner') , Function () { instead.) This event will bind to the document. The way you declared the function, it means that it's dynamically created '.delete_partner' element; This will only be linked to the existing '.delete_partner' elements that are present when the document is ready.

ios - phone call within table cell given -

I have created an array of some records and want to make phone call feature when choosing any cell ... like 89044 9 0035 - (minus) Drishydidlod {arryAppleProducts = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: @ "8904490035", @ "iPod", @ "MacBook", @ "MacBook Pro", null] ; ArryAdobeSoftwares = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: @ "Flex", @ "AIR", @ "Flash", @ "Photoshop", zero]; ArryAdobeSoftwares1 = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: @ "one", @ "two", @ "three", @ "four", zero]; Self.title = @ "Simple Table Exmaple"; [Super viewedload]; } - (void) Talikadrishy: (UITableView *) had Talikadrishy SelectionRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) Suckankpth {NextViewController * nextController = [[NextViewController alloc] initWithNibName: @ "NextView" bundle: nil]; [Self. Push Navigation Controller ViewController: Animated NextController: Yes]; If (indexPath.sectio...

unit testing - C# test application -

I have 25 projects with both C # and Managed C ++. I need it to test one of the # Project calls, but this project is the type of "Window Application" (not DLL). Even if it's a Windows application, I need to call only some internal functional calls (not related to the Windows form). I need to create a separate C # test project to call this functionality. Is it possible to do this? Can someone recommend a way or example? And one more thing, I can not modify the existing code Is it possible to do that? Yes test the project that you want to test in the test project, generally how do you test your code. Can anyone recommend a method or example? Create a unit test project, reference the project in which to test the code, in which you want to test, test the test to test the test. If you need to make the code checkable, do so or see the points given below. And one more thing, I have no freedom to modify existing source code. / P> In this case, y...

type conversion - How do I store numbers as varchar in mysql? -

I need to store integers and decimal numbers such as: 9, 1, 10.00, 2, 100.10 For this, I chose Wakarah. But the problem is that I can not implement the maximum () function, because it returns instead of 100.10 datatap varchar What should I do in this scenario? Please help !! Thanks! Use one of the available in MySQL in your case, NUMERIC or DECIMAL or like FLOAT would be appropriate.

c - Loading columns from file -

I have just begun and I have to write a program that reads a column from a file. I have to throw What was doing was to write. I do not know what to do in the column. And only one has to choose what to do with the size of the array. #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include. & Lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; Int main () {FILE * pr; Four FNN [100]; Int i, n; Four Tabilica [100] [100]; Printf ("file name \ n"); Scanf ("% s", and fname); Public relations = FOPAN (FNN, "R"); If (public relations == faucet) {printf ("Can not load file \ n"); Exit (-1); } Printf ("column number \ n"); Scanf ("% d", & amp; i); If (i == faucet) {printf ("no column"); }} Fclose (public relations);} (FIFF (PR) (F.F.C.F.F. (PR, "% s", and tabilica [ii]); printf ("% s \ n", tableclick [i] After the code> the file is being loaded as scanf ("% s" , & Amp; Fname);...

java - What is the Regular expression for Roman numerals? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 10 उत्तर मान लीजिए मेरे पास फ़ाइल नाम है जैसे abc_33_5_ii.pdf मुझे उस फाइल की पहचान करने की आवश्यकता है अगर इसके अंत में रोमन संख्या है यह कोई रोमन अंक हो सकता है मैं इसके लिए नियमित अभिव्यक्ति नहीं लिख सकता हूं फ़ाइल प्रकार की तरह हो सकता है .. xyz_43_4_iv.pdf या hfb_87_3_xi.pdf। मुझे अंतिम भाग ("_ iv" / "_ xi") की पहचान करने की आवश्यकता है कृपया मेरी सहायता करें आप ऐसा कुछ इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं: _ ([^ ._] +) \। । + $ $ । मैं @ ग्रैंट थॉमस से सहमत हूं और इसे विभाजित करता हूं, जैसे: स्ट्रिंग इनपुट = "abc_33_5_ii.pdf"; स्ट्रिंग संख्या = इनपुट.split ("_") [3] .split ("\\।") [0]; जैसा कि आप देख सकते हैं, विभाजन दृष्टिकोण बहुत साफ है।

Trouble with android navigation Drawer -

I created an item in the NAV drawer link for my curd, using a simple navigation drawer, but once I I want to click on an item in the NAV drawer that wants me to take a list view. As far as I see it is connected only to Java class which spreads the piece, as soon as I mentioned that it exits from the list. I use the navigation drawer: First of all I used the Navigation Drawer A click listener was set in ListView mDrawerList.setOnItemClickListener (new DrawerItemClickListener ()); DrawerItemClickListener applies a custom class DruwerItemClickListener to the Private Sector ListView.OnItemClickListener {@Override public void onItemClick (AdapterView & lt ;? & gt; Parents, view view, int position, long id) {echime (position); }} This call for select zero (int position) Private zero selectItem (int position) {FragmentTransaction ft = GetSupportFragmentManager () .beginTransaction (); Switch (position) {case0: ft.replace (, new firstfragmen...

java - compress base64 encoded string data into decode format -

Hello, I am decoding the base 64 string data and saving it in database like the URL format with the data stamp So that I need to include decoded data. And my compression like if the incoming data is less than 100kb then there is no need to compress the data to reduce the data by 50%. Try {string file} ITMRepp = ("file section referencepath"); String imageURLReferncePath = propsFPCConfig.getProperty ("imageURLReferncePath"); File f = new File (Failitimarifpath + "" "" productive "+" / "+ donor ID); string strException =" original file "+ FkgetName (); if (! F.exists ()) {if (! F.mkdirs ()) {System.out.println ( "towards creation failed"); return null;}} else {boolean isdirCreationStatus = f.mkdirs ();} string strDateTobeAppended = new SimpleDateFormat ( "YyyyMMdhhmmss") format (new Date ()); string filename = strImageName + strDateTobeAppended; SavedFile = new file (f....

ios - Getting nearby localities -

I have tried a lot and have done a lot but in the end I'm ending this query by putting here . I have a long and long user, now I want to get all the specific areas, ie, around 500 kilometers. I searched and found that Google Places API can help me in this, but it is not bringing the right result. search / jason = location = 33.7167,73.0667 & amp; Radius = 500 & amp; Type = funeral_home & amp; Sensor = false & amp; Key = key I have given a type of "funeral_home" in the above link but the result that is brought is not funeral_home. Despite providing this type of type, it is bringing data in every way. Please give any help and thanks in advance The parameter name is type ( No type ). Returns zero zero results (no error). Radius parameter is actually measured in meters (not km ), with max 50,000. That change also gives 5 results (no error).

Not able to compile grails project -

I can not clear, compile my personal gallery project if I try to run compile - stackets or The project 'X_Project' throws an error down me at the webserver Execute the problem: Compile - Stacktrace command 'GrailsCommand (P / X_Project & gt; --noreloading compile - - statorrace) has been terminated because It does not produce new output for some time. See details of the output prepared so far. If you think the order requires more time, you can increase the deadline in the Grails Priority page. View menu & gt; & Gt; Preferences & gt; & Gt; Grets & gt; & Gt; Launch Command: GrailsCommand (P / X_Project> --noreloading compile --stacktrace) ---- System.out ---- Loading Grails 2.2.3 ---- System.err ---- A Stacktrace could not be collected because the Grails process was not found ------ System.out: ----------- Grails loading 2.2.3 - ---- Systems Err: ----------- A stacktrace could not be collected because the Grails process was not...

sql - Trigger when update, insert, delete inventory -

I want to create a trigger to update and insert my inventory table. When the quantity changes and it is less than 0, then I want to inscoke in my table that the product can be changed, and if the quantity is greater than 0. My effort does not work at all. - Create table 'Make product' table [DBO]. [ProductSet] NVarchar (max) Nov, NVarchar (max) No, zero, [imagepath] nerve (max) no, zero [unicaturase] [productive] int identity (1,1) no tap, [product name] nvarchar (maximum) ] Is not float, [classified] it is not, [instock] bit not); Go - Create table 'inventory set' table [DBO]. [Inventory reset] ([inventory ID] int idtt (1,1) no tap, [quantity] is not iit, [product id] is not IT); Go I know this is wrong, but here you can go. : P Make Trigger [DBO]. [DBO] on [testtrigar] [Inventoryset] After INSERT, set notebook as update; If (SELECT dbo.InventorySet.Quantity) & gt; 0 Then Debo. Insert in the product set (INSTOCK) VALUE (1) dbo.ProductSet (InStock) ...

java - How to stop one thread after completion of other? -

वर्ग परीक्षण {सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] args) {थ्रेड th = new thread () {सार्वजनिक शून्य चलाने () (के लिए (इंट आई = 1; आई & lt; = 18; i ++) {System.out.println ("रन:" + i); कोशिश {Thread.sleep (1000); } पकड़ (बाधित ईक्सेप्शन ई) {// टोडो ऑटो-जेनरेट कैच ब्लॉक}}}}; थ्रेड y = नया थ्रेड () {सार्वजनिक शून्य रहित () (के लिए (इंट आई = 1; आई & lt; 10; i ++) {System.out.println ("स्टॉप:" + i); कोशिश {Thread.sleep (1000); } पकड़ (बाधित ईक्सेप्शन ई) {// टोडो ऑटो-जेनरेट कैच ब्लॉक}}}}; th.start (); y.start (); (इंट आई = 0; आई & lt; 5; i ++) के लिए {System.out.println ("मुख्य:" + i); कोशिश {Thread.sleep (1000); } पकड़ (बाधित ईक्सेप्शन ई) {// TODO ऑटो-जेनरेट कैच ब्लॉक}} System.out.println ("मुख्य पूर्ण"); }} जैसे ही धागा y अपने निष्पादन को पूरा करता है, मैं इसे थ्रेड को रोकना चाहता हूं, मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूं? आप अस्थिर बूलियन चर का उपयोग कर सकते हैं और इसे झूठे पर सेट कर सकते हैं । धागा y पूरा होने के बाद इसे सच...

jquery - TypeError: $.mobile.activePage is undefined -

Hi friends I'm new in jQuery mobile and developing a website using it. I have created a function to control the height of the page according to the height of the window, when its work is fine, but when I am going to the unseen page, shutting it down and giving the error TypeError: $ .mobile.activePage I do not know that the metter needs your help to solve this problem Please give me Help people you can see your code below USED LIBRARIES & lt; Script src = "js / jquery-1.10.2.min.js" type = "text / javascript" language = "javascript" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = "js /" type = "text / javascript" language = "javascript" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = "js / modernizr-2.6.1.min.js" type = "text / javascript" language = "javascript" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Scrip...

c++ - Push_back on a vector of array of char -

I have a problem with push_back, it does not work with my code: ( Code> Constant DIM = 10, Vector and LT; four [DIM]> Series; Int Function Unit (DIM) [categorie.push_back (cat); return 0;} How to do Thank you! PS: I'm using Eclipse CDT This will not work. To copy std :: vector to T Is required to be qualified or running. There is an indicator for function_1 , cat char inside, not char An array of. If you have C +11, then use std :: array : const int DIM = 10 ; Vector & lt; array & lt; char, dIM & gt; categorie; int function_1 (array & lt; char, dIM & gt; cat) {categorie.push_back (cat); return 0;} If you do not have this, then you use it in a class in the array and instead. Of course, you can do that for yourself.

user interface - Java JTextField wont show -

I am creating some GUI and I have made this JDialog where I try to create a template for name, phone number I am doing, and my problem of age is that when you press the button, you call this method: making the public zero () {JDialog addDialog = new JDialog ( Frame); JP Penal Ad ContentPan = (JPNL) addDialog.getContentPane (); AddContentPane.setBorder (new blank border (12,12,12,12)); AddContentPane.setLayout (new border layout (6,6)); AddDialog.setTitle ("Opret Kunde"); AddDialog.setSize (800, 400); AddDialog.setLocationRelativeTo (frame); AddDialog.setModal (true); AddDialog.setVisible (true); Japanese add-content = new zpn (); AddContent.setLayout (new gridlate (4,4)); JTextField addName = new JTextField (50); AddContent.add (addName); JTextField addAge = new JTextField (50); AddContent.add (addage); JTextField addPhone = new JTextField (50); AddContent.add (addPhone); AddContentPane.add (ad-content, border layout. Vest); AddDialog.add (addContentPane); } I can n...

java - How do i modify a constructor? -

I am very new to Java and am trying to figure out that constructor to create a bank account object How to modify, which is the monthly interest when the user uses the annual interest rate of the format? I have no idea? The bank account constructor originally deposited the monthly interest rate for the instant account of the bank account object, but if the annual rate needs to be changed in monthly rate, how do I change it? / ** * bank account class * This class limits a bank account * * (By Tony Gaddis by Pearson Edik in the beginning of 2008 by Java - Early Objects * (Third Edition) Taken.) * * / Public-class bank account (public static zero main) (string [] args) {} private double balance; // Account balance private double interest; // interest rate private double interest; // Interest earned / ** * Constructor starts balancing * and equality and differences with the values ​​passed to start interest rates. * Interest area is assigned 0.0 /. * Public bank account (double start...

html - How can I accomplish this layout using proper markup and CSS? -

I should have a block on the left and a box that contains text on its right, but I do not want to Below are hidden to drop, it should be with the boundaries of a rectangle that are around the block. How does this happen that a table behaves, but I'm not sure what is the best way out of it. I hope this Bella will be clear: & lt; Div class = "container" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "block" & gt; Block & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "text" & gt; This is a text box that wraps at least two lines & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Instead of floating, you display: table-cell : * {box-size: border-box; }. Container {width: 200px; Limit: 1px solid black; Overflow: Auto; } .block {display: table-cell; Width: 70px; Height: 20px; Background: Red; White color; Text align: center; } .text {border: 1px solid red; Exhibit: Table Cell; }

math - Java check if two rectangles overlap at any point -

I have several rectangular and one special rectangle: selection select I want to check each rectangle if at least in the rectangle There is a point inside the selection rectangle. Here is an image for clarity: It will be found that rectangular overlapping another rectangle: Public Boolean overlap (rectangle) {return x

Python Selenium switch into an iframe within an iframe -

I have an iframe inside using an iframe Selenium, Python, and BS4 selenium imports webdriver import time import html5lib drivers BS4 import = webdriver.Firefox (from BeautifulSoup) driver.implicitly_wait (10) driver.get ( '') : time.sleep (4) iframe = driver.find_elements_by_tag_name ( 'iframe') [0] driver.switch_to_default_content () driver.switch_to_frame (iFrame) driver.switch_to_default_content () driver.find_elements_by_tag_name ( 'iframe') [0] output = driver .page_source print output at the end: driver.qu It (); Within the returned text, two more iframes seem to get me how do I reach them? I have tried in the above code without success. Any help is appreciated. switch_to_default_content () you will return to the top of the document. What's happening is that you have already changed to iframe , went back to the top of the document, then tried to find another iframe . Because it is the first iframe inside . If you ...

More efficient for an Java Array -

I have an assignment in which we will have to create a directory that stores the name and extension number. In the first part we have to store the information in just one array, we have to be able to add an entry in the array and initially read a .txt file and store it in array. After all, he has to print arrays. I was just wondering what would be more efficient because I had only started learning the code in the last few months and it is difficult for me. 1) Would it be better to make an array of the first size [99 99] (since it is the maximum number of entries because it can be in the directory because each has a unique four digit number). I have a count in the INNT that counts the addition of the last array [x], when I call a method like entry, it will add the entry to [x + 1]. The problem with this is that the array which I have read, is very big and can have display problems in it, apart from this, I should be able to create a 'Lookup' method which is used for any nu...

c# - Get Response Back from ASPX page in Android -

I have an Android application that calls an ASPX page on the server, which works in some database and returns right. Is (most of the time). However, I want to make some verification that the procedure has been corrected. So I have inserted the following line in my ASPX code, after which all is end. Response Edhader (Conf. REG_RESPONSE, CONFIG.REG_ADDED) and these rows in my Android Output Stream Out = httpCon GetOutputStream (); Out.write (byte); Out.close (); Int position = httpCon.getResponseCode (); StrReceivedURL = httpCon.getURL () GetFile (); StrReturnedResponse = httpCon.getHeaderField (Config.REG_RESPONSE); Log D. (Debuts, "Response Header:" + Stratification Response); However, it gives blank. Besides, sorry for this stupid question, but if I the response. Redirect ("/") 'I'm redirecting to home page . Holder (s) should be empty? What is the best way to handle requests like this? I'm using an ASPX page (just like a servicet...

php - How to limit the times a script can be run to some time on a particular ip address -

Im counting for a certain amount of time when any script that chooses a song from that table goes away , But I want to increase within once, maybe say 5 hours. So this means that a user will play a song and it will only be counted as a play for the first time and then waiting for 5 hours before allowing another enhancement. PHP I do not know how to do it. $ _ session ['play_id'] = $ _SERVER ["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $ _SESSION ['play_time'] = time (); $ Then = $ _SESSION ['play_time']; $ Now = time (); $ Diff = $ now-> Different ($ again); If ($ diff> 2 * 1000) {$ query = mysql_query ("Update Setup Set = plays = 1 where sid = '$ id'") or die (mysql_error ()); } Else {echo 'not yet'; } Thanks. $ ip = 0 if (empty! ($ _ Server ['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']) ) {$ Ip = $ _SERVER ['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; } And {$ ip = $ _SERVER ['REMOTE_ADDR']; } security issue elseif (! ($ _ Server ['HTTP_X_FORWAR...

python - What is the most idiomatic way to express this query with SQAlchemy? -

Basically I have a SQLite query that looks like this: foos = Foo .query .filter (foo.expiration & lt; cutoff) valid_foos = [] for less important things for foo: last_bar = foo.bars.order_by ('created_at desc') first () last_bar.state if = 'fatal': Valid_foos.append (.! Foo) The goal is to select all the fees for which the state of the related bar is not "fatal" It seems that the subqueries can help here However, I am struggling to understand this B i last_bar = foo.bars.order_by ( 'created_at desc') How can I express. First () this way. I think the easiest and most versatile way to do this is using extensions. When you expand the model according to the below given below: square fu (base): __tablename__ = "foo" # ... @hybrid_propertydef last_bar_state (self): _last_bar = self.bars .order_by (Bar.created_at.desc ()) First. () Return _last_bar.state @last_bar_state.expressiondef_last_bar_state_expression (CLS): q = (sele...

digits - Regex to match 3 numbers -

Currently, I'm trying to create a regex, which can get 3 numbers under some circumstances. I have tried many attempts now, but it will not work with a single expression - it either matches "bad positive" or "wrong numbers" ... words : I have to get any 3 points which is visible at the beginning of a string Empiring somewhere inside the string (End string not possible) If: Another 3-digit group matching this condition is not. Group "p" or "i" The group is not followed "x" in examples Strong> (the number that I want to match) in () : This (321) is an example. Also included (321) // Basically not possible, but can not hurt. This is another group with AP (321): 122p This is another group of (321) I: 123i Reasons for this x235 (123) that I want to do. (123) What do I want, no x111 or 125p or 999i There is no solution in this 111 case 555 (I This is needed (1 number) (2 numbers) - but t...

ruby - Rails double render error for multithreading -

I want to test sign_in in train from different places at the same time, then I use multi threading in rspec Do: Reference 'When multiple APIs were made at the same time' do this 'successfully sign_in' request.env ["devise.mapping"] = Devise.mappings [: user] Formula = thread [] 10.times & lt; & Lt; post: Create, user: {email:, password: user.password} end-end threads.each do | T | End end end t.join and above is the double error submission code: AbstractController :: DoubleRenderError: submitted and / or redirected Many times, in this operation, please note that you can only call the render or redirect, and take action once per maximum. Also keep in mind that the execution of the operation does not end or be redirected, so if you want to exit any action after the redirect, then you have to do something like "redirect_to (...) and return" / Code> My Controller Code: Creating DIF Resources =

sql - Why would the query show data from the wrong month? -

I have a question: , as well date_cte (r.starburst_dept_name select, R, as a priority, as Purhwarekha, primarily x.monthly_past_date, r.starburst_dept_average - x.starburst_dept_average - x.starburst_dept_average in (select average *, the ROW_NUMBER () (by order monthly_past_date according Starbrst_dipt_nam ) intranet Dibo Sisi_reprs_moth of RID R) *, ROW_NUMBER (more) intranet.dbo.cse_reports_month go months (monthly_past_date) & gt as Rowid (D Order starburst_dept_name by by monthly_past_date PARTITION); r.starburst_dept_name = x x months (DATEADD (m, -2, monthly_past_date))). starburst_dept_name and r.rowid = x.rowid +1 where r.starburst_dept_name select average DESC by minus date_cte order) * Not So doing some testing, I have a few columns To change the data, to see if that gives me some information, I do not know that when I run the query, it returns my date column which is not as "photo" below the "Jan" (line 4) Should be: There is more data in...

osx - Using Memcached in PHP with Homebrew - OS X -

I was trying to use Memcached in PHP with homebrew installation was successful, but when I run PHP in PHP I tried this error: PHP Warning: PHP startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/ usr / local / cellar / php55 /5.5.11/lib/php/extensions /no-dibg-non-zts-20l2l2l2/memsachekso '- Dlopen (/usr/lokl/kellr/php55/5k5kll/lib/php/akstenshns/no-dibg -non-Zts-20121212 / Memsachekso , 9): Image not found in unknown in the line WARNING: PHP startup: dynamic PU Tkaly '/usr/local/Cellar/php55/5.5 unable to load .11 / lib / php / extensions / no-debug-non-zts-20121212 /' - dlopen (/ usr / local / cellar / php55 /5.5.11/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts- 20121212/, 9): not found in the unknown on the image line 0 PHP Warning: PHP startup: dynamic library '/ usr / local / Cellar / php55 / 5.5.11 / lib / php / extensions unable to load /no-debug-non-zts-20121212/ '- dlopen (/usr/local/Cellar/php55/5.5.11/lib/ Php / extensions / no-debu...

http - Losing session and cookies after clicking on link -

In a Rail 4 multi-application application, I am trying to continue the form data in the session if the user Need to go back and edit the form before submitting it Page 1 contains the form page 2, page 2 shows data to the user with the option of "go back" or "submit" form. Below is the code of the "Back" element: I also have my sessions and cookies displayed on each page for troubleshooting: problem When I click the button described above ( & lt; a & gt; tag actually) I click on, I go back to page 1 but my session is zero I also had the value in the cookies, but they were also set as zero . Why is this happening? How can I fix this? It has been found that the session was being explicitly reset in the action of an administrator (with that Get rid of it) and cookies can not be set by this hash or session (such behavior can not be confirmed). So the solution was sent to paste the desired data into a JSON object as a s...

c# - Validate certificate TLS/SSL Server -

I am trying to create an SSL server that loads a certificate from .crt I have tried both X509 certificate. CrackFormatFile (@ ". \ Secure \ CERTIFICATE \" + CertName + ".crt"); and cert.import, and neither works on both of them, I get a problem saying "server mode SSL should use a certificate with the respective private key". And the key is also! My directory: Secure / certificate / Zeus HTTP crt Zeus http.csr Zeus HTTP plugins / ... with shortcut openSSL A simple read tells us that you should use a pkcs7 file which usually The file suffix is ​​p7b You will need to convert your OpenSSL certificate to this format, or get the utility Gee, that can cause a rash.

javascript - Is there a way I can color my ticks in my jqplot graph -

I have a stacked bar graph and I want my skin color on my graph. In the graph below I want to paint customers in red or green based on their position: So I can be green and have acer red color. Is there any way to color each label? I know that I am able to paint them all in one color, but can I choose a specific one? My first try is to select the label using jquery and apply this kind of CSS to me: $ ("div: in" (Awo ') "). Css ("color", "red"); However, it does not select anything try some Such as: $ ("div.jqplot-xaxis-tick: in ('AWWA')"). CSS ("color", "red"); I'm not sure this will work, but it seems that the color of the font of the x label is here: when I ran: $ ("div.jqplot-xaxis-tick:" ('2') "in it). CSS ("color", "red"); You will need to make sure that the Dome is ready after it is ready and the article has been created...

Minecraft, Custom Libraries and LWJGL -

When I want to launch Minecraft on an ARM device, my best to try to roll my own libraries What would be a good bet? Standard Mozang stores only have special x86 versions of LWJGL, and with ArmHife version. While attempting to overwrite copies in microfrof / libraries, a corrupted file error and x86 version started a redownload cycle. I think you want to run MyCanck on mobile? If this is incorrect, then correct me because LWJGL is already compatible with ARM, so it does not care about which CPU is running on it (like AMD CPU is ARM) because it has two main APIs (Java and OpenGL) Either - it also supports all OS because it is also a favorite that if you use 64-bit libraries for speed purposes on 64-bit systems, then you always have 32-bit sub Industry can. I would also like to clarify that Mojang did not do LWJGL, so finding a repository is not a place. Also, if it was possible to change it originally, it would have been done instead of making it again.

java - Nested html not being parsed by Jsoup -

I am trying to parse one page with JSOP, but the HTML is not correctly parsed. The general structure is: & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; ... & lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Frameset ... & gt; & Lt; Frame ... & gt; #document & lt; Html & gt; ... & lt; / Html & gt; & Lt; / Frame & gt; & Lt; / Frameset & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; When I parse the html and print it, then document doc = jsoup.parse (html); System.out.println (doc.html ()); This external HTML (including #documents, but not frame or internal HTML) prints. Do anyone know how to get internal HTML with JSOU, or should I consider using a different library? Thank you. EDIT: Here I am parsing the site. I have a subscription; Do not know if anyone will tell you in this. After authentication, it will take you into: Edit 2: Then I run: document doctor = (html); Elements ames = ("frameset> frame: last-chi...

jquery - Toggle Div outside of Current Div -

Currently I have the Toggle option associated with the li element However, I & lt; Header & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; 1 & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li class = "action" data-content = "# content1" & gt; 2 & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; / Header & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "content" id = "content1" & gt; & Lt; P & gt; A group of materials & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Here's my secret to saving space: when I do this, the top part of the div toggle inside the title Can see I want to display it directly under the header element Thanks in advance, people here are always incredibly useful. The problem is due to : which you specify div # Header . Try it out: #header {Overflow: hidden; Top: 0; Left: 0; Width: 100%; Height: 66px; Z-index: 1; Background color: # 000000; } or...

php - Changing class every in a foreach loop every 2 times -

I'm trying to change every 2x tr square in my loop, but I'm not sure of How can I calculate twice so far I have: foreach (array_chunk $$ user, 2, true) as $ array) {} I divided the $ user array of two, but where can I go from here? I am trying to output: & lt; Tr class = "m0" & gt; & Lt; Td> & Lt; A href = "id.php? Id = 1" & gt; Bob & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; Td> & Lt; A href = "profile.php? Id = 2" & gt; Bob's cousin & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; Tr class = "m1" & gt; & Lt; Td> & Lt; A href = "profile.php? Id = 3" & gt; Bob's mother & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; Td> & Lt; A href = "profile.php? Id = 4" & gt; Bob's father & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; Why do you need alternate names? If th...

html - Unexplained gap between boxes in a form -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 5 जवाब मेरे पास एक सरल रूप है और लाल और बेज रंग के बक्से को अलग करने वाले अंतर के लिए कोई कारण नहीं देख सकते हैं। & lt; form action = "" method = "POST" id = "checkout_form" & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" आकार = "20" वर्ग = "सीसी-संख्या" प्लेसहोल्डर = "कार्ड नंबर" / & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" वर्ग = "cc-exp" प्लेसहोल्डर = "MM / YY" / & gt; & Lt; input type = "text" class = "cc-cvc" प्लेसहोल्डर = "सीवीसी" / & gt; & Lt; बटन प्रकार = "सबमिट करें" वर्ग = "सबमिट करें" & gt; सबमिट करें & lt; / button & gt; & Lt; / प्रपत्र & gt; इस तरह अपने सीएसएस में मार्जिन-बाएं जोड़ने की कोशिश करें: #checkout_form {width: 109px; पृष्ठभूमि रंग: बेज; मार्जिन-बाएं: -4 पिक्सेल; }

SQL Server : CTE Months between dateranges -

मेरे पास निम्न संरचना के साथ एक तालिका है: प्रारंभ तिथि डाटैटेम नल एंडेड डेटैट टाइम नॉट शून्य EnrollmentId nvarchar (255) नहीं nULL ProgrammeId nvarchar (255) रिक्त नहीं EnrollmentId प्राथमिक कुंजी है, और एक GUID स्ट्रिंग की तरह एक सा है, और प्रोग्राम आईआईडी एक 'विषय कोड' को संदर्भित करता है जो GUID की तरह कुछ भी होता है। मुझे क्या करना है, यह निर्धारित करता है कि महीनों की एक निश्चित संख्या प्रोग्राम है सभी नामांकन के लिए एक विशिष्ट तिथि सीमा के दौरान अर्जित किया 01/01/2011 से 1 अप्रैल 2014 तक। तो हम कहते हैं कि मेरे पास एक नामांकन है जो 08/08/2010 से 01/01/2012 एक विशेष प्रोग्राम आईआईडी के लिए। मुझे 01/01/2011 के बाद अर्जित किए गए सभी महीनों की गिनती करना होगा। इसलिए इस तारीख से पहले किसी भी महीने की गिनती नहीं होनी चाहिए i.e. 08/08/2010 से 31/12/2010 को गिना नहीं जाना चाहिए। आदर्श रूप से मुझे एक निश्चित तारीख सीमा के लिए कितने महीने प्रति प्रोग्राम आईडी की गिनती चाहिए। बस कुछ नोट्स: मुझे पूरा महीनों की गिनती की आवश्यकता होगी ताकि यदि कोई ना...