How to use conditional statement while writing and reading a .properties file in java -

Is there a way to use conditional statements in the properties file? I want something as output in the file of properties:

  'TP = 1 TP1 Satellite Frequency - Polarization of TP1 = TP1 = Vertical Symbol TRP = 30 TP = 2 TP Satellite Frequency of 2 - Polarization of 11240 TP2 = TP2 = TP = 30 TP = 3TT3 Satellite Frequency - TP3 = Polarization of TRP3 = Vertical Symbol of TP3 = 30 ... and so on 12 TPS < / Code>   

your In Rroprti file

  TP = 1,2,3 Satellite Fricvensikteepi 1 = 11240 polarization. TP.1 = Vertical Symbol RTP .1 = 30 Satellite Frequency .po .2 = 11240 Polarization. TP.2 = Vertical Symbol. Rpt.22 = 30 satellite frequency .pp = 3,140 polarization. TP.3 = Vertical Symblate. T.P..3 = 30   

In your Java code, you first need to read the values ​​of the first property 'TP' in the array and add each tp to the number. To read 3 properties, it is to be iterative for example "polarization .tp." + I " where i is your loop index.



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