php - what is wrong with my mysql database in wamp? -

I have successfully installed WordPress in the local location, every time I enter my WordPress, there is no problem Today when I input \ wordpress , I got the wrong output

  Your PHP installation is missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress   

When I input to enter the admin

  Critical error: to make a call For the   

line in C: \ BitNami \ wampstack-5.4.24-0 \ apps \ phpmyadmin \ htdocs \ libraries \ php-gettext \ undefined function mb_detect_encoding () 177 $ source_encoding = mb_detect_encoding ($ text);

  function _encode ($ text) {$ source_encoding = mb_detect_encoding ($ text); $ Target_encoding = _get_codeset (); If ($ source_encoding! = $ Target_encoding) {return mb_convert_encoding ($ text, $ target_encoding, $ source_encoding); } And {return text $; }}   

How can I fix this?

You need to enable mb_string extensions on WAMP to separate it There is an extension and you need to enable it.

Since you are on WAMP, click the green color W icon on your system tray and do as shown in the screenshot.

How to do that?
  Click on the w icon - & gt; PHP - & gt; PHP Extension - & gt; Php_mbstring   

Enter image details here

Restart your WAMP server to make changes that take effect.


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