c# - Get Response Back from ASPX page in Android -
I have an Android application that calls an ASPX page on the server, which works in some database and returns right. Is (most of the time). However, I want to make some verification that the procedure has been corrected. So I have inserted the following line in my ASPX code, after which all is end.
Response Edhader (Conf. REG_RESPONSE, CONFIG.REG_ADDED) and these rows in my Android Output Stream Out = httpCon GetOutputStream (); Out.write (byte); Out.close (); Int position = httpCon.getResponseCode (); StrReceivedURL = httpCon.getURL () GetFile (); StrReturnedResponse = httpCon.getHeaderField (Config.REG_RESPONSE); Log D. (Debuts, "Response Header:" + Stratification Response); However, it gives blank. Besides, sorry for this stupid question, but if I
the response. Redirect ("/") 'I'm redirecting to home page . Holder (s) should be empty? What is the best way to handle requests like this? I'm using an ASPX page (just like a servicet), and this ASPX page has no HTML in it.
I believe that you need to place that page at the top of your page
response Oh and no redirect will be an unpredictable behavior Html>
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