web services - Server push of data from Clojure to ClojureScript -

I am writing an application server in the closure which will use CloserSearch on Clauer.

  • http-kit
  • An efficient, idiomatic way for clients to push data from server to real-time events as core Want to find: .async
  • Ring

    (but I'm open to other possibilities)

    Is there a good way to do this? Can provide examples / approaches?

    I like to use, here it is, you just have to wrap-ring-handler

    For the 'Push' function, the most useful part is Alf's ASCIN handler. It builds on the top of Nati, there is not a thread model of connection, so the server side does not have to worry about counting the TCP connection.

    Description of some party:

    • Use a server-side aysnc handler, hold all client connections (channels)
    • 60 (for example) seconds If there is no 'new data', send an empty response
    • If there is any feedback on the server side, then send it.
    • Customer side can send general HTTP requests to server
    • When the customer receives a response, handle the body of the reaction, and then, again, send an http request again
    • Please check the client and all proxy servers to set the correct timeout

      Here are more ways:


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