unit testing - C# test application -

I have 25 projects with both C # and Managed C ++.

I need it to test one of the # Project calls, but this project is the type of "Window Application" (not DLL).

Even if it's a Windows application, I need to call only some internal functional calls (not related to the Windows form).

I need to create a separate C # test project to call this functionality. Is it possible to do this?

Can someone recommend a way or example? And one more thing, I can not modify the existing code

Is it possible to do that?

Yes test the project that you want to test in the test project, generally how do you test your code.

Can anyone recommend a method or example?

Create a unit test project, reference the project in which to test the code, in which you want to test, test the test to test the test. If you need to make the code checkable, do so or see the points given below.

And one more thing, I have no freedom to modify existing source code. / P>

In this case, you have to wrap the code in some cleaner interface so that you can test the code.

This book has some excellent advice on how to get legacy code under trial.


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