video - Create an array of UiImageVIews to feed iCarousel from 2 arrays -
I am trying to create an NSMutableArray of UIImageViews to feed an iCarousel to each UIImageView video for the name and length.
And the label has a thumbnail. I've found that as a video thumbnail, iCarousel loads as loads to an unacceptable delay, more than 10 video thumbnails are loaded once. I have not found an asynchronous way to create video thumbnails because iCarousel is required
The current solution I am trying to work on, while saving the video both the video and a mailing thumbnail to the App Document folder To save in These are then filled 2 times in the ordered arrays (with exactly the same calculation).
The puzzle I am trying to solve is that which is the best way to create a new array of UIImageViews using a thumbnail image from an array and the matching index in the length of the name and video from the video With second array.
I used to create thumbs and labels just by using this code before an array of videos.
UIImageView * view = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRactam (0, 0, 200.0F, 135.0F)]; (See (UIImageView *)) .image = [UIImage imageNamed: @ "page.png"]; View.contentMode = UIViewContentModeCenter; UIImage * thumb = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile: anyPath]; UIImageView * imageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame: view.bounds]; ImageView.tag = 1000; [ImageView Set Image: Thumbs]; [Adsense view: see image]; UILabel * nameLabel = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (0, 150.f, 200.f, 25.f)]; [Name labell settextelment: ntexelmentment left]; [Name label settag: 2000]; [Name Label Settextcore: [UIColor whiteColor]]; [NameLabel set font: [UIFont fontWithName: @ "helvetia new" size: 12.f]]; [Name label set text: anyPath.lastPathComponent]; [Adobe view: name labels]; UILBL * LateLabel = [[UILBL Alloc] Initwithframe: CGRactMake (0, 150.F, 200.F, 25.F)]; [Length Label SettextAvilment: NSTextAlignmentRight]; [Length label settag: 3000]; [Length label settextcroller: [UIColor whiteColor]]; [Length label set font: [UIFont fontWithName: @ "helvetikanayu" size: 12.f]]; [Length labelettext: [Media manager's lengthof videowith path: no path]]; [Adsview view: length labels] See; Any suggestion would be appreciated.
OK solution was to use a block to create an array of UIImageViews from 2 arrays, such as (it Quickly loads the carousel)
[self.aryVideos is using enumerate objects: ^ (id item, NSU, IDX, BOL * stop) {UIImageView * view = [[UIImageView alloc ] InitWithFrame: CGRectMake (0, 0, 200.0f, 135.0f)]; (See (UIImageView *)) .image = [UIImage imageNamed: @ "page.png"]; View.contentMode = UIViewContentModeCenter; UIImage * thumb = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile: self Aydharma [IDX]]; UIImageView * imageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame: view.bounds]; ImageView.tag = 1000; [ImageView Set Image: Thumbs]; [Adsense view: see image]; UILabel * nameLabel = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (0, 150.f, 200.f, 25.f)]; [Name labell settextelment: ntexelmentment left]; [Name label settag: 2000]; [Name Label Settextcore: [UIColor whiteColor]]; [NameLabel set font: [UIFont fontWithName: @ "helvetia new" size: 12.f]]; NSString * path = [item lastPathComponent]; [Name label set text: path]; [Adobe view: name labels]; UILBL * LateLabel = [[UILBal Alok] Initwithframe: CGRactMake (0, 150.F, 200.F, 25.F)]; [Length Label SettextAvilment: NSTextAlignmentRight]; [Length label settag: 3000]; [Length label settextcroller: [UIColor whiteColor]]; [Length label set font: [UIFont fontWithName: @ "helvetikanayu" size: 12.f]]; [Length Labell Settext: [Media Manager LengthOffwiseWith Path: Item]]; [Adsview view: length labels] See; [Self. Refunded object object: view]; }];
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