jsp - Cannot get the real path of a file in the project folder -

Within a jsp file I am trying to navigate to loading the XML file. The location of the JSP file

  / project folders / playout / app names / indexes Jsp   

The location of the XML file

  / project folders / data / file / mefile. Xml   

The location of the project folder is different in each environment, Example: The location in my local PC is:

  c: \ myApps \ BPServer \ tomcat \ Webapps \ projectFolder   

When I use the following code:

  & lt; C: set var = "xmlfile" value = "$ {pageContext.request.contextPath} /data/files/myfile.xml" />   

The value of the xmlfile is set to:

  c: \ projectFolder \ data \ files \ myfile.xml   < P> However, the odd thing is that if I use xmlfile as  href  then the correct path and file is located:  

Any ideas how to work, I can get the correct file path from the following:

  boolean canLocateFile = fileExists (xmlfile); Public stable Boolean fileexists (string file path) {filef = new file (file path); Return f.exists (); }    

You can get the root path of the application from you.

If you have a relative path to the file, you can get its actual path.


  string realpath = servletContext.getRealPath ("/ data / files / myfile XML");   

You can also get the root path of your application. The root path can then be used to refer to your file. Example:

  string root path = universaltext.gatecontextpath (); String filePath = rootPath + "/data/files/myfile.xml";   

If the servlet contract is not accessible to you in your class, you can store the root path of your application in the int-param or property, and use it.


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