Python Selenium switch into an iframe within an iframe -

I have an iframe inside using an iframe Selenium, Python, and BS4

  selenium imports webdriver import time import html5lib drivers BS4 import = webdriver.Firefox (from BeautifulSoup) driver.implicitly_wait (10) driver.get ( '') : time.sleep (4) iframe = driver.find_elements_by_tag_name ( 'iframe') [0] driver.switch_to_default_content () driver.switch_to_frame (iFrame) driver.switch_to_default_content () driver.find_elements_by_tag_name ( 'iframe') [0] output = driver .page_source print output at the end: driver.qu It ();   

Within the returned text, two more iframes seem to get me how do I reach them? I have tried in the above code without success.

Any help is appreciated.

switch_to_default_content () you will return to the top of the document. What's happening is that you have already changed to iframe , went back to the top of the document, then tried to find another iframe . Because it is the first iframe inside .

If you second Retrieve switch_to_default_content () iframe can not find , / code> you should be fine:

 < code> iframe = driver.find_elements_by_tag_name ( 'iframe') [0] driver.switch_to_default_content () driver.switch_to_frame (iFrame) driver.find_elements_by_tag_name ( 'iframe') [0]    < / Html>


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