string formatting - Java NumberFormat isn't respecting comma as decimal separator -
I found a bug in my app where when using an international format my currency string is not showing the right group and decimal separator was. I tried to isolate the code and display the problem. In the code below, I am a U.S. I'm making a format and a world format. Both of them use the same currency pattern, but the United States formatter uses a period as the decimal separator and the world format uses a comma as the decimal separator. When I ask the World Formator to ask what their separators are, then they report them correctly. However, when I get a string for my value, it does not do it properly. This surprisingly uses the duration for grouping and decimal separator. Public static zero master throws exception (strings [] args {String currencyFormat = "¤¤ #, ## 0.00; - ¤ #, ## 0.00"; Number formatting msaa = number format.getcurrencyinstance (); Decimal functional decimal time currency = AA = (decimal format) currencyUSA; DecimalCurrencyUSA.applyPattern (cur...