Database manage in Ruby project -
I have a few questions with Ruby on my team and applying an application in Rail. This is my first ruby project and I wonder how to manage database changes. For example, in the beginning I will create a DB schema and I should create a dump for all team members who can import all DB schema locos or create migration and all can manage their own (no dump).
Does the migration be used only for DB changes ??
Can we use migration to set up DB Schema Locia ??
What are trends ??
Thanks for all the answers
migration Only DB is used for changes Answer: Yes migration is used to manage operations on the database but migration is also used to create a database if you have not created datebase. Just run a command
rake db: migrate and it will update the schema rb file and create a database on the specified server in your yml file.
Can we use migration to setup DB Schema Locia ??
Answer: Yes you can.
What are the trends ??
> Answer: Every time you want to make any changes to the database, you will have to create a migration for it and write the above and the ways and table and column information.
One more thing
Rack DB: Migrate command that migrate to your / db / folder
and if you If you want to run one then use the command below.
rake db: migrate: up vERSION = your new migration number
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