Database manage in Ruby project -

I have a few questions with Ruby on my team and applying an application in Rail. This is my first ruby ​​project and I wonder how to manage database changes. For example, in the beginning I will create a DB schema and I should create a dump for all team members who can import all DB schema locos or create migration and all can manage their own (no dump).

  • Does the migration be used only for DB changes ??

  • Can we use migration to set up DB Schema Locia ??

  • What are trends ??

    Thanks for all the answers

    migration Only DB is used for changes Answer: Yes migration is used to manage operations on the database but migration is also used to create a database if you have not created datebase. Just run a command rake db: migrate and it will update the schema rb file and create a database on the specified server in your yml file.

    Can we use migration to setup DB Schema Locia ??

    Answer: Yes you can.

    What are the trends ??

    > Answer: Every time you want to make any changes to the database, you will have to create a migration for it and write the above and the ways and table and column information.

    One more thing

    Rack DB: Migrate command that migrate to your / db / folder

    and if you If you want to run one then use the command below.

      rake db: migrate: up vERSION = your new migration number    


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