javascript - Can we set cursor as a session variable? -

I tried to set a cursor as a session variable as if it is not working.

Think about it ??

My code: ('apiresult', function (e, result) {console.log (result); session .set ("object", result)}); // Getting variable var abc = session .get ("object"); Return abc.skimlinksProductAPI.numFound;   

It seems that it is not working

Cursor can actually store in session ... sometimes open it and try it in the browser console:

& Gt; Session .set ('mycursor', player. Search ());

Session.get ('mycursor')
LocalCollection.Cursor {collection: LocalCollection, selector_f: function, sort_f: null, skip: undefined, border: undefined ?? |}} & Gt; (Object, object, object, object)

Download now, use the latest meteor, and do so in a browser console you can find:

< Img src = "" alt = "Enter image details here">

Estimate the moral story, do not place the cursor in the session variable. Store instead of objects ( sort , field etc.)


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