sql server - Unable to run MVC web application locally -

I have been asked to make changes to an existing MVC website, unfortunately the site is not the original developer long in the company By the time, there is no document and no one really knows about it much, besides this it is currently our test & amp; Live environment

However, when I set the project as a project and run it, I get the following beautiful white error page: < P> Access is denied.

Description: An error occurred while using the resources needed to fulfill this request. The server can not be configured to access the requested URL.

Error Message 401.2.: Unauthorized: Logon failed due to server configuration. Verify that you have permission to view this directory or page based on the credentials and authentication methods on the web server given to you. Contact the web server administrator for additional help.

There is no heavy amount to go for (at least for me) so I have to go to the web. Checked in the config file and authorization is set as:

  & lt; Authority & gt; & Lt; Reject users = one ????? / & Gt; & Lt; / Authorization & gt;   

If I change it in the code given below then I get a page saying that it can not be loaded, but it is a step forward because I can at least code I can go a little bit. & lt; Authority & gt; & Lt; Allow users = "*" /> & Lt; / Authorization & gt;

This code does something against code Active Directory , which works, and I set the breakpoint and moving beyond the functionality around that tragedy security code Can get it . The code itself does not do anything, but if true , the user is valid (I transfer it to breakpoint) or false if it is invalid The only way is that I have been able to capture a breakpackage within my controller so that it can be seen that anything happens, but nothing emerges. Code, which can be partially, is a class that will use LINQ to get the right information.

  Public readline calling & lt; Application & gt; GetApplicationStatus () {(ApplicationDBEntities Reference = New ApplicationDBEntities ()) {var reference parameters are included in the application in context. Parameters are included in the application in the application. Application parameters are equally application. Application ID1 where the parameter. ParmeterName.Equals ("DateTime", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) & Parameters.AppExlose (0) Select new application {ApplicationId = parameters. ServiceId, ApplicationStatus = application.Status, DateAdded = parameters.ParameterValue}). ToList (); Return new readonlyclonation & lt; Application & gt; (result); }}   

This will throw an anti-exposure on result in the above code, the exception is the message "???? The built-in provider fails open one ??? ? The specific row is highlighted var result = (parameter in reference. Parameter

with it I thought the code is not currently live as I do (hopefully This is not the case) or something happened, when I saw the internal exception message: law C failed for these users 'NT AUTHORITY \\ ANONYMOUS LOGON'.
The connection string is as follows:

  & lt; connectionStrings & gt; & lt; name Add = "ApplicationDBEntities" connectionString = "metadata = res: //*/ApplicationDBModel.csdl | res: / /*/ApplicationDBModel.ssdl.res://www.applicationDBModel.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient.provider connection String = & amp; quot; Data Source = MySver; Initial Catalog = MyDB; Integrated Security = True; Multiple Methodology = True; AP = Entity Framework & amp; quot; "Provider Name =" System.Data Entity Client "/> gt ; & Lt; / ConnectionStrings & gt;   

is trying to get information from the SQL database that I have direct access to e can be that IIS account or something? Are there any suggestions or hints for finding and finding the root cause of this problem?

There is a difference in security in your connection string / true, that means data obtained from your site Attempts as a user with SQL certification, which runs the IIS application pool.

So you should run your iis application pool by user who has the rights on db and, maybe, on other resources on your site

Another possibility is that you should change the connection string in the config file to go to SQL User DB.


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