ios7 - CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor fails with iOS 7 -
I use this function to attract a custom UILabel. This iOS 6 works and before but fails with iOS 7 I replace CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor with CGContextSetFillColorWithColor, not with iOS7 but 6 and his first job.
void ShadowedStrokedText (CGContextRef ctx, NSString * text, CGPoint textStartPont, UIColor * textcolor, UIFont * Font, CGFloat linewidth, UIColor * shadowColor, CGFloat shadowThickness) {CGContextSaveGState (ctx); CGContextSetInterpolationQuality (ctx, kCGInterpolationHigh); CGContextSetLineJoin (CTX, KCGLineJoinRound); CGContextSetLineWidth (CTX, Linewid); CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor (ctx, textColor.CGColor); // --- It works with IOS7 / CGContextSetFillColorWithColor (ctx, textColor.CGColor); CGContextSetTextDrawingMode (ctx, kCGTextStroke); CGContextSetShadowWithColor (Sitiaks, Sijisijhmek (0,0), Shadow Taitisen, [Shadow Rngrng CGColor]); [Text drawAtPoint: textStartPont with font: font]; CGContextRestoreGState (ctx) ;?} Why
drawAtPoint: withFont: that you are using: drawAtPoint: withFont: string specified draws in a row At the specified point in the current graphics context using the font. (use deprecated in iOS 7.0. DrawAtPoint: withAttributes: instead.)
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