jquery - Sending Kendo grid row to server when click submit button -
I have an aspx page that has several html controls and a condo grid on it. I want the submit button Click on all the data of the web form that is sent to the server. I know the solution of the html control, but can I send it and maybe convert it to the Jason Marie condo grid?
If the grid is in editing mode, all you have to do is:
grid To send complete data to:
$ Ajax (url: 'url', cache: false, type: 'post', type of content: 'app / jason; charset = utf-8', data: jsn.strynwive ($ ("# gridname"). (.cendo grid._data)}); To send data for one line in editing mode:
$. Ajax ({url: 'your url', cache: incorrect, type: 'post', type of content: 'app / jason; charset = utf-8', data: json string ($ ("# gridname"). ("Kandogreid"). Datasource. Selection ())}); I hope it helps!
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