python - FrameSelected isn't working -

I have this problem where I'm unable to get the function frame select () In my view, I have a camera called TT_CAM, and there is a list of models with label labeled 'model' (this is called pebble / sphere etc.) called

My aim is to The user executes the script,

I tried to use the code given below but This failed for the frame.

Here's what I have tried:

  Import cmas cmlook.lookThru ("TT_CAM") as CMD cm mAssets = ('Model *' ) # Cmds.viewFit (mAssets) cmds.FrameSelected (MAssets)    

I call it a I will not post it as an answer. I did not know that Pimail actually had such a task, but you have to import it explicitly to use it (it is a problem from here that you get it from CMDS How are you calling ). Due to the size of your code, I just rewrite it using just the piemail.

  Import pymel.core to import from pmym.core.runtime import from frame frames related to pm.lookThru (" TT_CAM ") mAssets = ('Model *') Framesocated () # No logic required to pass, works with selected objects   

However this is just ViewFit () , which accepts other arguments, such as how many viewport you want fit, this can be fixed To, whether you how you can pass a float.


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