ios - Core Plot sliceWasSelectedAtRecordIndex with 2 pie chart -

I will create a graph with two piechart plot like donutchart: the first is " piechart ", the second Is " center donut ".

There is only 1 piece in the center donut, with white color, value 1.

If users press a piece of "piechart" then it works well with the correct index. If users press a piece of "center donut", then "piechart" instead of "centerDonut" To exchange.

Why does this happen? I [myself] I want to try with the center]: , but it does not work.

  - (zero) initPlot {[selfconfigured host]; [Self configurable graph]; // Configure the chat I configure and add the pie chart and then center the donts [selfconfigured charts]; // I have 2 labels in the storyboard on the graph, their fixed value and performance. [Autobiological allwell]; } < 

set pieInnerRadius Code> to make it a ring.


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