
Showing posts from September, 2010

R calculation and plot graph -

I am very new in R I have a range of data attached, which is the city council those problems List of: SNO Department FeedbackDate ClosedDate2 SubCategory1 SubZone 1 BTA 23/11/2012 2012/04/12 Permitting Park TOWNSVILL Pre 2 RTA 23/12/2012 4/13/2012 Rodent TOWNSVILL SOUTH 3 MTA 23/12/2012 2012/04/16 ConductVL TOWNSVILL South I want to get some information to show 1) High Resolution Time in (Close-2 - Feedback Date) has differnt subjunction for the same subcategory. : dat T.), Feedbacked = AS Date ("2012/12/23"), Cloddate 2 = ASDet ("2012/12/23") (c) ("permission-to-park", "rodent", "conduct VL "), 100, T), Sbjhon = sample (C (" Tovensvil East "," TOWNSVILL require South "), 100, t)) (Ggplot2) (Dplyr) #for or aggregation dat.sum & lt Required, by -group_by (DAT, SubCategory1, SubZone, Dept.) %% # Group SC1, SZ and Department Comb. Summarize (AvgResTime = mean (ClosedDate2-FeedbackDa...

java - javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: unexpected element (uri:"", local:"TestSubject"). Expected elements are -

There are many help topics about this issue, but I have not found any solution that resolves my problem. I appreciate the guidance in solving this issue. I tried to make XML through Marshal and generated from the code below XML. I have to work with the XML structure below: & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" standalone = "yes"? & Gt; & Lt; Test & gt; & Lt; TestSubject & gt; & Lt; First name & gt; Test1 & lt; / First name & gt; 'Enter code here' & lt; Lastname & gt; Last name & lt; / Last message & gt; & Lt; SSN & gt; 123456 & lt; / SSN & gt; & Lt; / TestSubject & gt; & Lt; / Test & gt; code @ XmlRootElement (name = "test") public class test {public test} (testSubject = new ArrayList & lt; TestSubject & gt; ();} List & lt; test subject & gt; test topic; @xml element (name = "testSubject", type = test...

audio - Play Raw File Using NAudio Library -

Hi, I have the code to run the raw file. The duration of my raw file is 25 seconds This code is working fine, but after some time my program raw file plays very slow speed of around 50% and my raw file does not extend backwards to 36 when i Restart the PC and run my program to work its normaly again. I work correctly to start my PC every single hour again please check what my code is somewhat wrong with my code try slow raw stream = File. OpenRead ( "C: \ myFile.raw") Slow waveFormat = New NAudio.Wave.WaveFormat (8000, 16, 1) Dim rawSource = New RawSourceWaveStream (rawStream, waveFormat) Dim audioBufferSize = 320 Offset as dim integer = 0 slow buffer byte As () = new byte (audioBufferSize - 1) {} dim buffer 2 as byte () = new byte (320) {} while (raw source reads (buffer 2, offset, audio) Fill Size)> Write MSF (Buffer 2, Offset, Audiobufor Size) Thread. Sleep (20) And while Capture X Export Try MSObbox (XToString) No Nudges Any effect in your code sample is r...

ios - Restkit 2.0 'managedObjectContext' not found on object of type -

The excuse of possible noob question I am creating an app with Restkit 2.0 and problems in implementing core data features I am coming later I added the following code to my AppViewController (all other view controllers extend this class). - (zero) viewDidoadload {[Super Viewedload]; Self.navigationController.navigationBar.shadowImage = [UIImage new]; NSError * Error = Zero; NSURL * modelURL = [path with NSUr file URL: [[NSBundle main bundle] Pathfoser resource: @ Type of "Jumplits": @ "wax"]]; // Note: Due to an iOS 5 bug, the returned object model is irreversible NSManagedObjectModel * Managed objectModel = [[[NSManed ObjectModel Alok] initWithContentsOfURL: modelURL] mutableCopy]; RKManagedObjectStore * Managed Obsoststore = [[RKManage ObjectStore Alok] initWithManagedObjectModel: managedObjectModel]; // Start Core Data Stack [Make Managed ObjectStoreSecantstore Coordinator]; NSPersistentStore __unused * persistentStore = [Managed ObjectStore addInMemoryPe...

iphone - iOS - Core Animation - How to set origin when transform property is changed -

I have a UIView as a subview in its original view. When the user taps this UIView , I want to change it, so it takes the whole screen. I changed it to property and I was able to match its size to my original view, but its not the position. I read an Apple document and found frames can not be used with . In addition, using a transform is a good idea to do so by altering your barriers, like, NSLayoutAutriteHit ? I think you can change the frame after changing it like this: // I am using 5 for the test purpose. BackgroundImageView.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale (5, 5); Self.backgroundImageView.frame = CGRectMake (0, 0, self.backgroundImageView.frame.size.width, self.backgroundImageView.frame.size.height); Or change the anchor point before scale: self.backgroundImageView.layer.anchorPoint = CGPointMake (0.5, 0.5); Self.backgroundImageView.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale (5, 5); If you use Autolayout in your UIView, then its solution depend...

amazon web services - ec2-import-instance throws ERROR: File uses unsupported compression algorithm 0 when importing vmdk -

The AWS is trying to import vmdk and I'm getting this error. not sure why? I checked everything, but nothing works Not sure what I'm doing is wrong. Any help would be appreciated. This error message is explained in

selenium webdriver - How to find Element within by XPath -

मेरा HTML कोड इस तरह दिखता है: & lt; html & gt; & LT; बॉडी & gt; & Lt; div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div & gt; & LT; तालिका & gt; & Lt; tbody id = a & gt; & LT; टीआर & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; & Lt; div & gt; & LT; अवधि & gt; कुछ पाठ & lt; / span & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / टीडी & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; & LT; टीआर & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; & Lt; div & gt; & LT; अवधि & gt; कुछ टेक्स्ट 2 & lt; / span & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / टीडी & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; & LT; टीआर & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; & Lt; div & gt; & LT; अवधि & gt; कुछ टेक्स्ट 3 & lt; / span & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / टीडी & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; & Lt; / tbody & gt; & Lt; / तालिका & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / body & gt; मैं अपने ...

javascript - How do you manage component dependency order with Facebook React? -

Say I have two react ingredients, A and B, where B depends on (uses) A Say A.J.J. in B. and B.J.S. Is Is there any way to safely solve the dependency from B to A? Thus, it guarantees that in which order can I actually include a.js and b.js, although still be resolved correctly? I believe the Google Closer Compiler effectively builds the dependency system for you in both your development and production mode. This order creates that the separate code source is irrelevant; Is there something like that to react? Note: The response below is very old. I stopped using the necessity a long time ago, because it is slow in development because there is no JS in the development in the file. These days I You can think of other bundles such as even more. By using this as a module system, in general JS, finally I'm planning to go completely ES-Module in the form of more bundlers with my first-class support, such as Rollup and WebPack 2 , Becomes mainstream. Old Answer ...

c# - EF: Restriction on data types mapping -

Is it possible to edit the data type error message on EF? For example, I have to show 'end-user' that the value entered in the field of the id must be an integer value . Public Ent ID {get; Set; } Thanks a lot! You can use the regular expression to validate the comment only [regular expression (@ "^ \ d + $", error message = "field of id should be entered value value")] Public Intent {get; Set; }

regex - Javascript strings manipulation -

मेरे पास इस तरह की स्ट्रिंग है: var st = "ROAM-synergy- 111-222-एलएलएक्स " इसमें कोई भी नहीं हो सकता। संख्यात्मक मूल्यों से पहले की शर्तें .. इसके संभावित प्रारूप हैं: var st = "SSI-ROAM-Synergy-111-222-LLX" या var st = "एलसीडी- SSI-ROAM-Synergy-111-222-LLX" आदि। अब मुझे इस स्ट्रिंग में संख्यात्मक मानों से पहले केवल शब्दों को लाने की आवश्यकता है। अर्थात। "SSI-ROAM-Synergy" या "LCD-SSI-ROAM- सिनर्जी" मैं इस तरह से प्रयोग कर रहा हूँ: var finalString = st.split ("-" ); लेकिन संख्यात्मक मानों से पहले केवल शब्द कैसे प्राप्त करें। आप इसका उपयोग कर सकते हैं: var myval = st.match (/ ^ \ D + (? = -) /) [0]; // = & gt; एसएसआई-आरएएम-सिनर्जी या एलसीडी-एसएसआई-आरएएम-सिनर्जी स्पष्टीकरण: ^ स्ट्रिंग की शुरुआत में स्थिति को जोर देते हैं \ D + कोई भी अंक से मेल खाता है जो किसी अंक के नहीं है [^ 0- 9] क्वांटिफायर: एक और असीमित समय के बीच, जितनी बार संभव हो (? = -) सकारात्मक लुकहेड - यह कहें कि नीचे rege...

jquery - Change css class attributes of style sheet on button click in c# -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 4 जवाब पृष्ठ पर मैं चाहता हूं कि उपयोगकर्ता पृष्ठ की पृष्ठभूमि बदलें, पृष्ठ पर पृष्ठभूमि छवि लागू करें। इस पर क्लिक करें सहेजे गए पृष्ठभूमि को बदलकर सीएसएस वर्ग में सहेजा जाना चाहिए। मान लें कि मेरा सीएसएस वर्ग #content {background: green; } दिखाया गया है कि मैं नीले रंग का चयन करता हूं तो नीले रंग को उस पृष्ठ पृष्ठभूमि पर लागू किया जाना चाहिए। और सहेजें बटन पर क्लिक करें सीएसएस को बदलना #content {पृष्ठभूमि: नीला; } आप : $ ('# saveButtonId') क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () {$ ('# content')। div>

java - How to Create\Remove destination using JMS API -

I want to make and remove destinations using only JMS API (without Provider-specific API) in my JMS provider programs. > Is there a way to do this? I could not find the relevant API in the javax.jms API, and I think all online solution providers are specific. Thank you. No, the only thing you can create is the temporary queue / subject to make a permanent queue / topic There is no capability in the JMS API.

python - Enforce a where clause on particular column in django ORM -

Can we write a cover around the DJENGO ORM so that every query has a clause. Now, you can not have a all () method that's fine. For example, suppose we have the auth_user table and the user_properties table in which there is additional data about the user (and a foreign key from auth_user). Here, if a developer wants to receive some lines from the user_properties table, then it must provide the filter query in the user or user_id column or If you need more information please write a comment. If you want to increase the user mode, then the OneToOne field in you model Model Model: class UserProperty (models.Model): user = models.OneToOneField (user, related_name = 'properties') prop1 = model.carfield (... ) Prop2 = models.CharField (...) prop1 = Remember, when you create a new user, you need to create userproperty

c# - TransactionScope priority (get rid of deadlock situation) -

I need this procedure to run something that runs every 5 minutes and something in the table "ivantlog". It works all day, but in the night another process starts, which requires removal of old data from this table. The table contains millions of rows (Blobs) and several related tables (removed by waterfall), so the process runs for B ~ 45 minutes. Process B is running while I get a lot of deadlock warning for the process one and I Want to get rid of them. The easiest option would be "Do not run a process when running process B." But there should be a better approach I am using both EntityFramework 6 and TransactionScope in both the processes I did not get priority that priority on my processes Or how to fix it. Is this possible? Edit: I forgot to say that I am already using a record per record transaction, not a transaction for all records . Inside the loop, I create new DBCText and transaction scope, so each record has its own transaction. My problem is ...

symfony - Get the key name of an array in twig -

I have this array of values ​​for printing in the table array (4) {["Ayel.bokbok"] = & gt; Array (1) {[/ "/ ap_dev.php/index/"]=> Int (2)} ["ryhel1120"] = & gt; Array (2) {[/ "/ ap_dev.php/index/"]=> Int (47) ["/app_dev.php/users/"]=> Int (84)} ["ariel.alvarez"] = & gt; Array (1) {[/ / app_dev.php/users/"]=> Int (3)} ["ReutersSercic 23"] = & gt; Array (3) {[/ / asap_local.php/admin/analytics"]=> Int (338) ["/app_local.php/index/"]=> Int (7) ["/app_local.php/users/"]=> Int (13)} How can I print ayel.bokbok in this code because in this code {% key, value in foo %} This index prints and not the key name of the key. @ PCCest is that {{dump (array)}} prints in print: array (1) { [0 ] = & Gt; Array (4) {[ariel.alvarez "] => array (2) {[/ / app_dev.php/index/"]=>int (1) [" /app_dev.php/users/"]=> Int (3)} [...

c - Threading issues -

getvariana: tpp.c: 63: __पीथ्रेड_tpp_change_priority: assertion `new_prio == -1 || (New_prio & gt; = __sched_fifo_min_prio & amp; amp; और new_prio & lt; = __sched_fifo_max_prio) 'असफल। हाय सब, मैं एक प्रोग्राम फिर से चलाने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ 5 धागे बनाता है और pthread_join () के बाद, मैं एक रिटर्न करता हूँ, जिसके आधार पर, मैं पूरे प्रोग्राम को फिर से चलाता हूँ, यह (1) पाश में है। जब मैं प्रोग्राम को चलाने के लिए दूसरी बार, मुझे एक त्रुटि मिलती है जैसा कि आप ऊपर देख सकते हैं मैं इसके मूल का पता लगाने में असमर्थ हूं। क्या कोई यह समझा सकता है कि यह त्रुटि क्यों है? एफवाईआई: मैं किसी भी म्यूट एक्स लॉक या सिकंदरा का उपयोग न करें। मैं थ्रेडों को शामिल होने के लिए प्रतीक्षा करता हूं जिसके बाद मैं पूरे प्रोग्राम को फिर से चलाता हूं। क्या दौड़ की परिस्थितियों के साथ ऐसा करने के लिए कुछ भी है? मैं मान रहा हूँ, जब मैं सभी 5 थ्रेडों में शामिल होने की प्रतीक्षा करता हूं, तब ही मैं pthread से बाहर निकल सकता हूं मुख्य {जबकि (1) {test (); }} // मुख्य परीक्षा () {for (...

tfs - Fail / Pass a check-in -

itemprop = "text"> I have a need: whenever a developer checks some code in TFS, before that, a log file will be created in the past -Scheduled path should be checked. If the file tells from the pass, then only that particular check-in should be done, otherwise it should fail. How do I apply it? Since I am new to TFS, so any input will be very helpful to me. Gotid Check In You will then need to add a custom task to read the file. If the value is not found in the file then you may fail the build, which will prevent the code from being committed to source control

html - Breaking #each loop in handlebar -

In my SSCX file there is a handle bar code like me. & lt; Script id = "ex" type = "text / x-handlebars-template" & gt; {{#each model}} {{#if condition}} // is required to be broken, how to do it {{/ if}} {{/ each}} & lt; / Script & gt; Just pass this object to the JavaScript function, give the necessary reason and return it. & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Handlebars.registerHelper ("ifSet", function) {var number = 0; while (calculation & lt; model.length) {// if (logic position) {// return 'breakthrough' or break; //}} Return;}); & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script id = "ex" type = "text / x-handlebars-template" & gt; {{IfSet model}} & lt; / Script & gt;

c# - converting money format to string in sql -

I have an app in C where I retrieve data from the database where the amount column in decimal (19.4) court The fee int and the solicitor's cost is float and the total amount is zodiac = 100.0000 court fee = 15 solvitters fee = 0 total amount = 115.0000 but I see in this format, it should be in this format. `0010000 (7) 01500 (5) 00000 (5) 00011500 (8). Is this possible. I'm new to C # to convert this format to string. Do not want to update your values ​​or "convert" Do you want to format output? : SELECT RIGHT ('0000000' + CONVERT (VARCHAR, MyColumn), 7) MyTable as MyTable

css - Improve performance ST2.3 app with Sencha Architect -

I'm trying to improve the performance of my touch 2.3 app. I created the application using Architect 3. Now, I read some posts about improving app performance by not including all the default cikka CSS classes (see). I would like to apply this method in my application (other suggestions will also be taken into account with gratitude). However, the app scss file is not used to compile / create my app using Cena Architect, because there are theming options in Senka Architect (see). Cache architect Version: Cena CMD: 4.0. 2.67 Framework: Setachi 2.3.x Kind regards I have not used Sent Architect but have used an older version of the Sancha for a PhoneGap app, few ideas are rarely applied. You can use the Chrome Audit tab to find unused. CSS and delete them. It also gives lots of suggestions on how to improve your code. Some more suggestions: Use a remote-future cache expiration header, this will prevent the browser from sending a conditional requ...

makefile - Make: Redo some targets if configuration changes -

I want to re-execute some goals in the configuration changes. Consider this example: I have a configuration variable (which either reads from the environment variable or a config.local file): CONF: = ... Based on this variable CONF, I collect a header file like .com.hpp: conf .hpp: buildConfHeader $ (CONF) Now, of course, I want to recreate this header if the configuration variable changes, because otherwise the header will not reflect the new configuration . But how can I make it? The configuration variable is not connected to a file, as it can be read from environment variables. Is there any way to get this? If the configuration has changed through a macro or environment variable, then make . You, however, use a goal that only updates the timestamp of conf.hpp , which will always force it to rebuild: conf.pp: confupdate buildConfHeader $ (CONF) confupdate: @touchconf.hpp However, as I said, conf.pp always made , Which means that any goals that d...

javascript - Retrieve binary data without using arraybuffer -

मेरे पास निम्न संसाधन हैं: function _arrayBufferToBase64 (बफर) {var binary = ' '; Var बाइट्स = नया यूआईटी 8 एरे (बफर); Var len = बाइट्स। ByteLength; के लिए (var i = 0; i & lt; len; i ++) {बाइनरी + = स्ट्रिंग। फ्रैमकारकोड (बाइट्स [i]); } वापसी खिड़की। बीटो (बाइनरी); } Var एपीआई = $ संसाधन (सर्वर + 'एल्बम', {}, {get: {url: server + 'album /: albumId / photo /: photoId', विधि: 'GET', प्रतिक्रियाप्रकार: 'सरणीबफ़र', हेडर: {'AuthToken': 'गुप्त', 'स्वीकार': 'छवि / *'}, इंटरसेप्टर: {प्रतिक्रिया: फ़ंक्शन (resp) {वापसी 'डेटा:' resp.headers ('सामग्री-प्रकार') + '; Base64, '+ _arrayBufferToBase64 (}}}}}}); यह क्या करता है कि सर्वर से फाइल की द्विआधारी सामग्री प्राप्त होनी है और बेस 64 डेटा के साथ एक डाटा uri लौटाएगा। मुझे यह कहना है कि यह कॉल यूआरएल के लिए एक साधारण एसआरओ टैग के साथ प्रतिस्थापित नहीं किया जा सकता क्योंकि कुछ प्रमाणीकरण हेडर भी भेजे गए हैं। यह नए ब्राउज़रों मे...

java - Proguard does not remove my logs -

I want to clear my project from logs when I release but I'm trying to use Progoo and Zero result received: My project settings: proguard.config = $ {sdk.dir} /tools/proguard/proguard-android.txt:proguard- Project.txt # Project goal target = Android-19 android.library.reference.1 = .. \\ google-play-services_lib and my proguard-attribute -optimizationpasses 5 - dontusemixedcaseclassnames -dontskipnonpubliclibraryclasses -dontpreverify -keepattributesLineNumberTable -verbose -optimizations! Code / Simplification / Arithmetic ,! Field / *,! Category / Merge / * -RemanosourceFilelight Output SourceFile- Maintenance SourceFile, LineNumberTable #debug to remove log: -assumenosideeffects class android .atil.log {public static *** D (...); Public Static *** V (...); Public static *** w (...); Public Static *** I (...); } -keep class ** {*; } -keep Public Class * Android Extends the app. Activity-PP public class * Expands - Public Sector * Androi...

objective c - App crashing on pinch in-out map -

I am using MKMapKit for the map. I'm adding annotations and even providing setCenterCoordinate and setRegion. I am compiling using iOS7.0, but my device has iOS6.1 version. When I'm pinching, I'm zooming in. I tried to run the device but I did not get any memory issue. All the allocation and leak are handled properly. ? Please find out which one issue is for the annotation provided code: NSMutableArray * arrival = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; For (int i = 0; i & lt; [mListArr count]; i ++) {NSDictionary * theDict = [mListArr objectAtIndex: i]; CLLocationCoordinate2D AnnotationCoulder; AnnotationCorder.Litidued [[Dict ObjectForcae: Liteituke] double value]; Annotation code. Loneliness = [[Dict objectforki: langtiduke] double value]; Mkpoint Annotations * Annotation = [[Mk Point Annotation Elok] Init]; Annotation .coordinate = annotationCoord; Annotation.title = [theDict object ForKey: kAddressKey]; Annotation. Subtitle = [theDict objectForcae: CARGINI]; [Ar ad...

sql - Swapping column values in Oracle -

I was solving one of the puzzles and using switched column values, using DML questions: from SEEM + TEMP_TABLE; ID 1, ID 2 -------- 20, 15 20, 15 20, 15 The solution is mathematical calculation: update Templable set ID1 = ID1 + ID2; Update temp set ID2 = ID1-ID2; Update templates SET ID1 = ID1-ID2; Now, I am trying to figure out whether it can be applied to strings or not, please suggest. SELECT * to TEMP_TABLE_NEW; ID 1, ID2 -------- ABC, XYZ ABC, XYZ ABC, XYZ There is no need to have three update statements; one is enough: UPDATE temp_table_new SET id1 = id2, id2 = id1;

Adding Payment Method to woocommerce wordpress -

I'm adding a new payment method for woocommerce. I have made a copy of PayPal for my method when the user has made a payment, so I want to call my work, so I want to know that after paying the user, when the user returns from PayPal, which class / function Firstly thanks in advance thanks. If someone is to find out, then call him a function in class, wc-shortcode-checkout .php in the shortcode folder.

url - How to add progressbar to display download status in Java? -

I am using an external library to download files from mega but to display the user's download time Requires a progress bar. I've read articles related to a lot of progress bars on stack overflow but the problem is that I do not know how long it takes in my code to add a progress bar. How do I add the progress bar to display the download status? Try {URLConnection urlConn = new URL (file_url) .openConnection (); Print (FILE_URL); Is = urlConn.getInputStream (); While ((read = (buffer)) gt; 0) {cos.write (buffer, 0, reading); }} Finally {try {cos.close ()} if (is! = Null) {is}. }} Finally {if (fos! = Null) {fos.close (); }}} Print ("Download Finished"); } You can create a progress bar dialog and show it actively , And then your swingworker . Swing Worker is a type of movable object (it will be executed behind your main thread)) and especially graphic elements ( publish their To update the changes) is visualized, because it works. Take a look...

ios - Drag an image when touched on the object itself -

I have created a very simple app that has a draggable UIImageView but I have to face a problem that the image Can be drawn without touching. I'm sure the hole is from the issue anyObject , but I do not know how to change it, I tried self.view.image but if it failed then here My code is - (zero) touch: Brinjal: (NSSET *) touches with the event: (UIEVENT *) Event {UITTouch * Touch = [[Event All Tables] Any Object ]; CGPoint Location = [Touch Location Invoice: touch.view]; = Location; } - Enhanced the touch (zero): (NSSET *) touches with the avant: (UIEVENT *) Event {{SP Touch Brinjal: App In Avenue: Event}; } Any ideas? Consider using the Pan gesture identifier. Add it to image view only (and enable user interaction on view). Now that you are visually touched, you will receive only action-driven callback from the gesture, your code will be simplified, and you can move the scene with that status. In addition, in your current code, it is weird to cal...

c# - variables in aspx page -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 8 जवाब मैं स्पष्ट रूप से कुछ याद कर रहा हूँ मूलभूत यहाँ पर, लेकिन कोई यह बता सकता है कि लेबल 2 क्यों नहीं आ रहा है? मेरा कोडविहीन सार्वजनिक आंशिक वर्ग नाम स्थान: System.Web.UI.Page {सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग TestString = "परीक्षण"; सुरक्षित शून्य पेज_लोड (ऑब्जेक्ट प्रेषक, इवेंटएआरजीएस ई) {lbl1.Text = TestString; }} मेरे aspx पाठ लेबल: & asp: लेबल आईडी = "lbl1" runat = "server" / & gt; & lt; br / & gt; & Lt; asp: लेबल आईडी = "lbl2" runat = "server" text = '& lt;% # teststring% & gt;' / & Gt; & lt; br / & gt; & lt;% #% & gt; के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है डेटा नियंत्रण में बाध्यकारी इस तरह से: & lt;% # Eval ("id")% & gt; , आप code front । इसे आज़माएं: & asp: लेबल आईडी = "lbl2" runat = "server" & gt; & lt;% = teststring% & gt; & lt; / एएसपी: लेबल & gt;

javascript - Ng-repeat did not update rows after manual manipulation? -

I have a ng-repeat job okay I have implemented an X-editable that works well I There are pages, paging is applicable. I am using NG-tables, however, when some records are updated using jquery x-editabe (through its Ajax method), then refrain from angulars, ng-repeats which Why especially updates? & lt; Td title = "value" data-type = "number" my-x-editable data-ordered = "'value' 'filter =" {' value ':' text '} "& gt; {{Product.Price}} & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td title = "'vendor'" data-sort = "vendor" "filter =" {'value': 'text'} "& gt; & Lt; A href = "#" id = "VendorID" class = "xEditable" data-type = "select" data-pk = "{{product.ID}}" data-source = '@ Url.Action ("productive") 'Data-value = "{{product.Vendor.ID}}" data-url = "@ Url.Action (" update a...

c++ reading an array of objects causes SIGSEGV -

I have two squares: vector and particle ... square vector {public : Float X, Y; }; Square particle {public: vector * sync; Particle (vector * sync) {it-> coordinate = coordination; }; }; ... and an array declared like this: particle * particle [particle]; This is my main one: int main (int argc, char ** argv) {// write I = 0; Do {particle [i] = new particle (new vector ()); } While (++ i & lt; particle); I = 0; // read et j = 0; Float s = .0f, a = .0f; Vector Vi = * (particle [0] -> coordinate), VJ = * (particle [0] -> sync); Do {{(if (i! = J) {vi = * (particle [i] -> coordinate); VJ = * (particle [ja] -> coordinate); // FIXME}} while (+ + J & lt; Episodes // for values, 1 throws SIGSEGV;}} while (++ i & lt; particle); return 0;} This is a SIGSEGV Throws whenever the particle is> by commenting that FIXME line works without errors. Full code here: This Why is it unsuccessful and there is a way to fix it? thanks :) Loop has...

c++ - Executing a command shell from popen and set other command shell -

I am working with Quadroਟਰ and Mavalink in a project. I have successfully installed mavproxy in my Ubuntu PC and have run it without problems from the terminal. When I run from the terminal and connects to a square robot with support for MVLC (APM autoplot), then detects the Mawproxy Quadrotor and everything is fine. When you execute , the program starts sending and receiving many parameters in the terminal. You can write some parameters in the terminal to use for any configuration. For example, in the terminal, help command: $ Data donor Fixed & gt; "When the program terminates configuration, you are allowed to input any parameters, for example," STABILIZE & I have Has a code to execute from C ++ include & lt; Iostream & gt; Include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; using namespace std; Int main () {FILE * in; Four buff [512]; If (! (In = popen ("", "r"))) {return1; }...

excel - How to check for no value cells ? -

I need to delete all the rows in which there is no value. If there is a formula or formatting in a row but there is no value, then it is to be removed The following tasks are only suitable for those rows which have no value and formulas Sub-testing () [A: A]. Special kale (xlblank). However, if there is a formula in the A cell, then the above line of lines is not deleted. How can I improve it? You can use method HasFormula range object: range. HasFormula The truth will come back if there is a fumula in the category, and false if it does not happen.

Coq --- Arguments directive -

I am reading a book and I came to an order which declares the parameter to be contained: argument zero {X} where, for example: inductive list (x: type): type: = | Zero: List X | Cons: X - & gt; List X - & gt; List X. However, whenever I try to execute such commands, I get the following message: Error: No Focused Proof (No proof-editing progress). The same message also appears when I try to compile the scripts that come with the book. What can be the problem? I am using the Coke version 8.3 Plubble and the COCKED editor. I tried to do it on my (some old) QQ 8.4 and with my implied declaration there is no problem. However, if I write instead of logic (note the lack of "s"), then I error: unknown command non Proof-Editing Mode Have you spelled correctly? EDIT: Sorry, I forgot your version. It seems that the argument has been added after the command 8.4 (it is not visible but appears. I recommend you update your cock version if pos...

java - Tracking data offset of data in a table to retrieve the previous/next subset on table scroll -

I am writing a browser based application using GWT and using websql (yes, I know that It has been disliked). I created a custom table widget (based on FlexTable) and enabled it to scroll with the help of some CSS Trickery. What I'm trying to achieve (without success) is that when a user scrolls to the beginning / end of existing data in the table, then an event is removed and the next line of the X line is returned from the websql db And present data in the table to work on it, I have to keep track of the offset data in the table widget so that I can pass it on the query and the necessary date You can use the limit and offset function of SQL to return. However, I can not be able to get the right of reasoning to implement the data offset tracker within the widget. Another complexity is that I need the table to be able to scroll 'in the past' (to talk so much) so that when the table is loaded, it can get data before the initial starting point. I have it for several days...

ios - MKMapView stops responding on iDevice -

Please forgive me if this question is a bit long but not sure how to use less information. > I am using XCode 5.1.1 with iOS 7.1 and an iPhone 5S I have an app that uses a SQLite3 database with multiple tables. There are many ways in which these can be accessed by "find the pass" among them. This is done for multi tables MKMapView is loaded successfully, showing the pin & amp; User Location Display First I can tap a pin and it will load the next view controller which is a detailed view but after a few numbers MKMapView stops responding to all. I can not scroll the map and no action is taken to tap the pin. Once the Mkmapview is not responding to any person, it either works or works. I can not duplicate it in SIM & amp; If I connect the device and it goes connected then it does the required work so that there is no error message. Except for the connected device, the app is redesigned and reloaded on the device which prevents the failure. The MKMapView is onl...

java - RoboVM plugin 0.0.11 not working with eclipse -

When I create a RoboMole Eclipse project, Eclipse gives me an exception: Selected wizard could not be started The plug-in was unable to load the org.robovm.eclipse.ui org.robovm.eclipse.internal.NewCocoaTouchProjectWizard class. An error occurred while activating the bundle org.robovm.eclipse.ui automatically Similarly, let me select "Settings" & gt; "RoboVM": Unable to create the selected priority page, an error occurred while activating the bundle org.robovm.eclipse.ui automatically I Updated in Java 1.7. I'm using Eclipse version 3.7.2, but when I tried to do it with Kepler Service Release 2, I had to face the same problem. This problem is similar, but my reactions have not been resolved, as I am already using the latest Robom and JDK. Are you walking holes? Is OSX Mavericks guessing? I think that I have something similar and it has been resolved :. The problem I had was that I installed Java 7 (as it sounds like) and it was sho...

Regex efficience/performance comparing these different types of constructions: \btheor(y\b|ies\b) X \btheory\b|\btheories\b -

I am writing an expression in which building blocks will follow any of these two types (or if you have suggestions Other): Expression 1: \ btheor (y \ b | ies \ b) Expression 2: \ btheory \ b | \ Btheories \ b (... all the variations of written words) Since I am a newbie, just started in Reggae, my issue is that you have full efficiency, fast output / regex search Want to know the result of real expression (like expression 1 structure) and will be running in big database (5.000 pdf): theor (y \ b | ies \ b) . {0,30} \ bWORD \ b | (? S \ b). Perspective {0,30} \ bWORD \ b | Approa (ch \ b | stitches \ b) {0,30} \ bWORD \ b |.? Pattern (s as \ b |? \ B) {0,30} \ bWORD \ b |.? Method (s \ b) {0,30} \ bWORD \ b |. M.todo (s \ b) {} 0,30 \ BWORD \ b | Methodolog (y \ b | ies \ b). {0,30} \ bWORD \ b I advise @ JonathonReinhart at home I want to drive, so I'll start by copying: PRIP # 1: Keep it simple # 2 Predict: Test your doubts: Whatever your language or sys...

javascript - How to dynamically resize 3 divs on window.resize? -

मेरे पास निम्न HTML है: & lt; div style = "min-width: 1024px; अधिकतम-चौड़ाई: 82%; मार्जिन: 0 ऑटो; अतिप्रवाह: ऑटो "& gt; & Lt; div शैली = "ऊंचाई: 344 पीएक्स; चौड़ाई: 100%; फ्लोट: बायां; मार्जिन-टॉप: 72 पीएक्स" & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div शैली = "चौड़ाई: 100%; फ्लोट: बायां;" & gt; & Lt; div id = "left" class = "radius" शैली = "ऊंचाई: 700px; चौड़ाई: 220px; पृष्ठभूमि: #fff; फ्लोट: बायां" & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div id = "मध्यम" वर्ग = "त्रिज्या" शैली = "चौड़ाई: 760 पीएक्स; पृष्ठभूमि: # एफएफएफ; फ्लोट: बाएं; मार्जिन: 0 पीएक्स 18 पीएक्स;" & gt; & Lt; div शैली = "ऊंचाई: 700px; चौड़ाई: 100%; फ्लोट: बायां" & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div id = "right" class = "radius" शैली = "ऊंचाई: 700px; चौड़ाई: 280px; पृष्ठभूमि: #fff; फ्लोट: बायां" & gt; ...

argparse - optional python arguments without dashes but with additional parameters? -

What I would like to do in Python accept the following format arguments: PY START | STOP | Position | MOVEABS & lt; X & gt; & Lt; Y & gt; | Morell & lt; X & gt; & Lt; Y & gt; In other words, I do not want to deal with hyphens; I have many possibilities, one of them each one is mutually exclusive; Some commands (Easy Transfer and Pathology) have additional required logic, but these arguments should not exist with any other logic. Can it be done in dragon and will I use arguments or something else? Thank you. arguments will move with subpursors import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser (prog = '') sp = parser.add_subparsers (dest = 'cmd') for CMD in ',' STOP ',' STATUS ']: [' MOVEABS ',' MOVEREL ']: SPP = sp.add_parser (CMD) SPP.add_argument (' x ', type = float) spp.add_argument (' y ', sp.add_parser (cmd) for CMD in type = float) Parser.print_h...

How to dump data from python as JSON -

I have a python program that can extract information from HTML files but I have to leave it as a JSON file. is something like this: import import jsson bs4 import beautiful soup def main (): data = [] filename in glob.iglob ('* .html' ): F (s) as the open (filename): soup = beautiful soup (f) title = soup.find ("span", id = "btAsinTitle") data.appen D ({"title": title.get_text () , "Author": title.find_next ("a", href = true) .get_text (), "isbn": soup.find ('b', text = 'isben-10:'). Next_sibling, "weight": ('b', text = 'shipping weight:'). Next-normal, "price": outf: json.dump as open ("my_output.json", "w") as soup.fank all ('span', {"class": 'bb_price'})}) (Data, outf) main () mvc - Passing specific model from Javascript to MVC Action using Jquery.get() -

I'm having some problems bringing a model back into an MVC action that receives specific models. This is Javascript code: var data filter = {node: 1, name: "John"} $. Get ("MyController / MyAction", {info: dataFilter}, function (data) {$ ("# results") .html (data);}); This is my MVC model: public class MyCommonFilter {public int? Node {get; Set; } Public string name {get; Set; } Public IEnumerable & lt; Int & gt; Get the hierarchy ID { Set; } Public IEnumerable & lt; Int & gt; Receive provider ID { Set; }} This is my action: Public Function MyAction (MyCommonFilter Info) {...} When I try to assume that the value of the "info" parameter is always zero, what is wrong with it? I've read that MVC can detect properties and can convert them to your MyCommonFilter model automatically. ASP.NET MVC framework can definitely have a powerful type of conclusions, but its For developers, there is no need to ...

ios - Inject custom class into subclass inheritance tree in Objective-C -

I think of myself as an experienced objective-programmer. I approve to be a survivor, and use the facilities of language completely. It involves using runtime, only-in-time changes are different in existing frameworks, like swizzling method and dynamic subclassification, the fact that this language is so versatile that it is equivalent to another object oriented equivalent . But recently I have been thinking about an old facility, that I still think myself needs to use from time to time, but for some time now it disliked it Has been done. This is a replacement for the old class_setSuperClass . I often find the UIKit classes subclasses in their order to expand them or just slightly alter their behavior. An example that I recently came to was a UIScrollView subclass, which had created some conditions for pangestarrequiser I did that by classifying UIScrollView and then apply gestureRecognizer: shouldBeRequiredToFailByGestureRecognizer:. This is to be done in this way, ...

java - Using Antlr to get identifiers and function names -

I'm trying to use Antielar and understand, it went written is new to me my Objective-C source Read the code file and remove it from the identifier (names of variables and functions). Consider in my grammar (file CG4 ): Identifier list: Identifier | Identifier list comma identifier; Identifier: Identifier nondigit (identifier annotit | digit) *; Public Class Mayseelaistr Cached Mistress {@Override Public Zero Entry Entry List (CPR. Identifier ListContacts CTX) {List & lt; Parsetree & gt; Children = ctx children; (Parsity Parsity: Children) {System.out.println (parseTree.getText ()); }} Then I have this main square in it: string fileurl = "C: /example.c"; Kensor Leczer; Try {lexer = new clencer (new ANTLR filestream (filerel)); Common Token Stream Token = New Common Token Stream (Lexer); Septor parser = new cps (token); CParser.IdentifierListContext identifierContext = parser.identifierList (); Presty walker walker = new parserwalker ()...

google app engine - martini & appengine/golang, return memcached JSON data -

Now I'm coding with Martini and Appenne / Go. I want to use memcache for JSON service information. But the response is invalid JSON format. Why "tap" in the answer? null {"results": [{"title": "nicki 225", "price time": "2014-" "," value ":" 14,429.26 "," different ": "¼ 24. 27 (0.1%)"}, {"Title": "USD / JPY", "Price Time": "2014-04-25 20:49:00 UTC", "Price": "102.12- 102.16 "," Diff ":" ¼? 0.15 (-0.1%) "}, {" title ":" Euro / JPY "," Price time ":" 2014-04-25 20:49:00 UTC "," value ":" 141.28-141.32 "," Diff ":" I? 0.19 (-0.1%) "}, {" Title ":" Euro / USD "," Price Time ":" 2014-04-25 20:48:00 UTC "," Value ":" 1.3833-1.3836 " "Diff": "I ...

ruby on rails - Rspec not creating .rb file -

Running through Michael Hartl's Railroad Tutorial. In section 3.2.1 on generating command generated, I get a responsive response, but not expected build response : $ rails generates integration_stest static_pages I can only create the required /requests/static_pages_spec.rb file, but I would like to understand why I can not find the desired output as described in the tutorial: / P> $ rail generated single To create static_pages RSPC, RCSEP / Request / static_pages_spec.rb My gemfile in this context: source 'https: // 'Ruby' 2.1.1 'Mani Rail', '4.1.0' Mani 'sass-rails',' ~ & gt; 4.0.3 'Gem' euglaform ',' & gt; = 1.3.0 'gem' coffee-rail ',' ~ & gt; 4.0.0 'Gem' jquery-rails 'gem' turbolinks 'gem' jbuilder ',' ~ & gt; 2.0 'Mani' sdoc ',' ~ & gt; 0.4.0 ', Group :: Doctor Mani' Spring ', Group :: Developm...

c++ - I can't figure out why this value calculates in one function but not the other -

Hi I'm new and I'm working on this blackjack program for a while, I'm trying to practice To make such a simple game. I am just finished, but I have run a small problem which is preparing me to go crazy all night. There is a game, player, deck, and card class. I just try to post the relevant code, I really do not want to make it long and hard to read. I think that this work in the game class interprets the problem. Game.cpp: Zero Games :: Creates players (int p) // Players and stores creates players in vector (for x (x = 0; x & lt; p; x ++) player. Push_back (player (x + 1));} Void Game :: startRound () / 2 card deal for each player and print their hand (dealer.hit (Deck.draw ()); dealer.hit (deck.draw ()); Cout & lt; "Dealer's Hand:" Dealer.Get total ()) {cout & lt; & Lt; "Player" & lt; & Lt; Player [i] .getSeat () & lt; & Lt; "Win" & lt; & Lt; Endl; Players [i] .winBet (); } And if (players...

security - How to get current user's ssh public key from the Linux ssh server? -

Is there a way to get a public key for a program on the server that the user used for SS login? For example, Gitob knows that the user's "Ben" is searching his public key from his database ssh -T Hi Ben ! You have successfully verified, but GitHub has not provided shell access. My question is how to get the public key? Only the SSH server ( sshd ) can retrieve that information . It is not exposed to the processes launched from the server, such as the shell. The fact is that Geethub is doing this, as well, strongly suggest that Github is running a custom SSH server (i.e., OpenSSH). You must write your own SSH server to replicate this functionality.

LabVIEW confuses subVIs in different paths but have same name? -

I'm using some runners which others have written, so this is a few historical issues. I have the problem that if two different subveys are different, then it is stored in different places, but it has the same name. It seems that sometimes Laboofease confuses them both, and the link jumps from one to the other, because the two subdivisions are different, it creates errors. So my question is: Is this something real? This calls the Subway to Libavi with their filename instead of the full file path. Or can I describe some untrue and may be due to other issues. Thank you! There are two different things here. The first thing is that LV remembers that every file that uses something , And there are three ways to store that way (assuming I am not forgetting any one): Logicals are folders like vi.lib, where The base folder is represented by a name (hence the path is stored as ".vilib. \ ... \"). When you go to a different LV version, it allows you to call ...

How to make Primary Key in Sql Server Using Alter Statement? -

I have forgotten that create a primary key for my table. Now I update the DocDay_Id column I want to make it and make it a primary key. How can I do this? My code is below. I tried this syntax but it is not correct. Optional table Doctoral Optional column DocDay_Id int IDENTITY (1,1) Primary key faucet table form doctor's device (DocDay_Id int IDENTITY (1,1) No, zero, Doc_Id int Foreign Key Reference Doctor (Doc_Id ) No, zero, day_directory difference foreign key reference day (Day_Id) not zero) To create a clustered primary key on an existing table: Optional Table Doctorus Insert Do Pike_ DocDays primary key class (DocDay_Id); To create a non-clustered primary key on an existing table: Insert an optional table doctor's PK_DocDays primary key denied (DocDay_Id);

c# - Identifying socket messages -

I have a code snippet at the bottom of a socket message, and I would like to know the order in which the message should be sent Return Because of not being in Where the socket packet is a class that stores the received socket, and data length will be the length of the receiving message, the data buffer stores the message. Int number 3; Byte number 6 = 0; Socket packet workshoot; Int Datanghan; If (WorksheetsDataBuffer [0] == 0x33) {If (Data Legacy & lt; 0xbb) {return false; } (Num3 = 0; num3 & lt; 0xba; num3 ++) {num6 = (byte) (num6 + workSocket.dataBuffer [num3]); } // If the condition is to pass then ??? If (num6! = WorkSocket.dataBuffer [0xba]) {return false; }} Therefore, What message will be sent to the server, such as to pass the previous state? (According to my understanding, the message should be at least 187 in length and the first digit should be "3: .........................") What are 0xba, 0x33, 0xbb etc.? Hexadecimal? How should I rebuil...