c# - converting money format to string in sql -

I have an app in C where I retrieve data from the database where the amount column in decimal (19.4) court The fee int and the solicitor's cost is float and the total amount is

  zodiac = 100.0000 court fee = 15 solvitters fee = 0 total amount = 115.0000   

but I see in this format, it should be in this format.

  `0010000 (7) 01500 (5) 00000 (5) 00011500 (8).   

Is this possible. I'm new to C # to convert this format to string.

Do not want to update your values ​​or "convert" Do you want to format output? :

  SELECT RIGHT ('0000000' + CONVERT (VARCHAR, MyColumn), 7) MyTable as MyTable    


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