R calculation and plot graph -
I am very new in R
I have a range of data attached, which is the city council those problems List of:
SNO Department FeedbackDate ClosedDate2 SubCategory1 SubZone 1 BTA 23/11/2012 2012/04/12 Permitting Park TOWNSVILL Pre 2 RTA 23/12/2012 4/13/2012 Rodent TOWNSVILL SOUTH 3 MTA 23/12/2012 2012/04/16 ConductVL TOWNSVILL South I want to get some information to show
1) High Resolution Time in (Close-2 - Feedback Date) has differnt subjunction for the same subcategory.
dat < Sample (C ("BTA", "RTA", "MTA"), 100, - data.frame (SNO = 1: 100, Dept =
T.), Feedbacked = AS Date ("2012/12/23"), Cloddate 2 = ASDet ("2012/12/23") (c) ("permission-to-park", "rodent", "conduct VL "), 100, T), Sbjhon = sample (C (" Tovensvil East "," TOWNSVILL require South "), 100, t)) (Ggplot2) (Dplyr) #for or aggregation dat.sum & lt Required, by -group_by (DAT, SubCategory1, SubZone, Dept.) %% # Group SC1, SZ and Department Comb. Summarize (AvgResTime = mean (ClosedDate2-FeedbackDate)) # calculate the accumulated average of the closing date for each ggplot (dat.sum) + #use Dat geom_point (AES (x = SubCategory1, y = AvgResTime, color = SubZone), size = 10) + Zone facet_wrap (~ Department) + # department color points subject (axis.text.x = element_text (angle = 90, hjust = 1)) by # color issue # rotated x axis text
updated Plyr with your previous version requires (ply R) #for aggregation dat.sum. & Lt; -ddply (DAT, (SubCategory1, SubZone, department), abstract, AvgResTime = mean (ClosedDate2-FeedbackDate)) ggplot (dat.sum) + #use collected Dat geom_point (AES (x = SubCategory1, y = as.integer ( AvgResTime), color = SubZone), size = 10) + # color points Zone facet_wrap (~ Department) + # face each department concerning (axis.text.x = element_text (angle = 90, hjust = 1)) # rotated x Axis text
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