c++ reading an array of objects causes SIGSEGV -

I have two squares: vector and particle ...

  square vector {public : Float X, Y; }; Square particle {public: vector * sync; Particle (vector * sync) {it-> coordinate = coordination; }; };   

... and an array declared like this:

  particle * particle [particle];   

This is my main one:

  int main (int argc, char ** argv) {// write I = 0; Do {particle [i] = new particle (new vector ()); } While (++ i & lt; particle); I = 0; // read et j = 0; Float s = .0f, a = .0f; Vector Vi = * (particle [0] -> coordinate), VJ = * (particle [0] -> sync); Do {{(if (i! = J) {vi = * (particle [i] -> coordinate); VJ = * (particle [ja] -> coordinate); // FIXME}} while (+ + J & lt; Episodes // for values, 1 throws SIGSEGV;}} while (++ i & lt; particle); return 0;}   

This is a SIGSEGV Throws whenever the particle is> by commenting that FIXME line works without errors.

Full code here:

This Why is it unsuccessful and there is a way to fix it?

thanks :)

Loop has been written incorrectly. j is not reset before the second instance of the internal loop why do not you code the loop like most people:

 for  (i = 0; I & lt; particle; i ++) {for (j = 0; j & lt; particle; j ++) {// ...}}    


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