objective c - App crashing on pinch in-out map -
I am using MKMapKit for the map. I'm adding annotations and even providing setCenterCoordinate and setRegion. I am compiling using iOS7.0, but my device has iOS6.1 version. When I'm pinching, I'm zooming in. I tried to run the device but I did not get any memory issue. All the allocation and leak are handled properly. ? Please find out which one issue is
for the annotation provided code:
NSMutableArray * arrival = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; For (int i = 0; i & lt; [mListArr count]; i ++) {NSDictionary * theDict = [mListArr objectAtIndex: i]; CLLocationCoordinate2D AnnotationCoulder; AnnotationCorder.Litidued [[Dict ObjectForcae: Liteituke] double value]; Annotation code. Loneliness = [[Dict objectforki: langtiduke] double value]; Mkpoint Annotations * Annotation = [[Mk Point Annotation Elok] Init]; Annotation .coordinate = annotationCoord; Annotation.title = [theDict object ForKey: kAddressKey]; Annotation. Subtitle = [theDict objectForcae: CARGINI]; [Ar addObject: annotation]; } If ([arr number]> gt; {[mapView addNnotations: arr]; NSDictionary * theDict = [mListArr object import index: 0]; CLLocationCoordinate2D AnnotationCoulder; AnnotationCorder.Litidued [[Dict ObjectForcae: Liteituke] double value]; Annotation code. Loneliness = [[Dict objectforki: langtiduke] double value]; [MapView Setcentor Corodine: Annotation Coord Animated: Yes]; MkConnetinate Region Area = MK Cordinetragon McVidhististens (Annotation Coord, 50000, 50000); [MapView Set Region: [MapView regionThatFits: Area] Animated: Yes]; } thanks in advance
EDIT: I am using ARC
EDIT:. Is logged after:
* thread # 3: tid = 0x2803, 0x3af605d0 libsystem_kernel.dylib`kevent64 + 24, queue = 'com.apple.libdispatch- manager frame # 0: 0x3af605d0 libsystem_kernel.dylib`kevent64 + 24 frame # 1: 0x3ae9bd26 libdispatch .dylib`_dispatch_mgr_invoke + 810 frame # 2: 0x3ae97378 libdispatch.dylib`_dispatch_mgr_thread + 36 Now on the device after running the following log: * thread # 1: TID = 0x2403, 0x3791ae46 libGPUSupportMercury.dylib`gpus_ReturnGuiltyForHardwareRestart + 10, line = 'com.apple. Main-thread, stop reason = EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code = 1, address = 0x1) frame # 0: 0x3791ae46 libGPUSupportMercury.dylib_gpus_Retur nGuiltyForHardwareRestart + 10 frame # 1: 0x3791b764 libGPUSupportMercury.dylib`gpusSubmitDataBuffers + 124 Frame # 2: 0x330af5e4 IMGSGX543RC2GLDriver`SubmitPacketsIf any + 244 frame # 3: 0x3550e37a GLEngine`gliPresentViewes + 206 Frame # 4: 0x35516 DF 2 Opanajielas- [Iajiel Kntekstekst Reedrbfr :] + 74 frame # 5: 0x39cf8596 Vectorkit- [Vijielskrinkavans Dadwuv] + 54 frame # 6: 0x39 Sifatti 855 Venktkit- [Vikeskrinkanwas Diavwu] + 60 frame # 7: 0x39 CF 84 A6 Vectorkit - [V Kemapaknwas Dadwu] + 42 Frame # 8: 0x39 Seep 838 Vector Kit - [VKScreenCanv as onTimerFired:] + 1124 Frame # 9: 0x39ced808 Vectorkit- [VKMapCanvas onTimerFired:] + 500 frame # 10: 0x39 cc 6 A6 Vectorkit` [VKMainLoop displayTimerFired:] + 614 frame # 11: 0x35ca07a8 QuartzCore`CA :: Performance: By: DisplayLink :: dispatch (unsigned long, unsigned long) + 160 frame # 12: 0x35ca0700 QuartzCore`CA :: performance :: IOMFBDisplayLink :: callback (__ IOMobileFramebuffer *, unsigned long to unsigned long to unsigned long , Zero *) + 64 Frame # 13: 0x37f1cfd6 IoMphoneFramebufferImobileFreemebfufferSinkFaw Hundred + 154 frame # 14: 0x34c935ac IOKit`IODispatchCalloutFromCFMessage + 192 frame # 15: 0x3407588a Korfoundeshn`__ CFMachPortPerform + 118 frame # 16: 0x340803 E 6 cores Found ation`__CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE1_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 34 frame # 17: 0x3408038a CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopDoSource1 + 138 Frame # 18 : 0x3407f20e CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopRun + 1382 Frame # 19: 0x33ff223c CoreFoundation`CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 356 Frame # 20: 0x33ff20c8 CoreFoundation`CFRunLoopRunInMode + 104 Frame # 21: 0x37bd133a GraphicsServices`GSEventRunModal + 74 Frame # 22: 0x35f0e2b8 UIKit`UIApplicationMain + 1120 Frame # 23 : 0x00134928 AppName`main (argc = 1, argv = 0x2fd1fd08) + 116 at main.m: 16 frame # 24: 0x3c1d3b20 libdyld.dylib`start 4
Access You should set an exception breakpoint in the xcode and when the application crashes you will get it to be able to get a backcount with BT , it can be very useful
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