ruby on rails - Rspec not creating .rb file -

Running through Michael Hartl's Railroad Tutorial. In section 3.2.1 on generating command generated, I get a << strong> responsive response, but not expected build response :

  $ rails generates integration_stest static_pages I can only create the required /requests/static_pages_spec.rb file, but I would like to understand why I can not find the desired output as described in the tutorial:   

/ P>

  $ rail generated single To create static_pages RSPC, RCSEP / Request / static_pages_spec.rb   

My gemfile in this context:

  source 'https: // 'Ruby' 2.1.1 'Mani Rail', '4.1.0' Mani 'sass-rails',' ~ & gt; 4.0.3 'Gem' euglaform ',' & gt; = 1.3.0 'gem' coffee-rail ',' ~ & gt; 4.0.0 'Gem' jquery-rails 'gem' turbolinks 'gem' jbuilder ',' ~ & gt; 2.0 'Mani' sdoc ',' ~ & gt; 0.4.0 ', Group :: Doctor Mani' Spring ', Group :: Development Group: Developing Mani' Better_Arror 'Mani' Binding_off_Keller ',: Platform = & gt; [: Mri_19, mri_20 ,: mri_21 ,: rbx] gem 'quiet_assets' gem' rails_layout 'end group: development, testing: gem' sqlite3 'gem' factory_girl_rails' gem 'rspec-rails',' ~ & gt; 2.14.1 'End Group: Production Mani' thin 'gem' PG ',' ~ & gt; 0.17.1 'gem' rail_12 factor ',' ~ & gt; 0.0.2 'End Group: Test Do Mani' Capibara 'Mani' DatabaseBlanner 'Mani' Throw 'Mani' Lonni Mani 'Selenium-WebDriver' End   

Editing: Adding Code to Applications .bb The file is suggested in a comment below. Code formatting in comments is to save me ...

  config.generators do | G | G.test_framework: rspec, fixtures: true, visible_spice: wrong, helper_spice: incorrect, routing_spec: incorrect, controller_spec: incorrect, request_spec: incorrect gffessor_placement: factory_gate, dir: "speck / factories" and   

I did some Google mining, but there was not much luck in finding a good overview of all the possible options g.test_framework method. It is not sure where the problem is or not. Edit 2: Adding to other people, who have the same question - the app was created using Rail-Composer, I'm assuming that it's an auto-configured setting As part of the setup Uncustomed, but I think if you type false

request_specs for true, things will work for you.
  config.generators do G | G.test_framework: rspec, fixtures: true, visible_spice: wrong, helpful_spice: incorrect, routing_spec: wrong, controller_spec: incorrect, request_spec: wrong # Change this one! G.fixture_replacement: factory_girl, dir: "spec / factories" and    


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