javascript - Ng-repeat did not update rows after manual manipulation? -
I have a ng-repeat job okay I have implemented an X-editable that works well I There are pages, paging is applicable. I am using NG-tables, however, when some records are updated using jquery x-editabe (through its Ajax method), then refrain from angulars, ng-repeats which Why especially updates?
& lt; Td title = "value" data-type = "number" my-x-editable data-ordered = "'value' 'filter =" {' value ':' text '} "& gt; {{Product.Price}} & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td title = "'vendor'" data-sort = "vendor" "filter =" {'value': 'text'} "& gt; & Lt; A href = "#" id = "VendorID" class = "xEditable" data-type = "select" data-pk = "{{product.ID}}" data-source = '@ Url.Action ("productive") 'Data-value = "{{product.Vendor.ID}}" data-url = "@ Url.Action (" update attributes ")" title = "@ resources.OA_Attribute_Vendor" & gt; {{Product.Vendor.Name}} & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; If I do not update using X-editable, then everything keeps working well. When I use the X-editable, when I go to the next page, then the special column is not updated with ng-repeat.
For any changes made outside of AngularJS (such as DOM manipulations, etc.), call $ Is required so that AngularJS can reflect by choosing those changes.
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