java - RoboVM plugin 0.0.11 not working with eclipse -

When I create a RoboMole Eclipse project, Eclipse gives me an exception:

  Selected wizard could not be started The plug-in was unable to load the org.robovm.eclipse.ui org.robovm.eclipse.internal.NewCocoaTouchProjectWizard class. An error occurred while activating the bundle org.robovm.eclipse.ui automatically   

Similarly, let me select "Settings" & gt; "RoboVM":

  Unable to create the selected priority page, an error occurred while activating the bundle org.robovm.eclipse.ui automatically   

I Updated in Java 1.7. I'm using Eclipse version 3.7.2, but when I tried to do it with Kepler Service Release 2, I had to face the same problem.

This problem is similar, but my reactions have not been resolved, as I am already using the latest Robom and JDK.

Are you walking holes? Is OSX Mavericks guessing?

I think that I have something similar and it has been resolved :. The problem I had was that I installed Java 7 (as it sounds like) and it was shown as available in Eclipse but Eclipse was not running Java 7, it was using Java 6 . And the plugin will only run in Java 7. I am using Kepler SR2 FYV.

Ie you first install Java 7 (you think you did it), but then you have to make sure that the eclipse moves with it - in the build environment Only this is not available.

By clicking (or whatever you call) on eclipse.ini by clicking on / applications / eclipse / eclipse and package Show content . Then I added these two rows to the eclipse.ini file:

  -vm / library / Java / JavaVirtualMachines / jdk1.7.0_51.jdk / Contents / Home / Bin / java   

immediately before this line:


Then I stopped and eclipse At this point in restart, the plug-in was able to run.

Hope it helps ... it was a few weeks ago and I remember that this is the biggest obstacle with RoboMo. I just do not remember what the error was!


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