
Showing posts from August, 2014

html - Inputs have same CSS height, but different rendered heights -

I 2em as 2 & lt; Input & gt; Using CSS, the heights are provided differently in Google Chrome. Here's a belt that shows: Using Chrome's Dev tool, in my computer, there is a height of 32 pixels in text input, while the button input is 28.79999 px height. How can I equalize them without manually adjusting the number of pixels? The problem is that the input limits that you are not taking into account can be sent through CSS The same limitations can change, but this control is over, which makes the control very bad (or else you styling the boundaries of each input and you adjust your height, which means that all of you are different - manage different genres) One option is to use the -webkit-appearance css rule to disable it, as is the other suggestion. Alternatively you can tell CSS to box-sizing: border-box; You can set the height height of the specified input to your height, including the limitations.

javascript - I want to create Drag and Drop UI for Controls -

I want to create an page in which you have some control you can drag control in the div and even drop it You can also set the position in the div and save the device in the database and you can remember it whenever you want. I have to know how it will work. How to control the situation of control, etc. You can use jQuery UI draggable. This is the extension of jQuery UI Draggable which will allow you to create a jQuery UI placeholder. It will be stored in the browser's cookie. See the documentation to learn more about it.

class - Should this method be static? -

I am quite new to Java and currently debugging a program. So I have a class in which there is a simple method with some calculation basically when I call this method to use a variable from another category (this is part of an array, from which to some Calculating) I need the calculation that I need. Then I call it once again in the second category, it re-calculates and my number becomes compromised. Is there a way to take this method into some values, calculate and then? This is the array class, I need to instantiate it and after that I should have a constant when I call it again, is there no way when I just say arrays? In the second category I use PlanetMeat = New Planmat (), like some evening. Content (FSI, FS, FO); And pm.rh0 [48] for calling an array; public class scheme (constant = new constant); Double GPa = con.GPascals; Main = new main (); Public int i; Public Inc. EOS []; Public double rho0 []; Public double c []; Public double nn []; Public Double KS []; Public Dou...

javascript - Why do options["foo"] || -

Reading through knockout.js source code I came to settlement when option = option ["when disposed"] || | Options.disposeWhen I have never seen it before and whatever I know about Javascript says that there is no case when || Both sides of the will be different. Why could the knockout team have used this build? This symbol comes as a result of matching the closing compiler: Closure compiler compilation does not change the string literals in your code anytime, regardless of which compilation you use, it means that the compilation properties with ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS behave differently, depending on whether your code stringes them Or does not access it. If you combine string contexts for the property with dot-syntax references, the closure compiler changes the name of some references to that property but not the other. As a result, your code probably will not go right. The literal use of both dot syntax and string is the "safe" way to work around it,...

encryption - encrypting on javascript using ceaser cipher -

My assignment is encrypt and decrypt text only in input and output boxes using Java Script. Everything is already for me but my work is how to write Caesar cipher, can I get an algorithm of a simple one? Thank you. Most likely you want to apply rot 13 cipher, because this is the same as encryption / decryption Makes algorithms. With it, you raise a character from 13 to get the "encrypted" version. If A1 and Z is 26, then you encrypt, A = & gt; N (1 = & gt; 14) and Z = & gt; M (26 = & gt; 13) Then to decrypt, N = & gt; A (14 = & gt; 1); M = & gt; Z (13 = & gt; 26). function rot 13 (str) {return (str + '). Replace (/ [az] / gi, function (s) From the return string, the code (S.Corkot at (0) + (STO lowercase) and Lt; 'N' 13: -13))}} ; }

Ruby undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) -

I'm trying to make a version of Conway's life game through Ruby. I have created a grid class with @play_area as a playground, however, when I run my code, then @play_area becomes zero, because it has been evaluated twice before (when evaluated in line Then @play_area [x_mod] [y_mod] .alive). Why is this happening? Edit Here is the initial function: def initialize (sizex, sizey) @ X_length = sizex @ Y_length = sizey @play_area = [] # Preliminary Dead Cells @ x_length.times do | X | @play_area [x] || = [] @ Y_length.times do | Y | @play_area [x] [y] = cell New (X, Y, False) puts @play_area [x] [y]. End error ending is the function error In: def Neighbor_name_f_gel (pos_x, pos_y) c = @play_area [pos_x] [pos_y] count = 0 ((pos_x-1) .. (pos_x + 1)). Do each. X | (Pos_y-1) .. (pos_y + 1)). Every do Y | Until @play_area [x] [y] .eql? (C) x_mod = x% (@x_length + 1) puts y_mod = y% (@__lamb + 1) x_mod puts y_mod if _play_area [x_mod] [y_mod] .alive count + 1 end end e...

php - Read in all the files in a particular directory displays the file names in a html list -

Reading all the files from a particular directory and displays the file name / link in an html list. File name 2 file name 3 (file ext: .pdf) I'm seeing something like output: File name 1 My code: & lt; Ul & gt; & Lt ;? Php $ dir = '/ my_directory_location'; $ Files = scandor ($ dir); Forex Currency ($ files as $ INDILE) {? & Gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "& lt ;? php echo $ dir." / ". $ Ind_file ;? & gt;" & Gt; & Lt ;? Php echo $ ind_file ;? & Gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt ;? Php}? & Gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; Thank you in advance & lt ;? Php foreach (globe ("* .pdf") as $ filename) {echo "$ filename "; } Output: resume1.pdf resume4.pdf resume5.pdf

deployment - How to upload Parent child SSIS package to server -

Hi all I am very new to SSIS I got some SSIS package developed by some other person, this flat after package mapping. Reads data from files and stores in the database. Flow: 1) To first extract the package into the flat file and in the table in the store 2) Then it calls the child package using the package package. 3) Then baby packages do some calculations and update the database table. The SSIS database is using environment variables to get information. Everything is working fine, but now I want to deploy it to the package on my client's server. Q: Do I need to copy and paste from the bin folder and paste it on the client machine? What I tried: I copy the file from the bin folder and keep it on my local computer. Then I prepare a job in MSSQL and run the work. The package runs completely but later I changed the location of my project and the problem started, the work stopped. Problem: An error says that the location of the hair package is not available (as I have changed ...

selenium - how to execute javascript in robot framework -

Below is my code when I run it to find it WebDriverException I want to know how to use JavaScript in the robot framework Execute this refund $ (logic [0]). Data ('$ {ToolTip}'). Options.title code- Java selenium is doing well in the Web driver. $ over mouse {CreateTask} JavaScript returns $ (argument [0]) data ('$ {tooltip}'). By default, the code will be executed in the context of selenium objects, so it will refer to the selenium object. Use the window to see your app's window, e.g. ($ Foo). Create the mouse on the $ [CreateTask] Javascript return window. $ (Argument [0]) .data ('$ {tooltip}'). Options.title Assume that there is some library (most JQuery) that actually understands $ shorthand.

Insert characters between strings in -

मेरे पास एक स्ट्रिंग है जिसमें AFCADABAFGHABCDAEAXB मैं एबी जैसे [एबी] से पहले और बाद में एक टैग जोड़ना चाहता हूं एएफसीएडी [एबी] एफ़ बी [एबी] सीडीएई [एएक्सबी] जेएए खिड़कियों के रूप में कार्य करना यह निश्चित रूप से सबसे सुरुचिपूर्ण समाधान नहीं है, लेकिन मेरा मानना ​​है कि यह काम करता है: स्ट्रिंग स्ट्रिंग = "एएफसीएडीएबीएएफजीएचएबीडीएएएसीएबीएबीएएचएएडीएडीएक्सबी"; स्ट्रिंगबिल्ल्डर sbOutput = नया स्ट्रिंगबिल्डर (); स्ट्रिंगबिल्डर एसबीटीम्प = नया स्ट्रिंगबिल्डर (); फोरेक (स्ट्रिप्यूशन में चार च) {if (ch.Equals ('A')) {if (sbTemp.Length & gt; 0) {sbOutput.Append (sbTemp.ToString ()); SbTemp = नया स्ट्रिंगबिल्डर ()। एपेंड (सीए); } अन्य {sbTemp.Append (ch); }} और {अगर (sbTemp.Length & gt; 0) {sbTemp.Append (ch); अगर (ch.Equals ('B')) {sbOutput.Append (String.Format ("[{0}]", sbTemp.ToString ())); SbTemp = नया स्ट्रिंगबिल्डर (); }} और {sbOutput.Append (ch); }}} पर क्लिक करें

php - Finding query in substring instead of full text -

I created a search function. It can get the address from the whole lesson, but how can I create query search from parts of the address? For example, the complete address is Paya lebar Road Blk27 , how can I do this so that the user can simply type in paya and it will still be visible? SearchForm & lt; H2 & gt; See Patient Records & lt; / H2 & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Form action = "display_patient.php" method = "post" & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Choose: & lt; Select name = "patient_war" & gt; & Lt ;? Php $ value = array (see_now, name, address); Forex Currency ($ value $ option) {echo '& lt; Option value = "'. $ Option.' '' (Issued ($ _ POST ['Patient' '']) and $ _POST ['Patient' '] == $ Option?' Selected ':' ''). ' & Gt; ' . $ Option '& lt; / option & gt;';}? & Gt; & lt; / select &...

single sign on - Enable SSO on redhat Environment -

I need to enable SSO on my redhat environment. I need to know which RPMMS requires installation of WebSale instance One such case is to configure AD to support single sign-on against. I am installing WebSite 6.1 (Tivoli Access Manager WebSial 6.1). I have no information about this. Can anyone tell me and help me here how to move forward and what steps should be taken? How to do this with IBM's Infosessor: "post-text" itemprop = "text"> IBM has a good write up on the infosessor: / P> TAM 6.0: TAM 6.1.1: Sam 7.0: You have to do the following: Install the IBM Kerberos client for WebSEAL Create an entry in the ad for the Linux server, so that Map the Kerberos principal for that AD user (fastest part) Enable SPNEGO on WebSL Here are some of my notes that can help, however, I strongly advise to walk through the instructions given on the Infosessor site because they are almost correct. For step 1, in the linux_i386 directory...

python 3.x - How to execute the ipython notebook -

I'm trying to run the Notebook notebook, but I am trying to not execute any output, returns an error, error: a webserocket connection could not be established. You will not be able to run the code Check your network connection or notebook server configuration, so what can I do? This error means that your iPython notebook server is not running if you are running Ubuntu or OSX , Then you need to go to the command line, insert the CD into the directory where your notebook file is, and run the ipython notebook . This will start the local notebook webserver and you can then run code inside your notebooks. To get an error probably means that you accidentally killed the local webserver, which allows you to run a notebook.

testing - ios - error while uploading application at device anywhere studio -

I'm trying to upload an iPhone app to the studio anywhere on the device. But when I click on the "data cable" button to distribute my data, I get this error: Unable to upload application (error code: ensemble_error_unknown_error ). But I successfully downloaded the andriod application. Why this should be in iPhone only Nobody can help me. Since that error message is not very specific, therefore you should contact the support team anywhere on the device. for. Here is a contact for details of the upload process and support All the best.

Watin throws exception when Attach to IE -

I am using my automation framework but I keep getting this error: the system Unauthorized exception: The specified cast is not valid. IE newIE = IE.AttachTo & lt; IE & gt; (Find bürl (new reggae ("test.aspx")); What's the reason for this? Thanks! Please make sure that you have added the 'Interop.SHDocVw' reference and create an 'Embedded Interop' property Also try testing with 'False' with admin rights. Thanks, Evening _

sql - how to calulated length with respect to two column entries -

The code mentioned below can be made more compact, I like the length of cable for the same rack, equal to the same rack insulation Trying to do the length is 6 meters and then from one rack to the other rack up to 5 meters each rack rises and the rest are some random length. Database R has the following columns ID RACK_A RACK_B LENGTH 1 RK 1 RK1 2 RK2 RK 1 RK 1 RK2 4 MCR Desk PCR 5 Car Izst 6 PCR Car and similarly about 2000 entries update MASTER_SCHEDULE set CABLE_LENTH = switch (RACK_A = 'RK1' and RACK_B = 'RK1', 6, RACK_A = 'RK2 'And RACK_B =' RK2 ', 6, RACK_A =' RK3 'and RACK_B =' RK3 ', 6, racket_a =' rk4 'and' rakab = 'rk 4', 6, rca_a = 'rk5' and Rackage = 'RK5', 6, rack_a = 'rk 6' and rakaji = 'rk 6', 6, rap_a = 'r 7 'and' Rakyaji = 'RK7', 6 and so on LNGH = 6, RAP_A = 'RK1' and Rakaji = 'RK2' or 'RAP_A =' RK2 plus 20 statem...

javascript - Assign a jquery value to text inside the same PHP passage -

It currently resides in some web pages in the web page source: echo (" & Lt; span class = \ "somevalue \" & gt; & lt; / span & gt; "); This works, the value is expressed on the page where the PHP instructions are applied. But now - instead of announcing an echo () - how can it be assigned a text variable that I can use somewhere else in PHP? Thanks for any help. You can specify the string in a variable $ mySpan = "& Lt; span class = \" somevalue \ "& gt; & lt; / span & gt;"; and then echo the variable later in the code anywhere in the code. You can define $ mySpan at the top of the script or you can define it in a separate file and you can include that file in another file, you will need the variable.

javascript - How to grab text from a ul li Item? -

I have a list and want to run a search on them, this list populates a ddSlick drop down box item DdSlick is a good way to add photos to the list $ ("#txtSearch"). (Function () (.f ((function () {$ ('# marquee etams') ) .each (function (i, items_list) {$ (items_list) .find ('li'). Li) {//alert(li.TextContent}; var text = li.TextContent;})}); When I observe the element and look at the text, then it is not clear, but if I inspect Li, then it shows that the text content is present. How can someone catch me this lesson? this (small t ) Var text = li.textContent; but for jQuery use var text = $ (li) .text ();

haskell - type mismatch on Network.Wai.Middleware -

I am trying to follow static files with Scotty to serve. So I have a small script: Import the # - language overloaded strings # -} Web. Scotty Import Network why. Mildware. Physical Import Data. Monoide (Mconcrack) main = $ 3,000 Taxes Middleweight $ static policy (no dots & gt; - adbase "stable") "/: The word" $ beam " - The ultimate "word" html $ mconcat ["& lt; h1 & gt; Scotty,", beam, "me up! " / h1> "] The ghc generates the following error: server.hs: 9: 16 type 'network could not be matched with Y. Inherent. With 'Y-': Networks why. Request 'Required Type: Y- Networks why. Mildware real type: network. why. In Mildlveyr second argument of `static policy in exchange for a call 'Men` ($)', namely` static; policy (No dots & gt - & gt; Adbs "stable") a 'Dblutim' block: middleware $ Static policy (no dots & gt; - & gt code ...

How can i use my system login credential as alfresco? -

I need to map my system login as a login for Alfresco, so the user will not be able to enter alfres Alfresco You must add the appropriate ldap-ad authentication subsystem & amp; Configure LDAP-sync - Here's an example: More details about the LDAP-Aid authentication subsystem in LFRSA: If you are searching SSO related to NTLM or Kerberos , I have to configure this to be configured first in this ... Here's a look at:

pagination - GWT paginated cellTable reload to a specific page -

मेरे पास एक पृष्ठांकित सेलटेबल है, मैं पृष्ठांकित सेलटेबल और इसे एक विशिष्ट पृष्ठ पर लक्षित करें? उदाहरण के लिए, मैं पृष्ठ 5 देख रहा हूं, मैं पुनः लोड बटन पर क्लिक करता हूं और एक तर्क के रूप में pageNo = 5 देता हूं और पेजिंग लोड करने के बाद सेलटेबल अभी भी पृष्ठ 5 पर है । यदि आप किसी और एक का उपयोग करते हैं, तो आप बस: pager.setPage (5);

android - Bottom part not display in linear layout using scrollview -

I have a linear layout but scrolling data and screen size are not displayed at the bottom. Stretching bottom part, when using ScrollView inside linarlight, while scrolling to a higher height of device height If I have less If the data is then the vertical screen size then all the buttons below are visible properly. Public class testui liner layout (SV = new scrollview (reference); HSV = new horizontal ScrollView (reference); this.addView (topLinearHorizonal); hsv.addView (tableLayout); sv.addView (HSV); this.addView (sv); this.addView (fullbottomLinearHorizonal);} Edited: Linear Line Full BottomManier Horizonal = New Linear Layout ( Context); fullbottomLinearHorizonal.setOrientation (full); fullbottomLinearHorizonal.addView (clearLinearHorizonal); fullbottomLinearHorizonal.addView (bottomLinearHorizonal); If you select You want to always show fullbottomLinearHorizonal below (visible) when you add a view to TestGUI : LinearLayout.LayoutParams svParams = New Linea...

jsf 1.2 - JSF commandbutton onclick event not working -

I'm trying to use normal JSF commandbutton instead of submit button. I'm using this for & lt; H: commandButton value = "clickme" type = "button" onclick = "window.print ();" /> But normal raw HTML functions & lt; Input type = "button" name = "demo" value = "clickme" onclick = "window.print ();" / & gt; When I display the window from the onclick. The print () button is displayed.

apache - Apache2 password protected Vhost configuration -

I have a problem with password protected vhost on apache2 and debian (7). This is a server that hosts many vhosts are now online for everyone, I just need to restrict access to one of them. ( I do not want to use .htaccess, while it is not the right way to apache. Here's my biggest trust in the site: /etc/htpasswd/.htpasswd generated by htpasswd (Apache 2 from) site claims that "authentication requirement", ask for a login and a password, ask again, and repeat ... under the quorum and icewizz DB tested 7). I've read part of the Episode 2 wiki, Episode 2 docs and www for this topic, I could not understand my mistake! Thanks for helping people! Wide-user should be a legitimate user

C++ map collision resolution as java HashMap -

I have already done a good and fast algorithm in Java that uses Howardmap. hashmap & lt; Point, float & gt; Map; Point class has the following structure Fixed public square point {Private IX; Private int y; Int hashCode () {int hash = 5; Hash = 59 * hash + it-> x; Hash = 59 * hash + THIS- & gt; Y; Return hash; } Boolean equivalent (point P) {return x == p. X & amp; Y == p .; }} I should repeat my algorithm in C ++ I decided to use c ++ stl hashmap. I copied the point class with small changes according to the C ++ syntax, and wrote the map in the following manner: std :: map & lt; Example of using [/ code] However, I have found that sometimes the C ++ version gives the wrong result of the algorithm after a lot of debugging , I found, some point equals hashodod: point (8,89) .hashcode () == 17 9 66; // x = 8, y = 89 points (930) .hashcode () == 17 9 66; Java resolves this conflict as a hash dispute solution with Hashmap Hashpe's sim...

php - Joomla Form Submission Issue -

I have RS Form Pro installed. I have created one and when it submits, Has changed to another site, where the form data is processed and then I come back to my Joomla site. Form Place: Form Properties - & gt; Form Properties - & gt; Action = Return URL = What issue This is that when the user submits form from , the form for the form is , the process File value is being received correctly but I can not get any form deposit value in the component in my RS component. How will this process be done in Joomla, so that I get the data on both sites. You must use the appropriate administrator to process the form and "www.mysite. Using com / process.php " you are creating additional entry points which can be weak. And in order to process the form in the controller, the following link will execute the desir...

profiling - java web application, check if any request taking more than certain amount of time -

I'm not sure that this is the proper forum for this kind of question. I am working on Java web application which uses JAVA (with play framework) backend and frontend HTML, jazzery. For some requests the system is taking longer than required, some requests are taking more than 20 seconds. My question is, is there a way to identify request / thread which is taking more than edit : I have a Was looking for a device that can be used long-term in the server, not eclipse profiler. I have used this in a similar situation Edit: Yes, a good

ruby on rails - Can I replace class variables with class instance variables in Simple Form gem? -

For stylish reasons, I would like to avoid using class variables and would like to change them with a class instance variables. So if I have: module SimpleForm mattr_accessor: input_error_class @@ input_error_class = 'error-field' ... end and I change it in I: Module SimpleForm @input_error_class = 'Error Field' Category & lt; & Lt; Self attr_accessor: input_error_class end ... end Will this break a simple form? If there is a class that is a sub-class or SimpleForm Superclass, then the shared code is @@ input_error_class , then by changing the class instance to the class instance variable, the variable will no longer be shared by sub / superclass, and it can break the code Also, If there is an example method that uses class variables, which can break the code. Otherwise, it does not break.

how to store html 'select' control input to the JSON object using ng-model in AngularJS? -

I am forced to select 'selection' input control in each row using ng-repeat. After binding, I want to store the selected value My code: & lt; Table & gt; For 'Selection' control on JSON object using ''? In the item & lt; Tr ng-repeat = "(breakfast, price)" & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; Label & gt; {{Refreshments}} & lt; / Labels & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; Td style = "padding-left: 500px" & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; Label & gt; {{Price}} & lt; / Labels & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; Td square = "td_width" & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; Select ng-model = "Quantity" & gt; & Lt; Option value = "0" & ​​gt; 0 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "1" & gt; 1 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option valu...

Page Transition Style Like Flipboard on Windows Phone 8 -

How do I create a flip effect on a wp8 application like flipboard style: Can you help me How to move this effect? Thank you. I would recommend using Telreck's slide view control. You can set up a flip transition You can download and try it Phone controls are only $ 99, even for better use, you have to control the telecard's phone, as well as infrastructures control, a Davis center Account and Bugsense Tracking $ 99 Millions I know it's not free, but how much time can you take to create all the controls you get from this time? Note: I am not affiliated with any of the above companies.

vbscript issue for removing trusted site -

After I have a script to add trusted sites to IE. CONST HKEY_CURRENT_USER = & amp; H80000001 strComputer = "." Set objReg = GetObject ( "winmgmts: \\" & amp; strComputer & amp; "\ root \ default: StdRegProv") strKeyPath = "Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Internet Settings \" _ & amp; "Joanmark \ domain \" & amp; "Https://" objReg.CreateKey HKEY_CURRENT_USER, strKeyPath strValueName = "* are" dwValue = 2 objReg.SetDWORDValue HKEY_CURRENT_USER, strKeyPath, strValueName, dwValue trusted sites successfully added, but there is a problem .... I through scripts that added worldwide sites, will not be able to get rid of it thanks in advance. '***************** ************************************************** ************ ************************************************************************************** ********* 'VBScript opened the IE truste...

selenium - I am not able to select option value from drop down list .select tag not containing any id or class or name -

I'm not able to select an option value from the drop down list. There is no ID or class or name in the selection tag. & lt; Select & gt; & Lt; Option title = "select" value = "" & gt; Select & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option title = "Packages" value = "PK" maxCount = "1" cgCount = "0" & ​​gt; Package & lt; / Option & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; Use it, my works :): Web Element element = Driver.Finded Element (Byte xpath ("// selection")); Select dropdown = new selection (element); Dropdown.selectByIndex (1); Source:

php - Export file as MOBI and ePub -

I am trying to export the file as MOBI and ePub. My input text or text file or PDF file . I am new to these two file formats (MOBI and ePub). I am looking for a library that can do this operation. I found that the images that are not working well are not parsed in the exported MOBI file and I can not find any solution for ePub yet. So please suggest me the best solution. Written here in a PHP, it is not exactly a library, but with some efforts, Can customize according to your needs. It is a trial battle, I have used it for EPUBs. It makes a good product. mvc - Xamarin ASP mvc 4 action with parameters not working -

मेरे पास ये क्रियाएं हैं: सार्वजनिक वर्ग होम नियंत्रक: नियंत्रक {सार्वजनिक कार्यक्षेत्र सूचकांक () {दृश्यडेटा ["संदेश"] = "मोनो पर एएसपी.नेट एमवीसी में आपका स्वागत है!"; वापसी देखें (); } सार्वजनिक कार्यप्रणाली पृष्ठ (स्ट्रिंग टेस्ट) {ViewBag.Message = test; वापसी देखें (); }} पृष्ठों की कार्रवाई काम नहीं कर रही है। मैं कोई त्रुटि मिलती है 500: System.TypeLoadException विधानसभा से प्रकार 'System.Web.UnvalidatedRequestValuesBase' लोड नहीं कर सका System.Web, संस्करण =, संस्कृति = तटस्थ, PublicKeyToken = b03f5f7f11d50a3a '। विवरण: HTTP 500. त्रुटि प्रसंस्करण अनुरोध। विवरण: गैर-वेब अपवाद अपवाद मूल (आवेदन या ऑब्जेक्ट का नाम): System.Web.Mvc अपवाद स्टैक ट्रेस: ​​System.Web.Mvc.FormValueProviderFactory.GetValueProvider पर (System.Web.Mvc.ControllerContext controllerContext) [0x00000] में से & lt; फ़ाइल नाम अज्ञात & gt;: System.Web.Mvc.ValueProviderFactoryCollection.GetValueProvider (System.Web में 0। Mvc.ControllerContext controller...

CopyFiles using IFileOperation (C++) -

I want to copy many files using IFileOperation. The copy of a file is not a problem like this example: My problem is that I have no way to copy many files like * .txt I use SHCreateShellItemArrayFromIDLists as this script Have tried: IShellItem * psiTo = NULL; HRESULT hr = SHCreateItemFromParsingName (CST arget, NULL, IID_PPV_ARGS (and psiTo)); LPCIIDIDILITIILIDPIILFIfile = ILCraftPath (CSSOSRS); UINT calculation = size (pedal); Ishel Itamayre * psiafiles = NULL; Hour = SHCreateShellItemArrayFromIDLists (counting, and pidlFiles, and psiaFiles); Hr = pfo- & gt; Copyimes (psiaFiles, psiTo); Hr = pfo- & gt; Display operation (); Use SHCreateShellItemArray in another way, such as: LPCITEMIDLIST pidlParent = ILCreateFromPath (_T ("C: \\")); LPCITEMIDLIST pidlChild = ILCreateFromPath (_T ("C: \\ Temp \\ *. Txt")); HRESULT hr = SHCreateShellItemArray (Pedalperant, Faucet, 1, & Pidil Child, and PsfaFile); Hr = pfo- & gt; Copyimes (psiaFiles, p...

java - Converting Json to XML Generated invalid XML -

कृपया निम्नलिखित पर एक नज़र डालें। आयात करें; आयात करें; Import; आयात; आयात करें; आयात org.json.JSONArray; आयात org.json.JSONException; आयात org.json.JSONML; आयात org.json.JSONTokener; आयात org.json.XML; आयात करें com.amazonaws.auth.ClasspathPropertiesFileCredentialsProvider; आयात com.amazonaws.regions.Region; आयात करें com.amazonaws.regions.regions; आयात करें; आयात करें; आयात; सार्वजनिक वर्ग जेसनटीओएक्सएमएल {निजी अमेज़ॅनएस 3 क्लाइंट एस 3; सार्वजनिक JsonToXML (स्ट्रिंग inputBucket, स्ट्रिंग inputfile) IOException, JSONException {// S3 S3 = नए AmazonS3Client के लिए कनेक्शन (नई ClasspathPropertiesFileCredentialsProvider ()) फेंकता है; क्षेत्र हमें वेस्ट 2 = क्षेत्र। टैग (क्षेत्र। US_EAST_1); s3.setRegion (usWest2); // ऑब्जेक्ट सिस्टम को डाउनलोड करना। Ou...

math - Computing Value of n -

I am working to calculate the value of n for the following equations: - n! = 10 ^ 7 (What I have done so far for this calculation is n (n-1)! = 10 ^ 7. But how should I proceed further .. I have no idea) n ^ N = 10 ^ 9 (for this, I tried to log on both sides but the answers are not satisfactory) Help me in these computations for the value of N I want to My answer should be counted in the context of logs or powers. You will get upwards of 2 for 1.): 10! = 3628800 & lt; 10 ^ 7 and lieutenant; 1 1! = 39 9 86800 - & gt; 10 & lt; N & lt; 11 and 2 for.): 9 ^ 9 = 38742048 9 & lt; 10 ^ 9 and lieutenant; 10 ^ 10 - & gt; 9 & lt; N & lt; 10 The exact result for 2 n = 9.295 is calculated as.

redirect - firefox redirecting trailing slash -

जब मैं url पर जाता हूं: http: // localhost / checkout / pay / 393032-bb9320fc213459a-6c653c8bd1 मुझे 404 त्रुटि मिलती है, जो सही है, क्योंकि यह पृष्ठ मौजूद नहीं है। हालांकि, जब मैं http: // localhost / checkout / pay / 393032-bb9320fc213459a- 6c653c8bd1 / (एक अनुगामी स्लैश के अलावा नोट करें) यह मुझे http: // localhost / pay / 393032-bb9320fc213459a-6c653c8bd1 (बिना / चेकआउट) के लिए रीडायरेक्ट करता है, जो भी नहीं करता है अस्तित्व में है। क्यों एक अनुगामी स्लैश के अलावा यह मुझे पुनर्निर्देशित करने के लिए कारण है? मेरे पास एक .htaccess फ़ाइल नहीं है, इसलिए यह ऐसा नहीं हो सकता, और क्योंकि पृष्ठ मौजूद नहीं हैं, यह एक रीडायरेक्ट कर एक स्क्रिप्ट नहीं हो सकता। जब मैं पेज को फायरबग में देखता हूं, मुझे कोई रीडायरेक्ट दिखाई नहीं देता है, तो ऐसा लगता है कि यूआरएल को अदृश्य रूप से बदलना पड़ता है, और मुझे पता नहीं क्यों है मुझे कहाँ दिखना चाहिए? संपादित करें: पता चलता है कि यह केवल एक विशिष्ट यूआरएल है जिसे पुनः निर्देशित किया जा रहा है, और यह केवल फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स में होता है, इसलिए मुझे...

php - How to Display 1 of 2 parameters passed in URL with htaccess? -

I currently have something What is the HTXus code that redirects localhost / category.php? Id = some more phrases = which to localhost / id / phrase what I have to do now Adds additional code which will display only one of the parameters in the URL for a different page, which is called article.php, it is only localhost / article / id Note that I want to cut the phrase parameter from the above URL, and display only the id segment. I currently have the full code in the .htaccess file with me: options + rewrite the follow up script on the envato revetabab / # external redirect from /category.php?id=name&phrase = Sthing to / name / some rewriteconds% {THE_REQUEST} \ s / + category \ .php \? Id = ([^ & amp;; + +)) and phrase = ([^ \ & amp;; ++]) [NC] rewrite ^ ^% 1 /% 2? [R = 302, L] RewriteCond% {REQUEST_FILENAME} -d [OR] Rewrite Convert% {REQUEST_FILENAME} -f Rewriting Rule ^ - [L] # clears all articles, rewriting files and directories by rewriting fil...

how to send email to multiple users one by one without BCC and CC using php -

I want to send emails to many users, who have 4 emails with me and each 4 emails are different from others. Just want me to send an email to all of them without BCC and CC stuff so that email them as one. Here is my code: $ _ session ['eventAdminEmail'] = array (,,, ' ); $ ToAdmin = $ _SESSION ['eventAdminEmail']; $ AdminSubject = "Hello"; $ Mail_headers = "MIME-version: 1.0" .PHP_EOL; $ Mail_headers = "Content-type: text / html; charset = ISO-885 9-1" .PHP_EOL; $ Mail_headers = "From: Test Support & lt;>". PHP_EOL; If (isset ($ _ session ['eventAdminEmail'])) {mail (explosion (',', $ toAdmin), $ adminSubject, $ adminMessage, $ Mail_headers); } You can use a loop for it $ _SESSION ['eventAdminEmail'] = array (mahosine @,,, '); $ AdminSubject = ...

hadoop - Copy hdfs file to another hdfs location using java -

I have to copy the HDFF file in HDF to use Java in the second place. The source should not be removed, just want to copy the source file, in which the new filename will be placed at the target HDFS location. I could only rename in copyFromLocal, copyToLocal or class. Can anyone tell that any method with the new name in the source directory can just copy the HDFS file? Use the Copy function of FileUtil : javadoc () from: throws IOException

c# - Difficulties with Visual Studio 2013 and ASP.NET MVC -

I recently started developing my ASP.NET MVC app on VS2013. Before that change, I could start the app in debug, stop debugging, and do all the work. But now when I stop debugging, the whole application also stops working. Also, when I modify web config on debug, I have to close the debug. Why am I having this problem? When I was working on VS2010 / VS2012 everything was working fine. project properties - & gt; the web Enable Enable and Continue .

html - IE9 class calls in an external css stylesheet not working -

I am currently running this code. I also have an external stylesheet that will correct my entire style of the page , But I am currently running on this issue. When I call .i9 as a class in my external stylesheet and want to apply it is a gradient style, my code is not running in Internet Explorer emulation. However, when I do not run the code in the .9 class then the code actually works so I have made some mistake somewhere. Perhaps you will know what the problem is. HTML code: & lt ;! - [If IE 8] & gt; & Lt; Html lang = "en" class = "ie8" & gt; & Lt; [Endif] - & gt; & Lt ;! - [If IE 9] & gt; & Lt; Html lang = "en" class = "ie9" & gt; & Lt; [Endif] - & gt; & Lt ;! - [if! IE]> & Lt ;! - & gt; & Lt; Html lang = "nl-nl" & gt; & Lt; -! [Endif] - & gt; & Lt ;! - [If LT IE 9] & gt; & Lt; Script src = "

iphone - iOS 7 setContentOffset in viewDidLoad resettting to 0 -

I have the UISearchBar attached to the top of the table view. The idea is that when you If you pull down you can search. Therefore I have attached the search bar under IOS 6 and then in the view, Deedload I "setContentOffset" to CGPointMake (0, searchBar .frame.size.height) content offset Sets 44 This works perfectly for me. Although the behavior in iOS 7 is not the same. When I am in the Setdant Offset view view, I see an internal call on _notifyDidScroll which sets the content back to offset 0 ( viewDidLoad After completion). The funny thing is that my search bar is not -44. How can I do iOS6 and IOS7 behave in the same way? I do not care that IOS6 is starting to denounceDidScroll or iOS 7, but I want stability between the two versions! For now, I have to use a terrible solution which is iOS 7 and iOS 6. I think you have to disable undeatables in your view controller. You can do it in Storyboard or .xib in the property of your UIViewController. ...

javascript - How to select multiples HTML elments with jquery -

I want to use jquery with all elements that are active with id = result-XX (class = ... Active). The HTML page contains: & lt; Li id = "result-1" class = "list-group-item hover active" & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li id = "result-2" class = "list-group-item hover" & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li id = "result-3" class = "list-group-item hover" & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; I have tried the following (to select only the list of results), but it does not work: console.log ( "Result:" + $ ('Li [id ^ = "result-1"') length). Console.log ("Results:" + $ ("li: in ('result -')"). Length); Console.log ("Result:" + $ ("li [id ~ = 'result -']"). Length); Then, we just need to get active ones. Should work first, but your selector is wrong $ ('li = id = 'Result -'] ') . You ca...

Mutable/immutable data with foreign keys - a database design issue -

Let's say we have a webshop, where people can save their shipping / billing addresses for later use. We store our data in a relational database, so obviously the addresses get their table when the customer purchases, we want to record what address they chose for their purchase, so that In its purchase history, it can be reviewed. We can make a foreign key in the purchase table on the address table, so that the DB is somewhat normalized, but in this way, we have to ensure that the addresses are irreversible, so that the shipping / billing address in the purchase history remains the same. The second way is to replicate the addresses in the purchase table so that users can edit / delete freely from the table of addresses, and purchase history remains the same. This replication scheme works well for small amounts of data, but we ask that we want to attach a picture to each shipping / billing address, and now it is becoming very expensive, especially with resources like smartphones ...

mysql - ActiveRecord custom has_many association makes multiple calls to the database -

I have a couple of active recorder objects, which are related to the I_many Association, having created custom with having_many associations. Example: First AR item: class car second AR object: class round object Please note that the above is not an indication of the function of my app, just to outline the relationship between my two AR objects. The issue I am raising is that when I reset the cache (and thus my cache rails again in the database to all AR objects), when it is RoundObject object comes back, it gets a lot of calls, each SQL related to the collection of round object s for a vehicle_id Run is being done for the console being ordered, so it mer The output is kind of seen:. RoundObject load (2.0ms) round_objects` selection` * `round_objects` where` round_objects` with `.have__id` = 28 and (active = 1) RoundObject load (1.0ms) is selected from` Round_objects`. * `Round_objects` where` round_objects`.`vehicle_id` = 29 and (active = 1) RoundObject load...

c# - Sorting algorithm for large set of Server and Path -

Working in C #, I would like to write an efficient sorting algorithm that will take as a text file that includes the serial list of the server and the path combination and the output file sorted. As an exercise, I am working under the impression that the size of the input data will be more than the available memory, so I am thinking of reading the file one part in the memory at one time, one Quick type (or a heap sort, maybe?) Is doing, outputting sorted partition in temporary files, then sorting a merge to produce the final output. The format of the input file is in my discretion. This can be just a list of UNC paths (server and path as a string) or with CSV as separate fields with server and path. My question is, is there any benefit to this? In my data structure, the server and path can be different bodies and evaluate them separately? Due to server and path separation, comparison of server names will be finished while running a path comparison, but requiring additional runs...

javascript - How to style HTML select option hover and selected option effects -

I'm trying to delete the default blue background on the HTML selection option hover effect, as well as the selected option effects. I am the block of CSS below but it does not work. The idea of ​​things about how it can be achieved. select.color-chooser Options: hover {background-color: none! Important; } Select.color-chooser option [selected] {background-color: none! Important; } You can not do this, if you want to use jQuery Or similar This makes HTML listings easier in style.

c# - How to make HTML javascript template work aspx -

With the ASPX and Javascript templates, I am trying to transfer the following JS template to SPX in the new IM and HTML, but how can IM call? Object from my javascript in aspx In my JS file, I have a function I function to template (photo) {PHOTO: {count: photo.likes.count, Avatar: photo.user .profile_picture, Photo: photo.images.low_resolution.url, url:}; In my basic work HTML code, I have created a script and href = '& lt;% = url% & gt;' Using the URL, the URL from the JS file is on the HTML page. Goal = '_ blank', which works fine. If I want to do the same (dynamic link object "url") in the aspx from js file, how should i do? I tried the same way but did not work. Thanks in advance for anyone's help. You can read this article to get any solution for a friend! P>

delphi - JvMail (JEDI) component not sending mail -

The JvMail component is not working correctly or I'm doing something wrong. Process TForm1 RzURLLabel1Click (Sender: Toobject); Then start if cxLookUpComboBox1.Text = '' then cancel the other with JvMail1. Start SimpleMAPI JvMail1. clear; JvMail1.Recipient.AddRecipient ('smtp:'); JvMail1.Subject: = 'Lost Password'; JvMail1.Body.Text: = 'Request Password:' + # 13 # 10 + cxLookUpComboBox1.Text + # 13 # 10 + EdoffStastusBr 1 Panels [4]. Text; JvMail1.SendMail; End of end; My mail will not be sent until I put the email address prefix 'SMTP:'. It is clear that note: The format of the address specified by the parameter is [address type] [email address] . Examples of valid address fax: 206-555-1212 and SMTP: Description: The following code adds a recipient to the recipient list: JvMail1.Recipient.AddRecipient ('SMTP: ', 'some a');

Pass Windows path to MySQL stored procedure -

I have a stored procedure based on this question:. For some reason I can not work with Windows Path. Always get file writing error. Any ideas on how to pass the parameters? Just tried this and struggled a little too. Here's how I'm doing it: On the folder where MySQL writes files, make sure that the proper privileges are given for writing If security is not a concern, right click on the root folder, click on Properties -> a great way to do this; Add the Security tab, "Everyone" and provide "full control" However, depending on it and why you are doing it you may need to be more careful / selective ... Archived Use something like proc: call export_dynamic ('C: /dump/test1.txt'); ... or ... call export_dynamic ('C: \\\\ dump \\\\ test2.txt'); (Assuming C: \ dump is the folder where the files will be written with the permissions set from above.) Note: There are other possible problems with disk space, anti...

java - i am trying to take all the value from jtable and add it to ArrayList -

Hello, I have a method that takes value from jettbables and add it to Arrowify, I'm going to use the method in buffer Write the text to srt afterwards but now I am saving information inside the array public static ArrayList & lt; String & gt; GetTableStymeData () {ArrayList & lt; String & gt; Data = new arreelist & lt; String & gt; (); {Data.addAll (getValueAt (i, 2)) for (int i = 0; i } error message is: Error: Symbol data can not be found. All (getValueAt (i, 2)); Symbol: Method getValueAt (int, int) Location: Class GUIInterface 1 error netBeans suggest suggestions to create getValueAt () but what is the content of this method is declared some side information table Public class GuiInterface JFrame {String [] columnNames = {"#", "Start" , "End", "translation column"}; Public finals jettison table; DefaultTableModelSmodel; Public GUIInterface (string title) {cModel = new DefaultTableModel (column na...

shell - How do I pass an empty string with double quotes to a bash script? -

I am trying to write a script which, as an additional argument on the command line, accepts an empty string with double quotes Will do I want the script to pass those arguments with double-quoted blank string, if it is provided, but instead the command interpreter is considered such as an empty string and the quotation marks are removed is. Is there any way of doing it? As a simple example, I have to be in the file script. Sh: #! / Bin / bash / home / myapp $ 1 $ 2 If I run at the prompt: $ ./ arg1 "" The script executes only "/ home / myapp arg1" , but the second argument ("") misses / looks Comes. I want to preserve the empty string and execute it instead: / home / myapp arg1 "" You can find out how many positional parameters were given in your script, for example, if it is 2 or more, then you know that $ 2 Something was passed for, even if $ 2 is empty (quotation extract by calling shell has been remove...

java - Write items into excel cell -

I'm absolutely new to Eclips Java coding. I'm trying to finish a project to manage inventory. Part I is having trouble with that, when I tried to write an item in Excel cell, I was saying that the array is getting out of bounds errors. PS:. Item and item.getPartname etc. are all defined under another category file. Please help. Thanks FileOptStrap OS = new file output stream ("Order Receipt"); // Create a new workbook for writing data HSSFWorkbook wb2 = New HSSFWorkbook (); // Create a new sheet: HSS FSshit newsletter = wb2.createSheet ("MyNewSheet"); // Create a new line: for (int i = 0; i I can see many problems with the attached code: Missing file extension when creating new FileOutputStream - Since you are generating .xls workbook, you probably want to store in the XLS file (the extension is automatically ), Also make sure that you have the correct path to the directory for permission to write (Local App Direction, like this Conditio...

Use data-* attribute as tooltip for jQuery UI -

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here I got jQuery UI Tooltip for some I want to use the data - * attribute. I have seen many examples in this answer: But I work it properly I can not ... Here's my code: FIDDLE: HTML & lt; Div id = "div_1" & gt; Number 1 & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "div_2" & gt; Number 2 & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "div_3" & gt; Number 3 & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Button id = "btn_class" & gt; Step 1: Add Class 1 and 3 & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; Button id = "btn_tooltip" & gt; STEP 2: Add Tooltip in Class & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; Button ID = "BTN_Check" & gt; STEP 3: Examine data & lt; / Button & gt; Click "$" ("# div_1", "DivX"). AddClass ("Tooltip"). Data ("Text", "Show It!" );}); Click $ ("# Btn_tool...

C++ error to set string in struct by pointer -

I have to try setting a string inside of a straight, bellow my code: straight movieend {string name; }; Int main () {struct movieNode * newMovieNode = (struct menu) * malloc (sizeof (movieNode)); NewMovieNode- & gt; Name = "123"; } After running it, the following message appears: "Unsupported exception to 0x5EDB11E2 (msvcr110d.dll) in Trabalho.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation space Writing 0xCDCDCDCD. " Can anyone help me fix this? Thank you very much. You have allocated memory for favorite file , but you do not create it Have done Instead use the new Additionally, the broad type specifier is unnecessary in C ++. MovieVideo * NewMovienNode = New MovieDevD;